No other style or type of thinking is considered here.
Also, in this topic, "thought", "thinking", "reason" and "logic" are all effectively synonymous for our purposes here, and should be read as such.
Ever since I learned what axioms are, and what they're for, I sort of assumed that there are, somewhere, a number of axioms that lie behind reason (and logic), thinking and thought. So eventually, I went looking for them, and was surprised to discover that there are no such axioms. There are some laws and rules, but no axioms, no fundamental scaffolding upon which serious and considered thought might be based.
Many of you will already be aware of the so-called 'rules of thought', that I soon discovered in my search. No axioms, just some rules. And these rules do not seem to me to be sufficiently flexible to support all instances of serious and considered thought.
Wikipedia wrote: According to the 1999 Cambridge Dictionary of Philosophy, laws of thought are laws by which or in accordance with which valid thought proceeds, or that justify valid inference, or to which all valid deduction is reducible.To begin with, an empirical example. There are many real world situations where the law of the excluded middle is misleading, for it denies the part where most of the action takes place — in the middle, on a spectrum, away from the extremes (which might be TRUE and FALSE, but could as easily refer to YES and NO, or a different pair of 'opposites'). Serious and considered thought can often be — and often is — applied to such situations.
Laws of thought are rules that apply without exception to any subject matter of thought, etc.; sometimes they are said to be the object of logic. The term, rarely used in exactly the same sense by different authors, has long been associated with three equally ambiguous expressions:Sometimes, these three expressions are taken as propositions of formal ontology having the widest possible subject matter, propositions that apply to entities as such:
- the law of identity (ID),
- the law of contradiction (or non-contradiction; NC), and
- the law of excluded middle (EM).
Equally common in older works is the use of these expressions for principles of metalogic about propositions:
- (ID), everything is (i.e., is identical to) itself;
- (NC) no thing having a given quality also has the negative of that quality (e.g., no even number is non-even);
- (EM) every thing either has a given quality or has the negative of that quality (e.g., every number is either even or non-even).
- (ID) every proposition implies itself;
- (NC) no proposition is both true and false;
- (EM) every proposition is either true or false.
I observe that we humans use at least two 'types' of thought, binary thinking and what I have come to call network thinking (because I couldn't find a term for it that is already extant).
Binary thinking is instinctive in origin, the obvious example being 'fight or flight', when there is insufficient time for a complete analysis! But that isn't the only application of binary thought. Much scientific thinking is binary thinking, some of it even governed by Boolean Logic. There are many examples of the correct and useful application of binary thinking, to the extent that some feel it is the only acceptable mode of thought.
N.B. There are instances where the subject is not suited to binary thinking, and yet it is forced into that mould, to allow scientific-style thinking to be applied. Tactics such as "Well, X is either TRUE or FALSE, so which is it?", and others, might be used to avoid the (much) greater complexity and difficulty of network thinking? Whatever the reasons, if a subject is not suited to binary thinking — or to network thinking, in other circumstances — but we persist anyway, we can reasonably expect that our conclusions might not be all we hoped for.
There are occasions when a subject of study is not addressable via binary thinking, and yet serious and considered thought may be applied to it. What we use then is a more flexible style of thinking, network thinking. In network thinking, the progress of a chain of reasoning is not constrained by binary patterns and thinking. At each node in the chain, there might be any number of different possible outcomes, not just two.
The laws of thought are particularly unhelpful to network thinking. In fact, I suspect they were developed to support and promote binary, scientific, thinking? They seem so clearly matched, to me. In later posts, I have no doubt that these 'laws' of thought will be individually considered, so I will not try to anticipate every possible opinion that might be expressed.
I will end this first post by repeating the question that defines my search: what are the fundamental axioms of thought?
"Who cares, wins"