I think there's very little point in fretting and fuming about how bad those rich people are because they don't use their billions to personally bring about a reduction in CO2 emissions. I think there's very little point in telling the big oil companies how bad they are, and punishing them. I think it's as pointless as saying that wherever the industrial revolution happened to start, that's who is to blame. It's a cliché to say it, but blame cultures are counterproductive. If there is an urgent need to reduce the amount of CO2 going into the atmosphere, and we want to try to do it without having to go back to pre industrial revolution standards of living, then I think part of that solution has to be the companies that currently bring us our cheap and convenient energy sources. Such things as big oil companies, with their track record of success at solving problems, should be encouraged to be part of the solution, not demonized as the source of the problem.
Now that the push to end the age of oil seems to be genuinely gathering steam (to use a coal powered analogy) it seems that oil companies really are starting to scale back oil exploration activity. Since most of the world still currently runs on oil, that pushes up the price of the stuff. (
Look at it.). That increases the profits of oil companies. That gives them the opportunity to invest in "renewables" in order to protect their own long term futures and keep their long term shareholders (largely pension funds) happy. The role of government is just to encourage this process.
I've never been a big fan of automatically attacking people who are part of the problem, because they often turn out to be well placed to also be part of the solution, with a bit of coaxing.