“rainchild” wrote:That's actually part of the point I'm making. Because God has other attributes than the Big Three O's, the absence of one of the Big Three O's can't rule out his existence. So, the Problems of Evil and Suffering address God's alleged character, not his existence.
You don’t know that a god has some attributes, you can only theorize about a particular god having some attributes and try to make your case. If attributes that are essential to its being (theoretically defined) are found not to be in place in a given instance, then we can be pretty sure that this particular god does not exist. To be more clear: if your god requires omni benevolence to be essential to its being, the presence of evil in its character will rule out its existence. You can then proceed to theorize a new god that does not require omni benevolence as part of its being. You can also speculate that the omni benevolence of this god is compatible with the presence of evil external to its own being, if omnipresence is not one of its essential attributes. So you can speculate with other attributes and scenarios.
“rainchild” wrote:
There are plenty of theists who allow that, while God himself does not change, our understanding of God can change. This allows theology to evolve over time. That's how theology has move from the ancient desire for a God with the power and the iron laws of an ancient Middle Eastern Despot to the more benevolent God that many modern theologians believe in.
That’s what makes theology pointless, since it is pure theorizing and speculating about deities of which we have no firm grip in empirical reality. Any god can be, and there can be many gods, it all boils down to what they want to believe and how it advances a particular agenda.
“rainchild” wrote:
This may make the definition of God ambiguous, but the "definitions" of individual people are ambiguous in just this way. One person can be "the love of my life" to one perceiver and be "the jerk who dumped me" to someone else. Different understandings of this person don't say anything about whether this person exists or not.
There are important differences. First, individual people are not theoretical, abstract entities, we can ground their existence and the properties of their beings empirically. There’s no good reason to keep their description in an ambiguous zone. Secondly, no one relies only on accidental, contingent attributes, assessed subjectively, to define anything. That’s the category in which you will find “the love of my life” and “the jerk who dumped me”. What we should expect is an objective definition based on concrete, essential attributes, with a firm grip on empirical reality.