Gertie wrote: ↑June 19th, 2023, 1:01 pm
I'm answering PC's question at a more fundamental level than our everyday one.
You can build up a set of assumptions which humans with our particular knowing/experiential toolkit share, which we can usefully agree on in everyday life and will work for us. But these are necessarily assumptions about the underlying ontological reality imo (including what reason and logic is), for the reasons I outlined.
I think that's what PC is asking us to get down into.
I appreciate what you are saying, but the question of underlying ontological reality and the nature of reason and logic have been debated by scholars throughout history, with different philosophical schools of thought propose various perspectives on these matters. It is questionable whether we will find a single perspective that satisfies everybody. This debate is spread out amongst various topics even on this forum.
For example, what is widely advocated is realism, which understandably posits that there is an objective reality that exists independently of human perception or cognition, and reason and logic are tools that humans use to understand and navigate this underlying reality. Reason and logic are certainly reliable means of accessing truth and knowledge about the world, the weak point is our means of perception, which we know is an interpretation of the stimuli that our senses present us, which is fortunately unified by nature, but apt to being deceived. Our perception is always directed towards something, and we assign meaning to the objects of our perception based on our intentional acts. This intentional stance shapes our interpretation of reality.
The principles I quoted seem to help us with critical thinking, empirical investigation, and logical analysis, so that we can attempt to verify, corroborate, or challenge our perceptual experiences. Using such methods, reason and logic can be employed to go beyond mere sensory input and engage in abstract thinking, inference, and the evaluation of evidence. I don’t see this as any different to methodical thinking in other fields, in which we equally must cope with the way our everyday interactions, cultural context, and linguistic frameworks that influence our understanding of reality, play a significant role in shaping our perception and interpretation of the world by providing us with a shared set of meanings and conceptual categories.
However, we could also be suffering under a false perspective. Idealism, as you may have seen me say on other topics, asserts that the underlying reality is fundamentally consciousness, and reason and logic are products of the human mind which are constructed within the framework of our consciousness. In this view, reason and logic are tools for interpreting and organizing our subjective experiences rather than direct access to an external reality. In alignment with phenomenology, idealism sees our experience of the world is not a direct encounter with an objective reality but rather a subjective interpretation shaped by our consciousness and the meanings we assign to phenomena, shaped by the language we use.
Of course, in our times pragmatism is employed in many areas to emphasize the practical consequences and usefulness of ideas and concepts, which have a direct impact on our economic framework. From a pragmatist perspective, reason and logic are instrumental tools that enable us to make predictions, solve problems, and achieve practical outcomes and drives the global markets. Its focus is on the practical efficacy of reasoning rather than on its alignment with a specific ontological reality but tends to ignore the holistic consequences. This seems to be a result of left-hemisphere thinking (McGilchrist) which hates ambiguity so much that it ignores it and pushes policies despite the uncertainty of outcome. We also see it in the globalisation of markets, the interventions in foreign countries without exit strategies, and the rush to bring products onto the market, without testing their effects on health.
Of course, you also have those who suggest that reality is actively constructed by individuals or communities through their cognitive processes and social interactions. Reason and logic are seen as socially constructed frameworks that shape our understanding of reality. In this view, reason and logic are contingent upon cultural, historical, and individual factors, and we have a widespread move to deconstruct the views that have been fundamental to building society.
So, we are in a difficult position when we want to find fundamental axioms of reason and thought, and those I quoted seem to be efficient if we take the complications mentioned above into consideration. Of course, nothing is fixed, and we may expand on these axioms, but that will be the task of wiser people than me.