Short Video:
"Eastern vs Western Philosophy"from the School of Life.
Miranda Kerr grew up in a society that celebrated Christmas and Easter. Why would she choose Eastern Philosophy over Western Philosophy? Western Philosophy has tended to reject God towards "Utopian Thinking," and said Utopian Thinking has tended to be egotistical and elitist. In rejecting God, many philosophers have tended to not talk about things that your average person may have related to. A lot of philosophy may have become abstract and obtuse, or leading into an understanding of some sort of occult Esotericism. In Eastern Philosophy, they can talk about Theological issues, and somewhere in Western Philosophy, Theology and Philosophy were separated. In the short video, Miranda Kerr seemed to have found Eastern Philosophy more useful for day to day things that mattered to her that have tended to be more in the realm of Theology and Christianity.
What do I mean by "occult?" In Ancient Egypt, given someone was part of the priesthood, they may have gone to an occult mystery school. A secret society that someone was initiated into. Wealthy "Well-to-Do" people would send their children there? In Rome and Greece there were occult mystery schools. In Babylon, occult mystery schools. In China and Japan, occult mystery schools. Snakes take and ladders give. A dragon has often been associated with a specific type of occultism. The Cult of Apollo had a serpent associated with it? In the Book of Revelations, Satan was a dragon. A dragon may have had a gold horde. Knowledge is greater than silver and gold? An occult person may have been an egotist stealing away understanding for himself, and those he wished to share it with. He had a "gold horde" of knowledge? Ladders give. A ladder may be like Jacob's Ladder. A ladder helps people up to God. Have you ever played the game Snakes and Ladders? There has been a mysticm there.
Christianity is a culture. Around 1300 AD we have Christendom. Given people are practicing Christianity most correctly, a culture may develop. People tend to think more alike. Going from Russia to German to France, there is a difference in food and language which is cultural. Given we are going across Christian Europe, and people were practicing Christianity most correctly, they tend to be of "one mind" on certain topics. Thomas Aquinas could talk about the Nature of Angels. Given "The Nature of Angels" was brought up here, there would be people whining, and going to the mods trying to abuse the rule about preaching? Why? A lot of people have tended to be taught into a Neo-Pagan Philosophy or Religion, influenced by Nietzsche and the Counter Culture of the 1960's. Given someone believed they could stand in outside of religion, or in judgement of God, that has tended to lead towards an understanding of Neo-Paganism where someone believed they were their own god more similar to Pharaoh in Egypt, or a Cult of the Roman Emperor, the Emperors of China or Japan, and so on.
This is a deep topic. I am was branching into Dr. Carl Jung and Archetypes, which may be similar but different to, an "Allegorical Spiritual Understanding." Christianity, when it is applied, is a cultural and tends towards certain philosophical tenants. We have Plato and the Soul. Given we are applying the Bible, is there a difference between Plato and the Soul, and what a Soul is in context of the Bible? This is good philosophy. Someone who has been rejecting God, getting into understanding of the Biblical concepts, may have become angry or fearful suddenly. What are your thought?