... ember_2021
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Some climate scientists and climate activists argue that such research should not be undertaken, for several reasons, but mainly due to the "moral hazard" that promising SG technologies will undermine efforts to reduce carbon emissions. See the "taxonomy" below.
There are three main technologies being considered, all of which aim to reduce the amount of sunlight reaching the Earth --- stratospheric aerosol injection (SAI); marine cloud brightening (MCB); and cirrus cloud thinning (CCT):
All of the objections to SG cite potential (and hypothetical) risks of using the technologies. The philosophical question is, does the possibility that use of a technology may intentionally or unintentionally do harm constitute a valid argument against researching the technology? How else could we identify and quantify those risks?
A taxonomy of concerns about solar geoengineering (SG)
Bullet points indicate examples of potential concerns.
Side effects of perturbing radiative forcing. Physical consequences other than those arising from an idealized reduction in insolation
* Stratospheric sulfates cause ozone loss
* Iodine from sea salt spray increased methane lifetime
* Scattered light alters ecosystems
* Health hazard when aerosols add to particulate matter at surface
Exacerbation of climate changes. SG increases the deviation of a climatic variable in some region from the preindustrial.
* Change in drought frequency
* Increased nitrate contribution to particulate matter (PM2.5) due to reduced warming
* Termination due to catastrophic failure of deployment system
* Errors in quantities deployed
Moral hazard. Unjust reduction in emissions cuts, better termed “mitigation inhibition”
Political exploitation. SG exploited by a group to advance their private interest against the collective interest in emissions cuts
* A petrostate covertly funds civil society groups to exaggerate benefits of SG and lobby for deployment and for slowing emissions cuts
* The industries that will implement SG promote SG
Collective addiction
* Irrational technological optimism serves as a collective excuse for delay
Procedural injustice
* Unilateral deployment
Distributive injustice
* SG is deployed for polar cooling, disproportionally benefitting relatively wealthy mid-latitude countries while doing little to reduce peak temperatures in the tropics.
Malevolent use
* Weaponization of weather control
* Termination due to destruction of deployment system
Exacerbation of existing conflicts
* Conflict exacerbated by realized or perceived unequal impacts or benefits
* Conflict arises from attribution of weatherrelated disasters to an SG program
* Conflict arises from perceived illegitimacy of SG deployment
Earth becomes more of an artifact. Deliberately altering climate—whatever the harms or benefits—makes Earth appear more of an artifact of human political choices.
Slippery slope to enhancement. If SG becomes widely accepted, there will be temptations to use the technology to tailor climate for humanity’s benefit rather than to reduce climate changes.
* A combination of increased CO2 concentrations and SG is used to decrease pole-to-equator gradients and increase biological productivity, nudging the climate toward “equitable” climates.
The issues are raised in an NAS study, "Reflecting Sunlight: Recommendations for Solar Geoengineering Research and Research Governance." It is available here: