So we have people claiming that the sins of the fathers are set on children. By that standard most Western civilizations are greater of guilty sins than the Jews. The Jews tried - and failed - to kill Jesus, who resurrected, whereas Spanish and English colonialists killed millions of people who did not resurrect. Of whatever wrong they are blaming the Jews, their wrong is far greater.
Civilizations are judged by the balance between what they created and what they destroyed. By this standard, the Americans and the Jews are the greatest civilizations in history. Probably the worst civilization is the Spanish, who destroyed three of the world's greatest civilizations - the Moores, the Aztecs and the Incas - without contributing much of anything to mankind. The English, the Germans, and any number of others have done some of both. It is valid to be proud of one's civilization; it is not valid to accept things that have been done wrong in its name.
So we have people going on about imperialism of the Jews in Israel. The proponents of that kind of thinking - both in Islam and in the West - are guilty of much greater imperialism. That is as much the case with English or Germans as it is with the Palestinians. Jews are only reclaiming the land that had been promised to them. Whereas both Muslims and Europeans lay claim to lands that aren't theirs.
Is Zionism all correct? No. But it is a much lesser sin than is had by its enemies. Israel is much less imperialistic than Spain, Germany or the Arabs. And it is important that this be reminded, as many people tend to forget.