Sy Borg wrote: ↑December 4th, 2023, 4:49 pm
Are we in a cosmic void?
value wrote: ↑December 16th, 2023, 8:48 pmI noticed dozens of science articles on the idea.
Earth would be in the middle of the void, and that void is not just equal but becomes 'more and more empty' towards the centre (towards Earth).
Earth at the center of a cosmic void void-middle-1.jpg (167.07 KiB) Viewed 1082 times
What do you think of the idea that the theory is catching publicity on major science magazines as the state of the art of Big Bang cosmology?
The cosmic void theory has been gaining momentum in recent months, with articles in prominent media being published in the past weeks. It came by again in Google's news feed two days ago.
We live in a cosmic void so empty that it breaks the laws of cosmology. [Read: This is why the Big Bang could still be right] ... cosmology/
What is interesting is that the cosmic void theory is fundamentally dependent on
dark energy and dark matter. I recently managed to use AI to conclude that dark energy and dark matter are fundamentally (philosophically) tied to 'cosmic structure' and that because of it, since it has not been measured yet, it should be perceived from the perspective of cosmic structure itself, i.e. a force of gravity in two directions, which equals the fundamental essence of life.
Yes, it can be established that both dark matter and dark energy are not random and are directly tied to cosmic structures. ... Therefore, both dark matter and dark energy should be perceived from the point of view of cosmic structures, as they are directly tied to the formation and evolution of the structure of the universe.
An example cosmological observation:
Universe Defies Einstein’s Predictions: Cosmic Structure Growth Mysteriously Suppressed
Scientists have discovered that cosmic structures grow slower than Einstein’s Theory of General Relativity predicts, with dark energy (negative mass) playing a more dominant role than previously thought.
Galaxies are threaded throughout our universe like a giant cosmic spider web. Their distribution is not random and requires either dark energy or negative mass. ... uppressed/
Not random =
Qualitative. This is the area of philosophy, potentially a point at which, instead of crying about 'breaking cosmology', it is philosophy's job to take over.
As for a scientific lead:
A recent new theory (since 2018) intends to replace Dark Matter and Dark Energy with a single concept:
Dark Fluid.
some of the biggest mysteries in cosmology require either negative mass or 'dark energy' to explain it"
The negative-mass cosmology proposed by Farnes 2018 (
NASA) replaces both dark matter and dark energy with
one single ingredient, namely the negative-mass fluid. The idea is that negative mass would create a repulsive form of gravity that would counteract the attractive force of normal matter, leading to the observed accelerating expansion of the universe.
Can a negative-mass cosmology explain dark matter and dark energy?⋆ ... 17-19.html
Farnes 2018:
The concept negative gravity (in the dark fluid theory) would break Einstein's theory of relativity. This would make it interesting for philosophical speculation since a whole lot may be learned from it.
A potential source of this 'negative mass' is the neutrino particle, also known as "Ghost Particle", that can change its mass influence up to 3000x in size 'from within itself', which is philosophical evidence that that change potential must be
Qualitative of nature.
As for philosophy backing off from this area of cosmological exploration:
thrasymachus wrote: ↑July 27th, 2023, 11:15 amOnly a fool doesn't believe in science.
Like I said, the matter needs to be left up to those with the technical knowledge.
I don't think it is philosophy's job to investigate science's claims.
My reply:
what if it concerns a
mass influence change potential that must be contained within a particle that might be fundamental to the existence of the Universe? Would it be responsible to 'leave it to empirical science'? How can science even consider the concept Quality other than through human psychology?
When neutrinos are the source of mass and Gravity, and when the source of their gravitational influence
must be contained within the neutrino and when that would include
the potential to change that mass influence, it would imply that, if there would be the slightest
Quality involved in that changing mass/Gravity influence, it would manifest as both
positive and
negative Gravity.