“The charm quark is an elementary particle found in composite subatomic particles called hadrons such as the J/psi meson and the charmed baryons created in particle accelerator collisions.”
An ironic advantage of being immaterial as a belief system is to know the limits of being immaterial in a way that can mimic a false “charm”. This redemptive feature might be viewed in how an infinity mirror room might only have a 1000 visible repetitions in a way that could be inadvertently dismissed as infinite by a materialist where an immaterialist would take being infinite too literally to have to back down! Anyway were a photon said to have mass then a photon bouncing off two mirrors could mimic light capture in outer space without the pull of gravity as if the two mirrors were connected together by wires as a box. That way the initial photon impact would move the mirror and impart energy into the mirror from Newton’s equal and opposite reaction combined with Newton’s first law of the mirror moving at constant velocity until acted on by another force. Then the reflected photon has lost energy and the collision with the second mirror will be smaller than the first resulting in slight deceleration of the first mirror but still moves forward in the same direction due to the bigger first collision. As the mirrors have more mass than the photon the photon will keep repeating this process bouncing back and forth thousands of times before the photon eventually freezes inside with the mirrors still moving. This photon capture might mimic an electron storing a photon in an atom with the electron gaining energy to move faster at the photon’s expense. The more energy levels the electron has the more photons an electron could store in higher orbitals as if an electron cube could store two photons with one moving in up and down and the other sideways in a mirror cube so to speak. Likewise with 3 or more photons an electron would increasingly resemble a kaleidoscopic polygon like a pentagon or a hexagon.
“We can also use light to make a clock, at least in theory. To do this we need to bounce a pulse of light between two mirrors that are a known distance apart. Light travels at 186,300 miles per second (very close to 300,000 km per second), so if we separate the mirrors by a distance of 93,150 miles (i.e. half 186,300) each individual mirror will be struck by the pulse of light once a second. In other words, the round trip from one mirror to the other and back again will take the light pulse one second.”
https://www. emc2-explained .info/The-Light-Clock/