Scientists forced us to believe that the universe came into being from “nothing” and the life created itself by a chain of random collisions. This official science breaks e.g. the first and second laws of thermodynamics which are the basic laws of science.I don't believe that the random collisions of DNA forming are at odds in any way with the first and second laws of thermodynamics. For a lengthy discussion to the resolution to this apparent contradiction, please check out the thread "Object probability (of specific state)" which discusses this. In short- we can consider the "random probability" of the living thing (objective probability of specific state) to be a separate measure of probability to that of entropy (which clumps a ton of micro states together into macro states at specific energy levels). These are not contradictory, rather complementary. The odds that I eat chicken tonight being high does not dispute the fact that the odds I drink milk tonight are low- they are just completely different probabilities measuring different things.
Before Big Bang there was the Information only, nothing to be observed or measured.This is an interesting idea. In "Objective probability of specific state" the information is merely the probability of the system. So in that framework, there is no information before the big bang (as there is not state to have a probability). In this framework, there is information there before hand, kind of "waiting to arrive" in this physical system.
Some part of Information transformed itself into mass, energy e.c.t. and it was the beginning of our universe.Here I am understanding that information can transform itself into energy and matter. This is an interesting idea. However, it seems to be moving beyond the realm of "tied to existing usage of terms" and moving into "creating new terms of usage". Or I'll restate this as- a formulation of information which is moving it away from the sort of classical notion of information to become a new entity (which may have little relationship to the classical notion of information which is associated with probability). If this is the case, we may want a new word to define this entity, as "information" comes laden with meaning which is more restrictive. However, there may be a strong reason to use this term here but helping explain this relationship would clarify the underlying concepts presented.
Life forms have capacity to process information and to absorb information.
This concept is more in line with existing notions of information. I'll restate this as: living things have the capacity to perceive the environment, react to it, form internal models of it, and adjust the external environment. I don't think these abilities necessarily have a relationship to the first notion of information above (which can transform into matter and energy), but could.
If we look at this in the sort of "classical information" sense there is a subjective component to the living things perception (it does not have knowledge of its environment, and so gains this knowledge through perception) and an objective component (the organism, by absorbing information about the environment, effectively captures the state of the environment internally, which is similar in a sense to any deterministic causal chain).
Or in other words "absorbing information" is a form of "causal propagation" which takes externally formed things (through probabilistic means) and propagates them into itself. "Processing information" then is taking this internal model, and "thinking about them". In a computer, if we can use that analogy for a moment, it takes in information (a starting state) and then runs algorithms on this state to come to a final state. This deterministic processing does not "create information" (which implies a nondeterministic component) but rather "reconstitutes information" to extract the salient details for further action or choice. If there are actions taken on this information, it is in a sense a propagation of the original causal chain (of whatever the organism perceived which requires reaction).