Thank you. minor details.
Posted: March 18th, 2014, 7:04 pm
Hi Guys and Gals, You have made a very impressive start, to an obviously fantastic Idea, this website/concept/Idea if used in the right way has the potential to cure Ignorance that inhibits a working society, So, a well deserved thank you to you all.
There are minor details that I feel should be addressed though. It may just be me, but I believe it would be beneficial for there to be a hyper link on your personal page that directly links to your posts, not just the general subject. If there is one, then I am still ignorant.
Also the messaging is quite restrictive, for example, when I am on the main message screen I am unable to return to the original message for reference as I will lose my message. Perhaps, If its not to hard Create tabs that you can flick to and from the original post to your reply message.
Once again thank you. Kind regards Rhys Sheridan (ImpotrI202)
There are minor details that I feel should be addressed though. It may just be me, but I believe it would be beneficial for there to be a hyper link on your personal page that directly links to your posts, not just the general subject. If there is one, then I am still ignorant.
Also the messaging is quite restrictive, for example, when I am on the main message screen I am unable to return to the original message for reference as I will lose my message. Perhaps, If its not to hard Create tabs that you can flick to and from the original post to your reply message.
Once again thank you. Kind regards Rhys Sheridan (ImpotrI202)