Science does not explain the origin neither structure of the universe. Scientists forced us to believe that the universe came into being from “nothing” and the life created itself by a chain of random collisions. This official science breaks e.g. the first and second laws of thermodynamics which are the basic laws of science. Any logical discontinuity is patched or covered by a word of science celebrity. The situation is due to narrowing the universe to existence of mass and energy.
Let’s make a different approach and assum that the “information” is the only “material” of the whole universe and use it to explain the universe as the whole:
Before Big Bang there was the Information only, nothing to be observed or measured.
Some part of Information transformed itself into mass, energy e.c.t. and it was the beginning of our universe.
The creation could be a single act, a repetitive one or any other option and any time.
Mass, energy and so on is just a defined form of information where all properties are fixed e.g. property of atom are defined and unchanged.
Any interaction of formatted forms is defined and in line with laws of science.
At the end each defined form of information does not vanish but dissolve into Information.
The first defined form of information started the time of the universe and the last one will finish the time of the universe.
The distance between mass, energy makes dimensions.
Life form contains the building blocks of defined form of information and also uses the information.
The usage of information is the difference between life forms and a mass ect.
Life forms have capacity to process information and to absorb information.
Interaction of living forms depending on their action and the reality of universe.
Life form can be created by other life forms or Information.
In my opinion I-theory make the logic and order inside science without any need for scientific patches or exclusions of the science law.
It also explain the source of everything.
P.S. Sorry for my English – this is not my mother language and I do not have any formal English education.