ImpotrI202 wrote:Hi Guys and Gals, You have made a very impressive start, to an obviously fantastic Idea, this website/concept/Idea if used in the right way has the potential to cure Ignorance that inhibits a working society, So, a well deserved thank you to you all.
Thank you.
ImpotrI202 wrote:There are minor details that I feel should be addressed though. It may just be me, but I believe it would be beneficial for there to be a hyper link on your personal page that directly links to your posts, not just the general subject. If there is one, then I am still ignorant.
I am not sure what you mean. On the left-side of each post under the post count there are two links of the form: "( View: All / In topic )" which links to all of that poster's posts either across the whole forum or just in that topic. If you click on the user's name, you will be brought to that user's profile, which contains two links: "Search user’s posts | Search user’s topics". One brings you to a listing of all posts by that user, the other to topics started by the user. I think that may be what you are looking for. There is also a link in the header to "View your posts".
If I remember correctly, all of these links will either not be displayed or will direct one to a log in page if one is not logged in. This is because each one initiates a search on the database and would waste server resources if this was done for users who were not logged in, mostly not due to real people using the site while not logged in but rather all the spiders.
ImpotrI202 wrote:Also the messaging is quite restrictive, for example, when I am on the main message screen I am unable to return to the original message for reference as I will lose my message. Perhaps, If its not to hard Create tabs that you can flick to and from the original post to your reply message.
I understand your concern. The posting screen does have a topic review below the message box. Also, there is a quick reply on the topic pages themselves. I personally use tabbed browsing through my browser, so when I want to reply I usually right click on open a new tab so I can click back and forth. Moreover, the browser's I use allow me to use my back and forward buttons to navigate back or forward to a form box (such as the box in which one types their post) while remembering what I had already entered. What browser do you use?
In the old days before almost all browsers had so many useful functions, I use to actually write my posts in an offline word processor for easy saving and spellchecking.
Although these functions are fulfilled by my browser, if it would help a lot of users on the forum I could try to work an on-site solution into the forum template. But I really imagine it would hinder more people than it would help, as these seem to be things best left to browsers and user's choice in software and device. However, I would like to hear other opinions on the matter from other users themselves.
In any case, I greatly appreciate the feedback.
My entire political philosophy summed up in one tweet.
"The mind is a wonderful servant but a terrible master."
I believe spiritual freedom (a.k.a. self-discipline) manifests as bravery, confidence, grace, honesty, love, and inner peace.