Thanks for the excellent post. Now I have something to think and write about. I am a Christian, but I am most definitely NOT a Calvinist. A Calvinist believes that man’s mind it totally depraved because of the Fall and cannot have direct contact with reality, much less with God. I am of the Armenian side of religion which believes that the Fall only affected the body, not the mind, and therefore the mind can have direct awareness of God. Therefore I am of the Charismatic branch of Christianity. One goes directly to God and doesn’t need to go through scripture. Scripture can be interpreted any way you want and theology becomes a mess. The Charismatic side of religion is not so interested in doctrine and interpretation, but in having an experience, a direct experience of God. And that experience is usually not calm and serene, but wild and filled with trembling and shouting. Thus it is a type of shamanism and orphic enthusiasm. And of course it becomes very sensual and even sexual. It is Woodstock of the soul. Calvinists look on in dismay. My grandmother thought Billy Graham was the anti-Christ because he said that speaking in tongues, glossolalia, was from the devil.
As for me, I am gay. I was an early in-your-face gay activist in the 1970s. I was way too bookish for the political activist life, however. I was oversexed and very religious in the charismatic sense. It seems to me obvious that Jesus was gay. People have speculated about the “Disciple that Jesus Loved” in the book of John, but it remains uncertain. Anyway Theodore Jennings Jr., a theologian from University of Chicago Theological Seminary, has written a lot about homosexuality in the Bible - ... way&sr=8-4 and also ... way&sr=8-5 another good book is this one - ... 910&sr=8-1
They are all rather scholarly but readable.
Of course the best book on The American Religion is by Harold Bloom, The American Religion – ... 465&sr=8-1
I have written a ton about the matter and you can find my books on my blog -
Religion ain’t the boring thing you think it is. Jesus is the believer’s trick for the night.