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Posted: November 30th, 2009, 12:03 pm
by Alun
Juice wrote:I only encourage examination of the various evolution theories and examinations of all sides of the observations and conclusions/theories for oneself.

Alun-I am not to comfortable with the reasoning behind self flagellation.
If you are not comfortable discussing the reasoning behind a topic, then you are not involved in "examinations of all sides of" that topic. In fact, it would seem that you aren't really examining that topic at all; if you're unwilling to approach the topic reasonably, then all you're doing is making an emotional judgment about it.

The hoaxes you cite are exceptions that prove the rule. The point of science is not to perpetrate fraud, just to devise principles to explain empirical evidence. Certainly, people don't always pursue this purpose--but if the majority of scientists were involved in illegitimate activities, we both wouldn't have legitimate results (successful predictions, working tools, etc.) and we wouldn't care that some people were lying about their results.

What exactly is it that you're arguing, Juice? That people shouldn't trust scientists just because they're scientists? OK. What does that basic logical stance have to do with anything? No advocate of evolution by natural selection says, "Just trust the scientists." What is being said is, "Just trust the substantial evidence that has been gathered by scientists--unless you've got some that really contradicts the theory."

Posted: November 30th, 2009, 4:22 pm
by Juice
Alun-My "self flagellation" comment was just some hopeful encouragement for you to not be so hard on yourself. Delusions about classical Darwinian evolution are not the individuals fault.

While, as we see with the climategate fallacies, the hoaxes are not perpetuated by detractors who would contrive evidence in order to confound scientist but by scientist themselves and only after objective review are the hoaxes exposed. Case in point are the extravagant claims made about ARDI, the hopeful missing link between humans and apes. Kind of like yelling "BANG" before the gun goes off, except its the foot of society that gets shot.

Funny thing is that even though the hoaxes are exposed many texts still site some of them as factual claims. This is not a matter of argument but a further illustration of how adherents of evolutionary claims, like the globalist of climate change, are want to excuse and shroud "criminality" in the scientific method. A false claim is presented as fact until it is falsified, then the false claim is used to prove the infallibility of the scientific method to further advance any theory on theoretical principles as fact.

As stated the success of Darwinism depends on the possibilities of all the divergent forms of life on this planet having "evolved" from a single random act of chemical convergence into a reliable biological product which fits the definition of life. This organism would then have the ability to provide the mechanisms, "building blocks", for all known life. As we sit at our computers scientists are realizing just how difficult such a process is and one would have to have a working knowledge of bacteria, archaea, procharyote and eucharyote development to understand the complication of the primordial evolutionary lineage and development of these organisms in order to make conclusions and falsifiable determinations for oneself.

In short it would appear that the consensus is that a precursor organism is necessary and more fantastic this precursor organism would require substantially more genetic material in order to get the whole ball rolling. Sort of like a biological singularity.

The reason why evolution as currently presented makes no sense is the extreme level of complexity involved in developing higher order organisms. It is not as simple as just "creating" a new gene expression in order to design a longer neck. But the information, products and processes, that must be developed in order to "prepare" every aspect of gene expression in the organism for a potential change.

I continue to encourage those interested to examine the science for themselves due to its importance as a designer of a world view. If your only interest is to get up, go to work and watch Leno then it doesn't matter. But, IMV, there is no greater matter facing humanity since "life origin" is the foundational principle of causal world views and the furtherance of moral and ethical principles.

Posted: November 30th, 2009, 5:31 pm
by Alun
Juice wrote:I continue to encourage those interested to examine the science for themselves due to its importance as a designer of a world view.
Yes, I encourage you to do this at some point too.

Posted: November 30th, 2009, 7:20 pm
by Juice
As I have stated there needs to be a new examination of Darwinian "expectations". I have compared Darwinian "science?" to fitting a square peg in a round hole. Let me explain (without attempts at ridicule(the purpose of leftist indoctrination methods);

What we have with Darwinism is constant clarification of the theory through widening explanations rather than any legitimate proofs. At each stage of discovery such as that from Mendel, and, Watson and Crick a new shift in interpretation and analysis of the evolutionary process becomes necessary.

Imagine for a moment that instead of changes noted in certain organisms determined to be the result of evolution are just natural mechanisms designed to help an organism to survive by adaptation. Darwinism teaches us that adaptation or microevolution can lead to speciation or macroevolution.

The Galapagos finches, long noted as the foundation for Darwin's ideas even aboard the HMS Beagle so long ago, have been sited as a proof of evolution. In fact it is noted that the beaks of the finches change size and shape during dry seasons and change back during normal seasons. Clearly the finches remain finches and despite the rapidity of the changes (also anti-Darwin gradualism) no speciation ensues. It appears that the information for beak assimilation is retained and the finch is able to adjust accordingly without the need of turning itself into something else to survive.

The new paradigm for evolution being proposed is centered around science. It is in the ideas that are now at the fore front of 21st century technology. Information technology and nanotechnology and various disciplines within the mathematics community.

What one needs to think about in there considerations of the origin of life is to ask the question of what makes you. The answer is a very specific set of instructions, transferred from your parents who provided all the information to make you from the moment of conception. Information is language like like ASCII or C++, and a language requires intelligence. To make it and to understand it.

This is the new shift in evolution. Like Mendel, Watson and Crick forced new thought so to does the forces of information and energy sciences portend a new shift in evolution thinking.

I would rather enter that new age of ideas in quantum possibilities than stay behind on that creaking boat of dated concepts, the HMS Beagle, forced to travel by the stars instead of recognizing the capabilities of travel to the stars.


Posted: November 30th, 2009, 8:46 pm
by JPhillips
Darwin’s theory of evolution is the great white elephant of contemporary thought. It is large, almost completely useless, and the object of superstitious awe."

Dr. David Berlinski, Philosophy
I am sure you are all familiar with the term, scientific bias.

Scientific Bias
You know about the scientific method. That’s where you take a hypothesis and test it, thereby finding out if you were right or if you can prove it wrong.

More recently, however, scientists have begun to realize that it is impossible to remove themselves completely from many experiments. I won’t go into complex (and fascinating) details here, but I will point out that this is not, by any means, the first time that science seems to have disobeyed its own most basic rules. As a matter of fact, if one single discovery has been consistent over time, it is that we are consistently wrong about our most basic assumptions and know next to nothing about ourselves and the universe.

The second most important idea connected to the scientific method is that of objectivity. If we can remove our feelings and everything subjective (having to do with the person, not those things that are not the person), then we assume that we won’t have any influence on the experiment at hand.
There is much supporting evidence to show there is a prevailing scientific bias among scientists in regards to Darwinism.

'Expelled' looks at academia's efforts to silence opposition to Darwinism

Allie Martin - OneNewsNow - 4/18/2008 8:00:00 AM

A movie opening in theaters nationwide today examines how educators and scientists are being ridiculed, denied tenure, and even fired for questioning Darwinism.

The movie is called Expelled: No Intelligence Allowed and stars Ben Stein. Filmed in documentary style, Expelled shows the viewer how the debate about the origin of life is one-sided on college campuses and academic institutions worldwide.

Also featured in the documentary are professors on both sides of the issue -- those who have been blacklisted because they question Darwinism, and those who defend evolution and refuse to believe that the universe could have been brought about by an intelligent being.

Stein, who is a former presidential speechwriter, actor, and author, finds it amazing that many of the intellectual elite allow no dissent from Darwin's theory of random mutation and natural selection.

"The intelligentsia said at a certain point that Adolf Hitler was the wave of the future, and so the intelligentsia is often wrong and in fact I'd say they're wrong at least as often as they're right," explains Stein. "We aim to show that they're wrong again. You know what else? We're sick of being pushed around by the intelligentsia."

According to Stein, Darwinism played a role in the Holocaust as the social elite of that time used Darwinian principles to justify purging society of "inferior" races. He also warns that in today's culture, Darwinism is continuing to have a negative impact on social and moral issues.

Stein and the movie's producers are hopeful Expelled will spark more freedom when it comes to teaching about the origins of life.
Here is a list of scientists who are openly opposing Darwinism based on scientic study:


“We are skeptical of claims for the ability of random mutation and natural selection to account for the complexity of life. Careful examination of the evidence for Darwinian theory should be encouraged.”

This was last publicly updated August 2008. Scientists listed by doctoral degree or current position.

Philip Skell Emeritus, Evan Pugh Prof. of Chemistry, Pennsylvania State University Member of the National Academy of Sciences
Lyle H. Jensen Professor Emeritus, Dept. of Biological Structure & Dept. of Biochemistry University of Washington, Fellow AAAS
Maciej Giertych Full Professor, Institute of Dendrology Polish Academy of Sciences
Lev Beloussov Prof. of Embryology, Honorary Prof., Moscow State University Member, Russian Academy of Natural Sciences
Eugene Buff Ph.D. Genetics Institute of Developmental Biology, Russian Academy of Sciences
Emil Palecek Prof. of Molecular Biology, Masaryk University; Leading Scientist Inst. of Biophysics, Academy of Sci., Czech Republic
K. Mosto Onuoha Shell Professor of Geology & Deputy Vice-Chancellor, Univ. of Nigeria Fellow, Nigerian Academy of Science
Ferenc Jeszenszky Former Head of the Center of Research Groups Hungarian Academy of Sciences
M.M. Ninan Former President Hindustan Academy of Science, Bangalore University (India)
Denis Fesenko Junior Research Fellow, Engelhardt Institute of Molecular Biology Russian Academy of Sciences (Russia)
Sergey I. Vdovenko Senior Research Assistant, Department of Fine Organic Synthesis Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry and Petrochemistry
Ukrainian National Academy of Sciences (Ukraine)
Henry Schaefer Director, Center for Computational Quantum Chemistry University of Georgia
Paul Ashby Ph.D. Chemistry Harvard University
Israel Hanukoglu Professor of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Chairman The College of Judea and Samaria (Israel)
Alan Linton Emeritus Professor of Bacteriology University of Bristol (UK)
Dean Kenyon Emeritus Professor of Biology San Francisco State University
David W. Forslund Ph.D. Astrophysics, Princeton University Fellow of American Physical Society
Robert W. Bass Ph.D. Mathematics (also: Rhodes Scholar; Post-Doc at Princeton) Johns Hopkins University
John Hey Associate Clinical Prof. (also: Fellow, American Geriatrics Society) Dept. of Family Medicine, Univ. of Mississippi
Daniel W. Heinze Ph.D. Geophysics (also: Post-Doc Fellow, Carnegie Inst. of Washington) Texas A&M University
Richard Anderson Assistant Professor of Environmental Science and Policy Duke University
David Chapman* Senior Scientist Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
Giuseppe Sermonti Professor of Genetics, Ret. (Editor, Rivista di Biologia/Biology Forum) University of Perugia (Italy)
Stanley Salthe Emeritus Professor Biological Sciences Brooklyn College of the City University of New York
Marcos N. Eberlin Professor, The State University of Campinas (Brazil) Member, Brazilian Academy of Science A SCIENTIFIC DISSENT FROM DARWINISM—1
Bernard d'Abrera Visiting Scholar, Department of Entomology British Museum (Natural History)
Mae-Wan Ho Ph.D. Biochemistry The University of Hong Kong
Donald Ewert Ph.D. Microbiology University of Georgia
Russell Carlson Professor of Biochemistry & Molecular Biology University of Georgia
Scott Minnich Professor, Dept of Microbiology, Molecular Biology & Biochemistry University of Idaho
Jeffrey Schwartz Assoc. Res. Psychiatrist, Dept. of Psychiatry & Biobehavioral Sciences University of California, Los Angeles
Alexander F. Pugach Ph.D. Astrophysics Ukrainian Academy of Sciences (Ukraine)
Ralph Seelke Professor of Molecular and Cellular Biology University of Wisconsin, Superior
Annika Parantainen Ph.D. Biology University of Turku (Finland)
Fred Schroeder Ph.D. Marine Geology Columbia University
David Snoke Associate Professor of Physics & Astronomy University of Pittsburgh
Frank Tipler Prof. of Mathematical Physics Tulane University
John A. Davison Emeritus Associate Professor of Biology University of Vermont
James Tour Chao Professor of Chemistry Rice University
Pablo Yepes Research Associate Professor of Physics & Astronomy Rice University
David Bolender Assoc. Prof., Dept. of Cell Biology, Neurobiology & Anatomy Medical College of Wisconsin
Leo Zacharski Professor of Medicine Dartmouth Medical School
Michael Behe Professor of Biological Science Lehigh University
Michael Atchison Professor of Biochemistry University of Pennsylvania, Vet School
Thomas G. Guilliams Ph.D. Molecular Biology The Medical College of Wisconsin
Arthur B. Robinson Professor of Chemistry Oregon Institute of Science & Medicine
Joel Adams Professor of Computer Science Calvin College
Abraham S. Feigenbaum Ph.D. Nutritional Biochemistry Rutgers University
Kevin Farmer Adjunct Assistant Professor (Ph.D. Scientific Methodology) University of Oklahoma
Neal Adrian Ph.D. Microbiology University of Oklahoma
Ge Wang Professor of Radiology & Biomedical Engineering University of Iowa
Moorad Alexanian Professor of Physics University of North Carolina, Wilmington
Richard Spencer Professor (Ph.D. Stanford) University of California, Davis, Solid-State Circuits Research Laboratory
Braxton Alfred Emeritus Professor, Anthropology University of British Columbia (Canada)
R. Craig Henderson Associate Professor, Dept. of Civil & Environmental Engineering Tennessee Tech University
Wesley Allen Professor of Computational Quantum Chemistry University of Georgia
James Pierre Hauck Professor of Physics & Astronomy University of San Diego
Mark Apkarian Ph.D. Exercise Physiology University of New Mexico
Eshan Dias Ph.D. Chemical Engineering King’s College, Cambridge University (UK)
Joseph Atkinson Ph.D. Organic Chemistry MIT
Dennis Dean Rathman Staff Scientist MIT Lincoln Laboratory
Richard Austin Assoc. Prof. & Chair, Biology & Natural Sciences Piedmont College
Raymond C. Mjolsness Ph.D. Physics Princeton University
John Baumgardner Ph.D. Geophysics & Space Physics University of California, Los Angeles
Glenn R. Johnson Adjunct Professor of Medicine University of North Dakota School of Medicine
George Bennett Associate Professor of Chemistry Millikin University
Robert L. Waters Lecturer, College of Computing Georgia Institute of Technology
David Berlinski Ph.D. Philosophy Princeton University A SCIENTIFIC DISSENT FROM DARWINISM—2
James Robert Dickens Ph.D. Mechanical Engineering Texas A&M University
Phillip Bishop Professor of Kinesiology University of Alabama
Jeffrey M. Jones Professor Emeritus in Medicine (Ph.D. Microbiology and M.D.) University of Wisconsin-Madison
Donald R. Mull Ph.D. Physiology University of Pittsburgh
John Bloom Ph.D. Physics Cornell University
William Dembski Ph.D. Mathematics University of Chicago
Ben J. Stuart Ph.D. Chemical & Biochemical Engineering Rutgers University
Raymond Bohlin Ph.D. Molecular & Cell Biology University of Texas, Dallas
Christa R. Koval Ph.D. Chemistry University of Colorado at Boulder
John Bordelon Ph.D. Electrical Engineering Georgia Institute of Technology
David Richard Carta Ph.D. Bio-Engineering University of California, San Diego
Lydia G. Thebeau Ph.D. Cell & Molecular Biology Saint Louis University
David Bossard Ph. D. Mathematics Dartmouth College
Robert W. Kelley Ph.D. Entomology Clemson University
David Bourell Professor Mechanical Engineering University of Texas, Austin
Carlos M. Murillo Professor of Medicine (Neurosurgery) Autonomous University of Guadalajara (Mexico)
Walter Bradley Distinguished Professor of Engineering Baylor University
Sami Palonen Ph.D. Analytical Chemistry University of Helsinki (Finland)
John Brejda Ph.D. Agronomy University of Nebraska, Lincoln
Bradley R. Johnson Ph.D. Materials Science University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Rudolf Brits Ph.D. Nuclear Chemistry University of Stellenbosch (South Africa)
Gary Kastello Ph.D. Biology University of Wisonsin-Milwaukee
Frederick Brooks Kenan Professor of Computer Science University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Omer Faruk Noyan Assistant Professor (Ph.D. Paleontology) Celal Bayar University (Turkey)
Neil Broom Associate Professor, Chemical & Materials Engineering University of Auckland (New Zealand)
Malcolm D. Chisholm Ph.D. Insect Ecology (M.A. Zoology, Oxford University) University of Bristol (UK)
John Brown Research Meteorologist National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
Joseph A. Kunicki Associate Professor of Mathematics The University of Findlay
John Brumbaugh Emeritus Professor of Biological Sciences University of Nebraska, Lincoln
Thomas M. Stackhouse Ph.D. Biochemistry University of California, Davis
Nancy Bryson Associate Professor of Chemistry Mississippi University for Women
Walter L. Starkey Professor Emeritus of Mechanical Engineering The Ohio State University
Donald Calbreath Professor, Department of Chemistry Whitworth College
Pingnan Shi Ph.D. Electrical Engineering (Artificial Neural Networks) University of British Columbia (Canada)
John B. Cannon Ph.D. Organic Chemistry Princeton University
John L. Burba Ph.D. Physical Chemistry Baylor University
Stephen J. Cheesman Ph.D. Geophysics University of Toronto
Mike Forward Ph.D. Applied Mathematics (Chaos Theory) Imperial College, University of London (UK)
Lowell D. White Industrial Hygiene Specialist (Ph.D. Epidemiology) University of New Mexico
Brian Landrum Associate Professor of Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering University of Alabama, Huntsville
David Chambers Physicist Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
Michael T. Goodrich Professor of Computer Science University of California, Irvine
T. Timothy Chen Ph.D. Statistics University of Chicago
Sarah M. Williams Ph.D. Environmental Engineering (emphasis in microbiology) Stanford University
Donald Clark Ph.D. Physical Biochemistry Louisiana State University A SCIENTIFIC DISSENT FROM DARWINISM—3
John Frederick Zino Ph.D. Nuclear Engineering Georgia Institute of Technology
Shing-Yan Chiu Professor of Physiology University of Wisconsin, Madison
Todd A. Anderson Ph.D. Computer Science University of Kentucky
John Cimbala Professor of Mechanical Engineering Pennsylvania State University
Chris Swanson Tutor (Ph.D. Physics, University of Oregon) Gutenberg College
Kieran Clements Assistant Professor, Natural Sciences Toccoa Falls College
Jan Chatham Ph.D. Neurophysiology University of North Texas
George A. Gates Emeritus Emeritus Professor of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery University of Washington
John Cogdell Professor of Electrical & Computer Engineering University of Texas, Austin
David R. Beaucage Ph.D. Mathematics State University of New York at Stony Brook
Leon Combs Professor & Chair, Chemistry & Biochemistry Kennesaw State University
Laraba P. Kendig Ph.D. Materials Science & Engineering University of Michigan
Nicholas Comninellis Associate Professor of Community and Family Medicine University of Missouri-Kansas City
Stephen Crouse Professor of Kinesiology Texas A&M University
Cham Dallas Professor, Pharmaceutics & Biomedical Science University of Georgia
Charles N. Verheyden Professor of Surgery Texas A&M College of Medicine
Melody Davis Ph.D. Chemistry Princeton University
Thomas Deahl Ph.D. Radiation Biology The University of Iowa
Robert DeHaan Ph.D. Human Development University of Chicago
Gage Blackstone Doctor of Veterinary Medicine Texas A&M University
Harold Delaney Professor of Psychology University of New Mexico
Jonathan C. Boomgaarden Ph.D. Mechanical Engineering University of Wisconsin
William Bordeaux Chair, Department of Natural & Mathematical Science Huntington College
Michael Delp Professor of Physiology Texas A&M University
Keith F. Conner Ph.D. Electrical Engineering Clemson University
David DeWitt Associate Professor of Biology Liberty University
Aaron J. Miller Ph.D. Physics Stanford University
Gary Dilts Ph.D. Mathematical Physics University of Colorado
Gerald Chubb Associate Professor of Aviation Ohio State University
Robert DiSilvestro Ph.D. Biochemistry Texas A & M University
Daniel Dix Associate Professor of Mathematics University of South Carolina
Allison Dobson Assistant Professor, Chemistry Georgia Southern University
David Prentice Professor, Department of Life Sciences Indiana State University
Kenneth Dormer Ph.D. Biology & Physiology University of California, Los Angeles
Ernest Prabhakar Ph.D. Experimental Particle Physics California Institute of Technology
John Doughty Ph.D. Aerospace & Mechanical Engineering University of Arizona
Jeanne Drisko Clinical Assistant Professor of Alternative Medicine University of Kansas, School of Medicine
Robert Eckel Professor of Medicine, Physiology & Biophysics University of Colorado Health Sciences Center
Seth Edwards Associate Professor of Geology University of Texas, El Paso
Eduard F. Schmitter Ph.D. Astronomy University of Wisconsin
Lee Eimers Professor of Physics & Mathematics Cedarville University
William J. Hedden Ph.D. Geology Missouri University of Science & Technology
Daniel Ely Professor, Biology University of Akron
Pattle Pun Professor of Biology Wheaton College
Thomas English Adjunct Professor of Physics & Engineering Palomar College A SCIENTIFIC DISSENT FROM DARWINISM—4
Rosalind Picard Sc.D. Electrical Engineering & Computer Science MIT
Danielle Dalafave Associate Professor of Physics The College of New Jersey
Richard Erdlac Ph.D. Structural Geology University of Texas (Austin)
Michael C. Reynolds Assistant Professor of Mechanical Engineering University of Arkansas-Fort Smith
Bruce Evans Ph.D. Neurobiology Emory University
Gary Achtemeier Ph.D. Meteorology Florida State University
William Everson Ph.D. Human Physiology Penn State College of Medicine
Susan L.M. Huck Ph.D. Geology/Geography Clark University
James Florence Associate Professor, Department of Public Health East Tennessee State University
Douglas R. Buck Ph.D. Nutrition and Food Sciences Utah State University Fellow, American College of Nutrition
Margaret Flowers Professor of Biology Wells College
Étienne Windisch Ph.D. Engineering McGill University (Canada)
Mark Foster Ph.D. Chemical Engineering University of Minnesota
Suzanne Sawyer Vincent Ph.D. Physiology & Biophysics University of Washington
Clarence Fouche Professor of Biology Virginia Intermont College
Robert Blomgren Ph.D. Mathematics University of Minnesota
Kenneth French Chairman, Division of Natural Science Blinn College
Richard N. Taylor Professor of Information & Computer Science University of California, Irvine
Stephen C. Knowles Ph.D. Marine Science University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill
Marvin Fritzler Professor of Biochemistry & Molecular Biology University of Calgary Medical School (Canada)
Mark L. Psiaki Professor of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering (Ph.D., Princeton) Cornell University
Walter E. Lillo Ph.D. Electrical Engineering Purdue University
Mark Fuller Ph.D. Microbiology University of California, Davis
Daniel Galassini Doctor of Veterinary Medicine Kansas State University
Stanley E. Zager Professor Emeritus, Chemical Engineering Youngstown State University
Andrew Fong Ph.D. Chemistry Indiana University
John Garth Ph.D. Physics University of Illinois, Champaign-Urbana
John K. G. Kramer Adjunct Professor, Dept. of Human Biology & Nutrition Sciences University of Guelph (Canada)
Glen O. Brindley Professor of Surgery, Director of Ophthalmology Scott & White Clinic, Texas A&M University H.S.C.
Ann Gauger Ph.D. Zoology University of Washington
Pamela Faith Fahey Ph.D. Physiology & Biophysics University of Illinois
Paul Brown Assistant Professor of Environmental Studies Trinity Western University (Canada)
Mark Geil Ph.D. Biomedical Engineering Ohio State University
Ibrahim Barsoum Ph.D. Microbiology The George Washington University
Jim Gibson Ph.D. Biology Loma Linda University
John W. Balliet Ph.D. Molecular & Cellular Biology University of Pennsylvania,
Post-doctoral Fellowship, Harvard Medical School
William Gilbert Emeritus Professor of Biology Simpson College
Joe R. Eagleman Professor Emeritus, Department of Physics & Astronomy University of Kansas
Dexter F. Speck Associate Professor of Physiology University of Kentucky Medical Center
Warren Gilson Associate Professor, Dairy Science University of Georgia
Raul Leguizamon Professor of Medicine (Pathology) Autonomous University of Guadalajara (Mexico)
Steven Gollmer Ph.D. Atmospheric Science Purdue University
Sun Uk Kim Ph.D. Biochemical Engineering University of Delaware A SCIENTIFIC DISSENT FROM DARWINISM—5
Gene B. Chase Professor of Mathematics and Computer Science (Ph.D. Cornell) Messiah College
Chris Grace Associate Professor of Psychology Biola University
James A. Ellard, Sr. Ph.D. Chemistry University of Kentucky
Richard Gunasekera Ph.D. Biochemical Genetics Baylor University
Jennifer M. Cohen Ph.D. Mathematical Physics New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology
Russel Peak Senior Researcher, Engineering Information Systems Georgia Institute of Technology
Graham Gutsche Emeritus Professor of Physics U.S. Naval Academy
Olivia A. Henderson Ph.D. Pharmaceutics University of Missouri, Kansas City
Dan Hale Professor of Animal Science Texas A&M University
Robert L. Jones Associate Professor, Department of Ophthalmology University of California, Irvine
James Harbrecht Clinical Associate Professor, Division of Cardiology University of Kansas Medical Center
George W. Benthien Ph.D. Mathematics Carnegie Mellon University
James Harman Associate Chair, Dept. of Chemistry & Biochemistry Texas Tech University
Frederick T. Zugibe Emeritus Adjunct Associate Professor of Pathology Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons
William Harris Ph.D. Nutritional Biochemistry University of Minnesota
Thomas H. Johnson Ph.D. Mathematics University of Maryland
Paul Hausgen Ph.D. Mechanical Engineering Georgia Institute of Technology
Gregory A. Snyder Ph.D. Geochemistry Colorado School of Mines
Walter Hearn Ph.D. Biochemistry University of Illinois
Howard Martin Whitcraft Ph.D. Mathematics University of St. Louis
Nolan Hertel Professor, Nuclear & Radiological Engineering Georgia Institute of Technology
Joseph Francis Associate Professor of Biology Cedarville University
Roland Hirsch Ph.D. Analytical Chemistry University of Michigan
Todd Peterson Ph.D. Plant Physiology University of Rhode Island
Charles Edward Norman Ph.D. Electrical Engineering Carleton University (Canada)
Dewey Hodges Professor, Aerospace Engineering Georgia Institute of Technology
James P. Russum Ph.D. Chemical Engineering Georgia Institute of Technology
Marko Horb Ph.D. Cell & Developmental Biology State University of New York
Joe Watkins Military Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering United States Military Academy
Barton Houseman Emeritus Professor of Chemistry Goucher College
Mark Pritt Ph.D. Mathematics Yale University
Edward Peltzer Ph.D. Oceanography University of California, San Diego (Scripps Institute)
Cornelius Hunter Ph.D. Biophysics University of Illinois
Rodney Ice Principle Research Scientist, Nuclear & Radiological Engineering Georgia Institute of Technology
Malcolm W. MacArthur Ph.D. Molecular Biophysics University of London (UK)
Rafe Payne Ph.D. Biology University of Nebraska
Muzaffar Iqbal Ph.D. Chemistry University of Saskatchewan (Canada)
Mark P. Bowman Ph.D. Organic Chemistry Pennsylvania State University
David L. Elliott Chair, Division of Natural Sciences/Mathematics Louisiana College
David Ives Emeritus Professor of Biochemistry Ohio State University
Amiel Jarstfer Associate Professor of Biology LeTourneau University
Stephan J. G. Gift Professor of Electrical Engineering The University of the West Indies
Tony Jelsma Ph.D. Biochemistry McMaster University (Canada)
Fred Johnson Ph.D. Pathology Vanderbilt University A SCIENTIFIC DISSENT FROM DARWINISM—6
Raleigh R. White, IV Professor of Surgery Texas A&M University, College of Medicine
Jerry Johnson Ph.D. Pharmacology & Toxicology Purdue University
Harold D. Cole Professor of Physiology Southwestern Oklahoma State University
Yongsoon Park Ph.D. Nutritional Biochemistry Washington State University
Richard Johnson Professor of Chemistry LeTourneau University
David Hagen Ph.D. Mechanical Engineering University of Minnesota
David Johnson Associate Professor of Pharmacology & Toxicology Duquesne University
Jay Hollman Assistant Clinical Professor of Cardiology Louisiana State University Health Science Center
Lawrence Johnston Emeritus Professor of Physics University of Idaho
Albert J. Starshak Ph.D. Physical Chemistry Illinois Institute of Technology
Robert Jones Associate Professor of Mechanical Engineering University of Texas-Pan America
Scott T. Dreher Ph.D. Geology (Royal Society USA Research Fellow) University of Alaska, Fairbanks
David Jones Professor of Biochemistry & Chair of Chemistry Grove City College
Robert Kaita Ph.D. Nuclear Physics Rutgers University
Kenneth Demarest Professor of Electrical Engineering University of Kansas
Edwin Karlow Chair, Department of Physics LaSierra University
Francis M. Donahue Professor Emeritus, Chemical Engineering The University of Michigan
James Keener Professor of Mathematics & Adjunct of Bioengineering University of Utah
Shawn Wright Ph.D. Crop Science North Carolina State University
Douglas Keil Ph.D. Plasma Physics University of Wisconsin, Madison
Dave Finnegan Staff Member (Ph.D. Chemistry, University of Maryland) Los Alamos National Laboratory
Micheal Kelleher Ph.D. Biophysical Chemistry University of Ibadan (Nigeria)
Christine B. Beaucage Ph.D. Mathematics State University of New York at Stony Brook
Rebecca Keller Research Professor, Department of Chemistry University of New Mexico
Gerald E. Hoyer Retired Forrest Scientist (Ph.D. Silviculture, University of Washington) Washington State Department of Natural Resources
Michael Kent Ph.D. Materials Science University of Minnesota
William A. Eckert, III Ph.D. Cell & Molecular Physiology University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill
Richard Kinch Ph.D. Computer Science Cornell University
Irfan Yilmaz Professor of Biology (Ph.D. Systematic Zoology) Dokuz Eylul University (Turkey)
Bretta King Assistant Professor of Chemistry Spelman College
Mauricio Alcocer Director of Graduate Studies (Ph.D. Plant Science, University of Idaho) Autonomous University of Guadalajara (Mexico)
R. Barry King Prof. of Environmental Safety & Health Albuquerque Technical Vocational Institute
Hiroshi Ishii M.D., Ph.D. Behavioral Neurology Tohoku University (Japan)
Michael Kinnaird Ph.D. Organic Chemistry University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill
Lasse Uotila M.D., Ph.D. Medicinal Biochemistry University of Helsinki (Finland)
Donald Kobe Professor of Physics University of North Texas, Denton
Martin Emery Ph.D. Chemistry University of Southampton (UK)
Charles Koons Ph.D. Organic Chemistry University of Minnesota
Miguel A. Rodriguez Undergraduate Lab. Coordinator for Biochemistry University of Ottawa (Canada)
Carl Koval Full Professor, Chemistry & Biochemistry University of Colorado, Boulder
Magda Narciso Leite Professor, College of Pharmacy & Biochemistry Universidade Federal de Juiz de For a (Brazil)
Bruce Krogh Professor of Electrical & Computer Engineering Carnegie Mellon University
Tetsuichi Takagi Senior Research Scientist Geological Survey of Japan
Daniel Kuebler Ph.D. Molecular & Cellular Biology University of California, Berkeley
William Notz Professor of Statistics Ohio State University A SCIENTIFIC DISSENT FROM DARWINISM—7
Wesley Nyborg Emeritus Professor of Physics University of Vermont
Peter William Holyland Ph.D. Geology University of Queensland (Australia)
Paul Kuld Associate Professor of Biological Science Biola University
Douglas B. Matthews Associate Professor of Neuroscience Baylor University
Heather Kuruvilla Ph.D. Biological Sciences State University of New York, Buffalo
Nancy L. Swanson Ph.D. Physics Florida State University
Martin LaBar Ph. D. Genetics & Zoology University of Wisconsin, Madison
William B. Hart Assistant Professor of Mathematics University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Teresa Larranaga Ph.D. Pharmacology University of New Mexico
Yuri Zharikov Post-Doctoral Research Fellow (Ph.D. Zoology) Simon Fraser University (Canada)
Ronald Larson Professor and Chair of Chemical Engineering University of Michigan
Wolfgang Hutter Ph.D. Chemistry University of Ulm (Germany)
Robert Lattimer Ph.D. Chemistry University of Kansas, Lawrence
Robert J. Graham Ph.D. Chemical Engineering Iowa State University
M. Harold Laughlin Professor & Chair, Department of Biomedical Sciences University of Missouri
Samuel C. Winchester Klopman Distinguished Professor Emeritus (Ph.D. Princeton) North Carolina State University
George Lebo Associate Professor of Astronomy University of Florida
Kurt J. Henle Professor Emeritus (Ph.D. Biophysics, University of Pennsylvania) University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences
J.B. Lee Assistant Professor of Electrical Engineering University of Texas, Dallas
James O. Dritt Ph.D. Civil Engineering & Environmental Science University of Oklahoma
Matti Leisola Professor, Laboratory of Bioprocess Engineering Helsinki University of Technology
Manuel Garcia Ulloa Gomez Director of Marine Sciences Laboratory Autonomous University of Guadalajara (Mexico)
E. Lennard Sc. D. Surgical Infections & Immunology University of Cincinnati
Glen E. Deal Ph.D. Electrical Engineering Florida Institute of Technology
Lane Lester Ph.D. Genetics Purdue University
Paul Whitehead Ph.D. Chemical Thermodynamics University of Natal (South Africa)
Catherine Lewis Ph.D. Geophysics Colorado School of Mines
John R. Goltz Ph.D. Electrical Engineering University of Arizona
Peter Line Ph.D. Neuroscience Swinburne University of Technology (Australia)
Gerald P. Bodey Emeritus Professor of Medicine, Former Chairman Department of Medical Specialties,
University of Texas M.D. Anderson Cancer Center
Garrick Little Ph.D. Organic Chemistry Texas A & M University
John Nichols Ph.D. Mathematics University of Tennessee
Mark Bearden Ph.D. Electrical & Computer Engineering Carnegie Mellon University
Harry Lubansky Ph.D. Biological Chemistry University of Illinois, Chicago
Daniel L. Moran Ph.D. Molecular & Cellular Biology Ohio University
Fulbright Scholar
Ken Ludema Emeritus Professor of Mechanical Engineering University of Michigan
Jed Macosko Ph.D. Chemistry University of California, Berkeley
Nigel Surridge Ph.D. Electrochemistry & Photochemistry University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill
Christopher Macosko Ph.D. Chemical Engineering Princeton University
David Keller Associate Professor of Chemistry University of New Mexico
Allen Magnuson Ph. D. Theoretical & Applied Mechanics University of New Hampshire
Amy Ward Ph.D. Mathematics Clemson University
Donald Mahan Professor of Animal Nutrition Ohio State University A SCIENTIFIC DISSENT FROM DARWINISM—8
Shane A. Kasten Post-Doctoral Fellow (Ph.D. Biochemistry, Kansas State University) Virginia Commonwealth University
Robert Marks Professor, Signal & Image Processing University of Washington
Jesus Ambriz Professor of Medicine Autonomous University of Guadalajara (Mexico)
Julie Marshall Ph.D. Chemistry Texas Tech University
Jay L. Wile Ph.D. Nuclear Chemistry University of Rochester
David McClellan Assistant Professor of Family & Community Medicine Texas A&M University College of Medicine
Evgeny Shirokov Faculty Lecturer (Nuclear and Particle Physics) Moscow State University (Russia)
Andy McIntosh Full Professor of Thermodynamics and Combustion Theory University of Leeds (UK)
Mark A. Robinson Ph.D. Environmental Science Lacrosse University
Tom McMullen Ph.D. History & Philosophy of Science Indiana University
Martin Poenie Associate Professor of Molecular and Cell Biology University of Texas, Austin
Haim Shore Professor of Quality and Reliability Engineering (Ph.D. Statistics) Ben-Gurion University of the Negev (Israel)
Tony Mega Ph.D. Biochemistry Purdue University
Carl Poppe Ph.D. Physics University of Wisconsin
James Menart Associate Professor of Mechanical Engineering Wright State University
Theodor Liss Ph.D. Chemistry MIT
James Keesling Professor of Mathematics University of Florida
Brian Miller Ph.D. Physics Duke University
Christopher D. Beling Associate Professor of Physics The University of Hong Kong (China)
Art Nitz Ph.D. Anatomy & Neurobiology University of Kentucky
Thomas Milner Associate Professor of Biomedical Engineering University of Texas, Austin
David Ness Ph.D. Anthropology Temple University
Forrest Mims Atmospheric Researcher Geronimo Creek Observatory
S. W. Pelletier* Emeritus Distinguished Professor of Chemistry University of Georgia, Athens
Paul Missel Ph.D. Physics MIT
Dónal O'Mathúna Ph.D. Pharmacognosy Ohio State University
Lennart Möller Professor, Center for Nutrition & Toxicology Karolinska Institute
Victoriano Saenz Professor of Medicine Autonomous University of Guadalajara (Mexico)
David Monson Ph.D. Analytical Chemistry Indiana University
Hugh Nutley* Professor Emeritus of Physics & Engineering Seattle Pacific University
Terry Morrison Ph.D. Chemistry Syracuse University
Bijan Nemati Ph.D. High Energy Physics University of Washington
William Russell Belding Ph.D. Mathematics University of Notre Dame
Bridget Ingham Ph.D. Physics Victoria University of Wellington (New Zealand)
Paul Nesselroade Associate Professor of Experimental Psychology Asbury College
Kevin L. Kendig Ph.D. Materials Science & Engineering University of Michigan
Robert Newman Ph.D. Astrophysics Cornell University
Angus Menuge Ph.D. Philosophy of Psychology University of Wisconsin-Madison
Khawar Sohail Siddiqui Senior Research Associate (Protein Chemistry) University of New South Wales (Australia)
Janet Parker Professor of Medical Physiology Texas A&M University, Health Science Center
Scott Northrup Chair and Professor of Chemistry Tennessee Tech University
John Omdahl* Professor of Biochemistry & Molecular Biology University of New Mexico
Fazale Rana Ph.D. Chemistry Ohio University
Rebecca Orr Ph.D. Cell Biology University of Texas, Southwestern
Cevat Babuna Professor Emeritus of Gynecology (Post-doc, University of Chicago) Istanbul University (Turkey) A SCIENTIFIC DISSENT FROM DARWINISM—9
Lawrence Overzet Professor of Engineering & Computer Science University of Texas, Dallas
J. Meredith Assistant Professor, Chemical Engineering Georgia Institute of Technology
Siddarth Pandey Assistant Professor of Chemistry New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology
Gordon Mills Emeritus Professor of Biochemistry University of Texas, Medical Branch
A. Clyde Hill Ph.D. Soil Chemistry Rutgers University
Stephen Meyer Ph.D. Philosophy of Science Cambridge University
William Purcell Ph.D. Physical Chemistry Princeton University
Paul Randolph Ph.D. Mathematical Statistics University of Minnesota
Christopher Morbey Astronomer (Ret.) Herzberg Institute of Astrophysics, National Research Council of Canada
David Reed Ph.D Entomology University of California, Riverside
Charles D. Johnson Ph.D. Chemistry University of Minnesota
J. Ishizaki Associate Professor of Neuropsychology (M.D., Ph.D. Medicine) Kobe Gakuin University (Japan)
David Rogstad Ph.D. Physics California Institute of Technology
Mark Shlapobersky Ph.D. Virology Bar-Ilan University (Israel)
Arthur John Jones Ph.D. Zoology & Comparative Physiology Birmingham University (UK)
Patricia Reiff Director, Rice Space Institute Rice University
Oleh Havrysh Senior Research Assistant, Protein & Peptide Structure & Function Dept. Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry & Petrochemistry
Ukrainian National Academy of Sciences (Ukraine)
W. Christopher Schroeder Associate Professor of Mathematics Morehead State University
Gail H. Allwine Professor of Electrical Engineering (retired) Gonzaga University
Dan Reynolds Ph.D. Organic Chemistry University of Texas, Austin
Andrew Steckley Ph.D. Civil Engineering University of Western Ontario (Canada)
Terry Rickard Ph.D. Engineering Physics University of California, San Diego
Arlen W. Siert Ph.D. Environmental Health Colorado State University
Mubashir Hanif Ph.D. Plant Biology University of Helsinki (Finland)
Eliot Roberts Ph.D. Soil Chemistry Rutgers University
Mario Beauregard Associate Researcher, Department of Psychology (Ph.D. Neuroscience) University of Montreal (Canada)
Quinton Rogers Prof. of Physiological Chemistry, Dept. of Molecular Biosciences Univ. of California, Davis, School of Vet. Medicine
Liang Hong Associate Professor, Dept. of Dental Public Health & Behavioral Science University of Missouri—Kansas City
Daniel Romo Professor of Chemistry Texas A&M University
David Sabatini Professor Civil Engineering & Environmental Science University of Oklahoma
Richard Buggs DPhil Plant Ecology & Evolution Oxford University (UK)
Theodore Saito Ph.D. Physics Pennsylvania State University
Kay Roscoe Ph.D. High Energy Particle Physics University of Manchester (UK)
Thomas Saleska Professor of Biology Concordia University
James F. Drake Ph.D. Atmospheric Science University of California, Los Angeles
Fernando Saravi Professor, Department of Morphology and Physiology Med. Sciences School, Univ. Nacional de Cuyo (Argentina)
Harold Toups Ph.D. Chemical Engineering Louisiana State University
Phillip Savage Professor of Chemical Engineering University of Michigan
Seyyed Imran Husnain Ph.D. Bacterial Genetics University of Sheffield (UK)
Dale Schaefer Professor, Materials Science & Engineering University of Cincinnati
Russell C. Healey Ph.D. Electrical Engineering University of Cambridge (UK)
Siegfried Scherer Professor of Microbial Ecology Technische Universität München A SCIENTIFIC DISSENT FROM DARWINISM—10
Stuart C. Burgess Professor of Design & Nature, Dept. of Mechanical Engineering Bristol University (UK)
Norman Schmidt Professor of Chemistry Georgia Southern University
Steve Maxwell Associate Professor of Molecular and Cellular Medicine Texas A&M University, H.S.C.
Rowan Seymour Ph.D. Computer Science Queen’s University, Belfast (Northern Ireland)
Andrew Schmitz Ph.D. Inorganic Chemistry University of Iowa
Anne E. Vravick Ph.D. Environmental Toxicology University of Wisconsin, Madison
Granville Sewell Professor of Mathematics University of Texas, El Paso
Richard A. Strong Ph.D. Chemistry Northeastern University
Marshall Adams Ph.D. Marine Sciences University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill
Stephen Sewell Assistant Professor of Family Medicine Texas A&M University
Mark C. Biedebach Professor Emeritus of Physiology California State University, Long Beach
Gregory Shearer Ph.D. Physiology University of California, Davis
Douglas Nelson Rose Research Physicist United States Army
David Shormann Ph.D. Limnology Texas A&M University
Paul Lorenzini Ph.D. Nuclear Engineering Oregon State University
Dale Spence Emeritus Professor of Kinesiology Rice University
David W. Dykstra Ph.D. Computer Science University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign
Arnold Sikkema Associate Professor of Physics Dordt College
Larry S. Helmick Senior Professor of Chemistry Cedarville University
Georgia Purdom Ph.D. Molecular Genetics Ohio State University
John Silvius Ph.D. Plant Physiology West Virginia University
Philip S. Taylor Research Fellow, Computer Science Queen’s University Belfast (UK)
Fred Skiff Professor of Physics University of Iowa
Giulio D. Guerra First Researcher of the Italian National Research Council (Chemistry) Istituto Materiali Compositi e Biomedici, CNR (Italy)
Ken Smith Professor of Mathematics Central Michigan University
Audris Zidermanis Ph.D. Nutrition & Molecular Biology Texas Woman’s University
Jacquelyn W. McClelland Professor (Ph.D. Nutritional Biochemistry) North Carolina State University, NCCE
Robert Smith Professor of Chemistry University of Nebraska, Omaha
Fred Van Dyke Professor of Biology and Chair of the Biology Department Wheaton College (Illinois)
Ian C. Fuller Senior Lecturer in Physical Geography Massey University (New Zealand)
Wolfgang Smith Emeritus Professor of Mathematics Oregon State University
Wayne L. Cook Ph.D. Inorganic Chemistry University of Kentucky
John Stamper Research Physicist Naval Research Laboratory
Alfred Tang Visiting Scholar (Ph.D. Physics, University of Wisconsin, Madison) The Chinese University of Hong Kong (China)
Jeffrey L. Vaughn Ph.D. Engineering University of California, Irvine
Timothy Standish Ph.D. Environmental Biology George Mason University
Robert W. Kopitzke Professor of Chemistry Winona State University
William Hankley Professor of Computer Science Kansas State University
Walt Stangl Associate Professor of Mathematics Biola University
John C. Walton Professor of Reactive Chemistry (Ph.D. & D.Sc.) University of St. Andrews (UK)
Fellow Royal Society of Chemistry
Fellow Royal Society of Edinburgh
Karl Stephan Associate Professor, Dept. of Technology Texas State University, San Marcos
Cahit Babuna Ph.D. Radiology Istanbul University (Turkey)
Richard Sternberg Ph.D. Biology (Molecular Evolution) Florida International University A SCIENTIFIC DISSENT FROM DARWINISM—11
Also: Ph.D. Systems Science (Theoretical Biology) Binghamton University
Reid W. Castrodale P.E., Ph.D. Structural Engineering University of Texas, Austin
Michael Strauss Associate Professor of Physics University of Oklahoma
Jason David Ward Ph.D. Molecular Biology and Biochemistry Glasgow University (UK)
Scott A. Renner Ph.D. Computer Science University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
John Studenroth Ph.D. Plant Pathology Cornell University
Peter M. Rowell D.Phil. Physics University of Oxford (UK)
Mark Swanson Ph.D. Biochemistry University of Illinois
João Jorge Ribeiro Soares Gonçalves de Araújo, Assistant Professor, Department of Mathematics Open University (Portugal)
Rafi Ahmed Ph.D. Computer Science University of Florida
James Swanson Professor of Biological Sciences Old Dominion University
Wade Warren C.J. Cavanaugh Chair in Biology Louisiana College
Justin Holl Ph.D. Animal Science University of Nebraska, Lincoln
Bela Szilagyi Ph.D. Physics University of Pittsburgh
Richard Mann Ph.D. Physical Chemistry Princeton University
Daniel Tedder Associate Professor, Chemical Engineering Georgia Institute of Technology
Derek Linkens Senior Research Fellow and Emeritus Professor (Biomedical Eng.) University of Sheffield (UK)
Charles Thaxton Ph.D. Physical Chemistry Iowa State University
Lee M. Spetner Ph.D. Physics MIT
Christopher L. Thomas Ph.D. Analytical Chemistry University of South Carolina
Douglas C. Youvan Former Associate Professor of Chemistry (Ph.D., U.C., Berkeley) MIT
Sture Blomberg Associate Professor of Anesthesia & Intensive Care Medicine The Sahlgren University Hospital (Sweden)
Pavithran Thomas Ph.D. Mechanical Engineering Ohio State University
Leonard Loose Ph.D. Botany University of Leeds (UK)
Richard Thompson Ph.D. Computer Science University of Connecticut
D. Albrey Arrington Ph.D. Wildlife & Fisheries Sciences Texas A&M University
Stephen Lloyd Ph.D. Materials Science University of Cambridge (UK)
James R. Thompson Noah Harding Professor of Statistics Rice University
Denis M. Boyle Ph.D. Medical Biochemistry University of Witwatersrand (South Africa)
Ide Trotter Ph.D. Chemical Engineering Princeton University
Kevin E. Spaulding Ph.D. Optical Engineering University of Rochester
Royal Truman Ph.D. Organic Chemistry Michigan State University
Robert VanderVennen Ph.D. Physical Chemistry Michigan State University
Tibor Tóth Professor of Product Information Engineering (D.Sc. Hungarian Academy) University of Miskolc (Hungary)
Nigel E. Robinson Ph.D. Molecular Biology University of Nottingham (UK)
Vincente Villa Emeritus Professor of Biology Southwestern University
Margil Wadley Ph.D. Inorganic Chemistry Purdue University
Clifton L. Kehr Ph.D. Chemistry University of Delaware
Carston Wagner Associate Professor of Medicinal Chemistry University of Minnesota
Karl Heinz Kienitz Professor, Department of Systems & Control Instituto Technologico de Aeronautica (Brazil)
Linda Walkup Ph.D. Molecular Genetics University of New Mexico Medical School
James Tumlin Associate Professor of Medicine Emory University
David Van Dyke Ph.D. Analytical Chemistry University of Illinois, Urbana
John Walkup Emeritus Professor of Electrical & Computer Engineering Texas Tech University
Tom Belanger Professor of Environmental Science Florida Institute of Technology
Pieder Beeli Ph.D. Physics University of Notre Dame
Robert Waltzer Associate Professor of Biology Belhaven College
James R. Brawer Professor of Anatomy & Cell Biology (Ph.D., Harvard) McGill University (Canada)
Todd Watson Assistant Professor of Urban & Community Forestry Texas A & M University
Weimin Gao Microbiologist Brookhaven National Laboratory
Woody Weed Mechanical Engineer, Science & Technology Division Sandia National Labs
Heikki Martikka Professor of Machine Design Lappeenranta University of Technology (Finland)
Gerald Wegner Ph.D. Entomology Loyola University
Richard R. Neptune Associate Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering University of Texas, Austin
Jonathan Wells Ph.D. Molecular & Cell Biology University of California, Berkeley
Alexandre S. Soares Ph.D. Mathematics Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (Brazil)
Robert Wentworth Ph.D. Toxicology University of Georgia
James Wanliss Associate Professor of Physics Embry-Riddle University
Einar W. Palm Professor Emeritus, Department of Plant Pathology University of Missouri, Columbia
R. P. Wharton Ph.D. Electrical Engineering Georgia Institute of Technology
Sandra Gade Emeritus Professor of Physics University of Wisconsin, Oshkosh
Elden Whipple Affiliate Professor of Earth & Space Sciences University of Washington
Chee K. Yap Professor of Computer Science (Ph.D., Yale University) Courant Institute, New York University
Mark White Professor of Chemical Engineering Georgia Institute of Technology
Charles Detwiler Ph.D. Genetics Cornell University
Terrance Murphy Professor of Chemistry Weill Cornell Medical College
Ed Neeland Professor of Chemistry Okanagan University
Gregg Wilkerson Ph.D. Geologic Science University of Texas, El Paso
Joseph M. Marra Director, Interventional Radiology, & Adjunct Professor of Medicine Niagara Falls Memorial Medical Center
Ken Pascoe Ph.D. Electrical Engineering Air Force Institute of Technology
John H. Whitmore Associate Professor of Geology Cedarville University
Ernest L. Brannon Professor Emeritus, Distinguished Research Professor (Ph.D. Fisheries) University of Idaho
Miroslav Hill Former Director of Research Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (France)
Christopher Williams Ph.D. Biochemistry Ohio State University
Georg A. Speck Ph.D. Biology, Molecular Pharmacology University of Heidelberg (Germany)
J. Mitch Wolff Professor of Mechanical Engineering Wright State University
Thomas D. Gillespie Research Professor Emeritus Transportation Research Institute, University of Michigan
John Worraker Ph.D. Applied Mathematics University of Bristol (UK)
Alexander Yankovsky Assistant Professor of Physical Oceanography Nova Southeastern University
John C. Zink Former Assistant Professor of Engineering University of Oklahoma
Patrick Young Ph.D. Chemistry Ohio University
David Zartman Ph.D. Genetics & Animal Breeding Ohio State University
Charles T. Rombough Ph.D. Engineering University of Texas
Henry Zuill Emeritus Professor of Biology Union College
Jane M. Orient Clinical Lecturer in Medicine University of Arizona College of Medicine
Frank Young Ph.D. Computer Engineering Air Force Institute of Technology
Murray E. Moore Ph.D. Mechanical Engineering Texas A&M University
William J. Powers Ph.D. Physics University California, San Diego
Max G. Walter Associate Professor of Radiology Oklahoma University Health Science Center A SCIENTIFIC DISSENT FROM DARWINISM—13
Rosa María Muñoz Head of Biopharmacy Department Autonomous University of Guadalajara (Mexico)
Scott R. Fulton Ph.D. Atmospheric Science Colorado State University
Don Olson Ph.D. Analytical Chemistry Purdue University
Graham Marshall Ph.D. Analytical Chemistry University of Pretoria (South Africa)
Philip R. Page Ph.D. Theoretical Particle Physics University of Oxford (UK)
Roger Wiens Ph.D. Physics University of Minnesota
Mark Toleman Ph.D. Molecular Microbiology Bristol University (UK)
Robert O. Kalbach Ph.D. Physical Chemistry University of South Florida
Gregory J. Brewer Prof. of Neurology, Medical Microbiology, Immunology and Cell Biology Southern Illinois University School of Medicine
Neil Huber Dr. rer. nat. (Ph.D. Anthropology) Tuebingen University
Marc C. Daniels Assistant Professor of Biology William Carey College
J.D. Moolenburgh Ph.D. Epidemiology University of Rotterdam (The Netherlands)
Roger Lien Ph.D. Physiology North Carolina State University
Dean Schulz Ph.D. Computer Science Colorado State University
John Millam Ph.D. Computational Chemistry Rice University
Joseph Lary Epidemiologist and Research Biologist (retired) Centers for Disease Control
Richard S. Beale, Jr. Ph.D. Entomology University of California, Berkeley
Ernest M. Thiessen Ph.D. Civil & Environmental Engineering Cornell University
Tianyou Wang Research Scientist Center for Advanced Studies in Measurement & Assessment, University of Iowa
Øyvind A. Voie Ph.D. Biology University of Oslo (Norway)
David K. Shortess Professor of Biology (Retired) New Mexico Tech
A.D. Harrison Emeritus Professor of Biology University of Waterloo
William P. Shulaw Professor of Veterinary Preventive Medicine The Ohio State University
Darrell R. Parnell Ph. D. University Level Science Education Kansas State University
Daniel W. Barnette Ph. D. Aerospace Engineering Stanford University
David William Jensen Professor of Biology Tomball College
Edward M. Bohn Ph. D. Nuclear Engineering University of Illinois
Robert G. Vos Ph.D. Civil/Structural Engineering Rice University
Yvonne Boldt Ph. D. Microbiology University of Minnesota
William B. Collier Ph. D. Physical Chemistry Oklahoma State University
Edward Gade Professor Emeritus of Mathematics University of Wisconsin, Oshkosh
James E. Nymann Emeritus Professor of Mathematics University of Texas at El Paso
Malcolm A. Cutchins Ph. D. Engineering Mechanics Virginia Tech
Lisanne D’Andrea-Winslow Ph. D. Cell Biology & Biochemistry Rutgers University
Holger Daugaard Ph. D. Agronomy Danish Institute of Agricultural Sciences (Denmark)
Shieu-Hong Lin Assistant Professor of Computer Science (Ph.D., Brown University) Biola University
W. John Durfee Assistant Professor of Pharmacology Case Western Reserve University
Dominic M. Halsmer Ph. D. Mechanical Engineering UCLA
Charles B. Lowrey Ph.D. Chemistry University of Houston
Jeffrey H. Harwell Ph. D. Chemical Engineering University of Texas, Austin
Frank Cheng Associate Professor of Chemistry University of Idaho
David Heddle Ph. D. Physics Carnegie Mellon University
Yoshiyuki Amemiya Professor of Advanced Materials Science & Applied Physics The University of Tokyo
Barbara S. Helmkamp Ph.D. Theoretical Physics Louisiana State University A SCIENTIFIC DISSENT FROM DARWINISM—14
David C. Kem Professor of Medicine University of Oklahoma College of Medicine
C. Thomas Luiskutty Ph.D. Physics Univ. of Louisville
Wusi Maki Research Asst. Professor, Dept. of Microbiology, Mol. Biology, & Biochem. University of Idaho
A. Cordell Perkes Ph.D. Science Education Ohio State University
John D. Cook Head of Software Development (Ph.D. Mathematics, U.T. Austin) Department of Biostatistics & Applied Mathematics, U. of Texas, M.D. Anderson Cancer Center
Tony Prato Prof. of Ecological Economics University of Missouri
Charles G. Sanny Prof. of Biochemistry Oklahoma State University Ctr. for Health Sciences
Jairam Vanamala Postdoctoral Research Associate, Faculty of Nutrition Faculty of Nutrition, TAMU, College Station
Gordon L. Wilson Ph.D. Environmental Science and Public Policy George Mason University
Robin D. Zimmer Ph.D. Environmental Sciences Rutgers University
Karl Duff Sc.D. Mechanical Engineering MIT
David Jansson Sc.D. Instrumentation and Automatic Control MIT
C. Steven Murphree Professor of Biology Belmont University
Alfred G. Ratz Ph.D. Engineering Physics University of Toronto (Canada)
Chris Cellucci Associate Professor of Physics Ursinus College
Gary Maki Director, Ctr. for Advanced Microelectronics and Biomolecular Research University of Idaho
Ronald S. Carson Ph.D. Nuclear Engineering University of Washington
Joseph A. Strada Ph.D. Aeronautical Engineering Naval Postgraduate School
Olaf Karthaus Associate Professor, Chemistry Chitose Institute of Science & Technology (Japan)
Arnold Eugene Carden Professor Emeritus of Engineering Science & Mechanics University of Alabama
John B. Marshall Professor of Medicine University of Missouri School of Medicine
Robert B. Sheldon Ph.D. Physics University of Maryland, College Park
B. K. Nelson Research Toxicologist (retired) Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Hansik Yoon Ph.D. Fiber Science Seoul National University (South Korea)
David Conover Ph.D. Health Physics Purdue University
Luis Paulo Franco de Barros D.Sc. Mechanical Engineering Pontificia Universidade Católica (Brazil)
Richard W. Pooley Professor of Surgery (retired) New York Medical College
Arthur Chadwick Ph.D. Molecular Biology University of Miami
Lennart Saari Adjunct Professor, Wildlife Biology University of Helsinki (Finland)
Douglas G. Frank Ph.D. Surface Electrochemistry University of Cincinnati
James G. Tarrant Ph.D. Organic Chemistry University of Texas, Austin
N. Ricky Byrn Ph.D. Nuclear Engineering Georgia Institute of Technology
Jeffrey E. Lander Ph.D. Biomechanics University of Oregon
Curtis Hawkins Asst. Clinical Professor of Dermatology Case Western Reserve Univ. School of Medicine
Mary A. Brown DVM (Veterinary Medicine) Ohio State University
Thomas H. Marshall Adjunct Professor, Food Agricultural and Biological Engineering Ohio State University
Charles H. McGowen Assistant Professor of Medicine Northeastern Ohio Universities College of Medicine
Ronald R. Crawford Ed.D. Science Education Ball State University
Matti Junnila DVM, Ph.D. Veterinary Pathology University of Helsinki (Finland)
Dean Svoboda Ph.D. Electrical Engineering The Ohio State University
Ruth C. Miles Professor of Chemistry Malone College
Mark J. Lattery Associate Professor of Physics University of Wisconsin-Oshkosh
William McVaugh Associate Professor of Biology Department of Natural Sciences, Malone College
Jeffrey M. Goff Associate Professor of Chemistry Malone College A SCIENTIFIC DISSENT FROM DARWINISM—15
Jarrod W. Carter Ph.D. Bioengineering University of Washington
David B. Medved Ph.D. Physics University of Pennsylvania
Theodore W. Geier Ph.D. Forrest Hydrology University of Minnesota
Christian Heiss Post-Doctoral Associate Complex Carbohydrate Res. Ctr., Univ. of Georgia
G. Bradley Schaefer Professor of Pediatrics University of Nebraska Medical Center
Bruce Simat Associate Professor of Biology Northwestern College
Teresa Gonske Assistant Professor of Mathematics Northwestern College
Thomas Mundie Dean of the School of Science & Technology Georgia Gwinnett College
Scott S. Kinnes Professor of Biology Azusa Pacific University
James A. Huggins Chair, Dept. of Biology & Dir., Hammons Center for Scientific Studies Union University
Jonathan A. Zderad Assistant Professor of Mathematics Northwestern College
Michael R. Egnor Professor and Vice-Chairman, Dept. of Neurological Surgery State University of New York at Stony Brook
I. Caroline Crocker Ph.D. Immunopharmacology University of Southampton (UK)
Donald J. Hanrahan Ph.D. Electrical Engineering University of Maryland
Gintautas Jazbutis Ph.D. Mechanical Engineering Georgia Institute of Technology
Paul S. Darby Ph.D. Organic Chemistry University of Georgia
Changhyuk An Ph.D. Physics University of Tennessee
L. Kirt Martin Professor of Biology Lubbock Christian University
Gerald Schroeder Ph.D. Earth Sciences & Nuclear Physics MIT
Rod Rogers Ph.D. Agronomy/Plant Breeding Iowa State University
David W. Herrin Research Assistant Professor in Mechanical Engineering University of Kentucky
Glen Needham Associate Professor of Entomology The Ohio State University
E. Byron Rogers Professor of Chemistry; Chair, Dept. of Mathematics & Physical Sciences Lubbock Christian University
Vladimir L. Voeikov Vice-Chairman, Chair of Bio-organic Chemistry, Faculty of Biology Lomonosov Moscow State University (Russia)
Ricardo Leon Dean of School of Medicine Autonomous University of Guadalajara (Mexico)
Eugene C. Ashby Regents’ Professor and Distinguished Professor Emeritus Georgia Institute of Technology
JoAnne Larsen Assistant Professor of Industrial Engineering University of South Florida, Lakeland
Douglas Axe Director (Ph.D. Chemical Engineering, California Institute of Technology) Biologic Institute
Joel Brind Professor of Biology Baruch College, City University of New York
William F. Basener Associate Professor of Mathematics Rochester Institute of Technology
L. Whit Marks Emeritus Professor of Physics University of Central Oklahoma
Jan Peter Bengtson Associate Professor (M.D., Ph.D. Intensive Care Medicine) University of Gothenburg (Sweden)
Perry Mason Professor of Mathematics and Physical Science Lubbock Christian University
Timothy A. Mixon Assistant Professor of Medicine Texas A&M University
Lawrence DeMejo Ph.D. Polymer Science and Engineering University of Massachusetts at Amherst
Charles Garner Professor of Chemistry Baylor University
Lynne Parker Professor of Computer Science (Ph.D. MIT) Distributed Intelligence Lab, University of Tennessee
Ivan M. Lang Ph.D. Physiology and Biophysics Temple University
David J. Lawrence Ph.D. Physics Washington University, St. Louis
John G. Hoey Ph.D. Molecular and Cellular Biology City University of New York Graduate School
Theodore J. Siek Ph.D. Biochemistry Oregon State University
John P. Rickert Ph.D. Mathematics Vanderbilt University
Christian M. Loch Ph.D. Biochemistry and Molecular Genetics University of Virginia
David W. Rusch Sr. Research Scientist, Laboratory for Atmospheric and Space Physics University of Colorado
Charles A. Signorino Ph.D. Organic Chemistry University of Pennsylvania A SCIENTIFIC DISSENT FROM DARWINISM—16
Luke Randall Ph.D. Molecular Microbiology University of London (UK)
Jan Frederic Dudt Associate Professor of Biology Grove City College
Glenn A. Marsch Associate Professor of Physics Grove City College
Eduardo Sahagun Professor of Botany Autonomous University of Guadalajara (Mexico)
Mark A. Chambers Ph.D. Virology University of Cambridge (UK)
Daniel Howell Ph.D. Biochemistry Virginia Tech
Joel D. Hubbard Associate Professor, Dept. of Lab. Science and Primary Care Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center
C. Roger Longbotham Ph.D. Statistics Florida State University
Hugh L. Henry Lecturer (Ph.D. Physics, University of Virginia) Northern Kentucky University
Jonathan D. Eisenback Professor of Plant Pathology Dept. of Plant Pathology and Weed Science Virginia Tech
Eduardo Arroyo Professor of Forensics (Ph.D. Biology) Complutense University (Spain)
Peter Silley Ph.D. Microbial Biochemistry University of Newcastle upon Tyne
E. Norbert Smith Ph.D. Zoology Texas Tech University
Peter C. Iwen Professor of Pathology and Microbiology University of Nebraska Medical Center
Paul Roschke A.P. and Florence Wiley Professor, Dept. of Civil Engineering Texas A&M University
Luman R. Wing Associate Professor of Biology Azusa Pacific University
Edward F. Blick Ph.D. Engineering Science University of Oklahoma
Wesley M. Taylor Former Chairman of the Division of Primate Medicine & Surgery New England Regional Primate Research Center, Harvard Medical School
Don England Professor Emeritus of Chemistry Harding University
Wayne Linn Professor Emeritus of Biology Southern Oregon University
James Gundlach Associate Professor of Physics John A. Logan College
Guillermo Gonzalez Associate Professor of Astronomy Iowa State University
Tim Droubay Ph.D. Physics University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
Gregory D. Bossart Director and Head of Pathology Harbor Branch Oceanographic Institution
Barry Homer Ph.D. Mathematics Southampton University (UK)
Jiøí Vácha Professor Emeritus of Pathological Physiology Institute of Pathophysiology, Masaryk University (Czech Republic)
Richard J. Neves Professor of Fisheries, Dept. of Fisheries and Wildlife Sciences Virginia Tech
David Deming Associate Professor of Geosciences University of Oklahoma
Gregory A. Ator Associate Professor, Department of Otolaryngology University of Kansas Medical Center
Erkki Jokisalo Ph.D. Social Pharmacy University of Kuopio (Finland)
John S. Roden Associate Professor of Biology Southern Oregon University
Donald W. Russell Adjunct Assistant Clinical Professor University of North Carolina School of Medicine
Neil Armitage Associate Professor of Civil Engineering University of Cape Town (South Africa )
Geoff Barnard Senior Research Scientist, Department of Veterinary Medicine University of Cambridge (UK)
Richard Hassing Ph.D. Theoretical Physics Cornell University
Olivia Torres Professor-Researcher (Human Genetics) Autonomous University of Guadalajara (Mexico)
Donald A. Kangas Professor of Biology Truman State University
Alvin Masarira Senior Lecturer for Structural Engineering and Mechanics University of Cape Town (South Africa)
George A. Ekama Professor, Water Quality Engineering, Dept of Civil Engineering University of Cape Town (South Africa)
Alistair Donald Ph.D. Environmental Science/Quaternary or Pleistocene Palynology University of Wales (UK)
Thomas C. Majerus PharmD; FCCP University of Minnesota
Ferenc Farkas Ph.D. Applied Chemical Sciences Technical University of Budapest (Hungary)
Scott A. Chambers Affiliate Professor of Chemistry and Materials Science & Engineering University of Washington A SCIENTIFIC DISSENT FROM DARWINISM—17
Cris Eberle Ph.D. Nuclear Engineering Purdue University
Dennis M. Sullivan Professor of Biology and Bioethics Cedarville University
Rodney M. Rutland Department Head & Associate Professor of Kinesiology Anderson University
Alastair M. Noble Ph.D. Chemistry University of Glasgow (Scotland)
Robert D. Orr Professor of Family Medicine University of Vermont College of Medicine
Laverne Miller Clinical Associate Professor of Family Medicine Medical College of Ohio
Laura Burke Former Associate Professor of Industrial Engineering Lehigh University
Terry W. Spencer Former Chair, Department of Geology & Geophysics Texas A&M University
Bert Massie Ph.D. Physics University of California, Los Angeles
Mark C. Porter Ph.D. Chemical Engineering MIT
S. Thomas Abraham Assistant Professor of Pharmacology & Toxicology Campbell University School of Pharmacy
John L. Hoffer Professor of Engineering; Texas A&M University College of Engineering; (also) Professor of Anesthesiology Texas A&M Univ. Syst. Health Science Center
Anita McElroy Ph.D. Biology University of California, San Diego
Herman Branover Professor of Mechanical Engineering Ben-Gurion University (Israel)
Martin Krause Research Scientist (Astronomy) University of Cambridge (UK)
James G. Bentsen Ph.D. Chemistry M.I.T.
Charles N. Delzell Professor of Mathematics (Ph.D. Stanford) Louisiana State University
Curtis Hrischuk Ph.D. Electrical Engineering Carleton University (Canada)
Guang-Hong Chen Assistant Professor of Medical Physics & Radiology University of Wisconsin-Madison
Doug Hufstedler Ph.D. Animal Nutrition Texas A&M University
Justin Long Ph.D. Chemical Engineering Iowa State University
James E. Rankin Ph.D. General Relativity Yeshiva University (Israel)
Donald F. Smee Research Professor (Microbiology) Utah State University
Colin R. Reeves Professor of Operational Research (Ph.D. Evolutionary Algorithms) Coventry University (UK)
Eugene K. Balon University Professor Emeritus, Department of Integrative Biology University of Guelph (Canada)
Chrystal L. Ho Pao Assistant Professor of Biology (Ph.D. Molecular Genetics, Harvard U.) Trinity International University
*= Deceased since signing statement.
Note: Unless updated information has been received, positions listed are those held by signers when they signed the statement.

Posted: November 30th, 2009, 9:32 pm
by Alun
As has been pointed out numerous times, this:
is not the same as this:
“We are skeptical of claims for the ability of random mutation and natural selection to account for the complexity of life. Careful examination of the evidence for Darwinian theory should be encouraged.”
Further, the modern theory of evolution really should not be called "Darwinism" at all, as I've pointed out to Juice.

But all of that aside, you still haven't given any good reasons to dissent from Darwinism. And if we're playing the long list game, there are 1124 scientists with the first name "Steve" who agreed to this statement:
Evolution is a vital, well-supported, unifying principle of the biological sciences, and the scientific evidence is overwhelmingly in favor of the idea that all living things share a common ancestry. Although there are legitimate debates about the patterns and processes of evolution, there is no serious scientific doubt that evolution occurred or that natural selection is a major mechanism in its occurrence. It is scientifically inappropriate and pedagogically irresponsible for creationist pseudoscience, including but not limited to "intelligent design," to be introduced into the science curricula of our nation's public schools.

As to the "documentary" Expelled, I think you might learn something from the Wikipedia article on it. Take the first example, Richard Sternberg:
Sternberg, a staff scientist for the National Center for Biotechnology Information and himself a fellow of the intelligent design advocacy group ISCID, had resigned his position at the journal Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington six months before publication of the Meyers paper. He circumvented the journal's standard reviewing process to include the controversial paper,[47] which argued that the development of phyla during the Cambrian explosion was not fully explained by evolution.
While the movie claims he was pressured to quit because he published the paper.

I won't summarize the whole Wikipedia article, but the movie really doesn't seem to have made any legitimate cases. It is true that a biology class lecturer is expected to teach mainstream, well-researched theories, and at most mention current or unsubstantiated claims as an aside. I don't see why this is a conspiracy; ID is certainly a common topic in philosophy and even religion classes. The fact of the matter is simply that it isn't science (and therefore isn't practically useful) if it doesn't explain empirical phenomena in a testable manner.

Posted: November 30th, 2009, 11:19 pm
by Juice
True, the new Darwinism is "neo-Darwinism" which incorporates Mendelian genetics into providing further rationals into explaining classical Darwinism.

Darwinism is the process of biological evolution by the pressures of natural selection, survival of the fittest and heredity.

Also included into the "new" Darwinism is genetic drift which is an attempt to explain rapid adaptations antithetical to Darwinian gradualism. It also attempts to explain long periods of geologic time where no speciation is noted.

Lets assume that an adaptation becomes desirable within a given population then there would have to be a certain amount of time for that adaptation to affect that whole population. When thinking in terms of Darwinian evolution then this would have to be a consideration especially when considering survival. If an organism is under environmental threat which then forces an imperative change to that population then there would have to be time alloted for that adaptation to become effective for that entire population which in turn would cause speciation. Now one has to consider this in terms of effectiveness, particularly if the adaptation is necessary to equalize the detriment from a predator. Those individuals who are not equipped to escape that predator will die out but then the opportunity for the predator to adapt to those changes will also occur. This is one of the problems with natural selection as a whole. When one considers natural selection the objective of fitness under the influence of heredity.

Fully 99% of all life that ever existed on this planet is extinct. The result of natural effects, but interestingly we also see the emergence of animals and organisms that are uniquely suited to human uses around 45-50 million years ago.

I propose that we eliminate Darwinian evolution and Intelligent Design altogether and rename the new study;

Self Telosadaptive Cooperative Information Entities = STACIE

Posted: December 1st, 2009, 9:40 pm
by tmv
Juice wrote:tmv-I direct you to post #6 in which I provide several hoaxes perpetuated in the name of evolution. These examples are easily researched.

Believe it or not the "Flat Earth Theory" is based on the best scientific technology available of that day and that was direct observation. This is not an attempt to support it but only to show the limits of observation in that it can be faulty as it has often been proven even to these days.

I only encourage examination of the various evolution theories and examinations of all sides of the observations and conclusions/theories for oneself.

Alun-I am not to comfortable with the reasoning behind self flagellation.
The ancients never thought the earth was flat, no one did. They were able to tell the earth was round just by the stars. Fun fact.

And just because some people created hoaxes doesn't mean the whole thing is a conspiracy it just means some dumb people were hungry for fame.

Posted: December 2nd, 2009, 8:23 am
by Belinda
Who is this Dr Berlinsky who doesn't seem to know the differednc between evolution and evolution by natural selection?

How is that anyone on this list cannot appreciate the rational sequence of the following?

Struggle for existence

random mutations

Huge, vast, durations of time



Posted: December 2nd, 2009, 9:54 am
by athena
The chicken is a dinosaur. That is the DNA for dinosaurs is in the chicken, and a Canadian has received funding to bring out the dinosaur traits already inherent in the chicken.

What Darwin did not know is animals come with a wide variety of genes, and mutations of genes are not necessary to getting the variety of animals that have existed. Along with genes, is a mechanism for activating them, or turning them off. Dramatic and unexpected changes can happen by turning off genes.

This study of genes strongly supports evolution as a fact of life, and gives us new research that can cure diseases. Science like improves our lives beyond what studying the bible can do for us. Those who oppose evolution for religious reasons, are not doing humanity a favor, but are as harmful to our advancement and efforts to know truth, as those who refused to believe germs exist and sanitation is necessary, or refused to believe the earth revolves around the sun. When religion stands in the away of science, it turns people away from religion.

The genome of the domesticated dog, a close evolutionary relation to human, is a powerful new tool for understanding the human genome. Comparison of the dog with human and other mammals reveals key information about the structure and evolution of genes and genomes. The unique breeding history of dogs, with their extraordinary behavioral and physical diversity, offers the opportunity to find important genes underlying diseases shared between dogs and humans, such as cancer, diabetes, and epilepsy.

The Canine Genome Sequencing Project produced a high-quality draft sequence of a female boxer named Tasha. By comparing Tasha with many other breeds, the project also compiled a comprehensive set of SNPs (single nucleotide polymorphisms) useful in all dog breeds. These closely spaced genomic landmarks are critical for disease mapping. By comparing the dog, rodent, and human lineages, researchers at the Broad Institute uncovered exciting new information about human genes, their evolution, and the regulatory mechanisms governing their expression. Using SNPs, researchers describe the strikingly different haplotype structure in dog breeds compared with the entire dog population. In addition, they show that by understanding the patterns of variation in dog breeds, scientists can design powerful gene mapping experiments for complex diseases that are difficult to map in human populations.


Posted: December 2nd, 2009, 5:49 pm
by JPhillips

I suppose I can believe that DNA and white blood cells and the reproductive organs happened by accident over a long period of time if you can accept that a computer without any software loaded into it, can over a long period of time program itself to run the United States Missile Defense System and at the same time, become self aware.

Both premises sound really logical to me. As far as the laws of probability are concerned, who needs them. Certainly not scientists.

The real problem I see in this argument, is that some of us are materialists and some are non-materialists. No one can prove which came first, matter or consiousness.

There is a resolution to this dilemna as laid out at the following site:

The following are excerpts from this site:

Forget God (for awhile), survival of Consciousness after death and outside the brain is the thing to investigate first, says this blogger below. If you prove consciousness has a mind of its own, a life of its own, then the other question of whether God/Goddess exists or not will simply answer itself. The atheists-and-scientists vs. mystics-and-believers method is not getting us the answers we need, we crave. We must look at whether consciousness survives after we die, examine the evidence that our brains do not create consciousness, they merely tap into it, like your car radio picks up on a broadcast of huge FM radio waves.
The inductive approach, that of psychical research, makes much more sense. That is, explore and examine the evidence for survival of consciousness in such things as near-death experiences, out-of-body travel, deathbed visions, spirit communication through various types of mediums, past-life regressions, and other forms of psychical research. Then, assuming we are satisfied with the evidence, look for an Intelligence behind it all, even though we can’t comprehend that Intelligence. In the light of evidence for survival, the “question of God” really becomes academic. Perhaps that is the problem: Academia often has a hard time dealing with the practical.

Posted: December 2nd, 2009, 8:24 pm
by Alun
JPhillips, you might not find this comic funny, but I think you might also be stumped by the argument it has to make. Here's an important segment:
Is complexity really what makes an object designed?

Steve's assertion, however crude, is probably correct. That bizarre rock formation is most likely designed. Would you call that rock formation complex? Not especially. Then what is it about this rock formation that makes it appear designed? Very simply, it is because rocks with that shape, and that arrangement do not occur naturally, and we have no natural mechanism for their arrangement other than chance.
The reality is that we do have a natural mechanism which could explain our development, at least as far back as simple, reproducing molecules. This mechanism does not just reduce to pure chance, at least not anymore than the fact that rocks fall towards the earth happens due to chance. So once again, this debate hinges on the reasoning behind evolution by natural selection, which I've already posted.

Also, you example with the computer is not at all analogous. In fact we have developed computer programs which mimic natural selection in their growth--i.e. the program changes randomly, but changes with bad results are selected against. This ends up making fairly efficient programs. (here's a paper on one)


Posted: December 2nd, 2009, 8:40 pm
by JPhillips

Sorry but that rock just doesn't come close to the complexities of DNA or the complexities of the human brain and the human body.

As far as the point I was trying to make with the computer, you have to start out with programming before it can program itself. It is not likely to occur if you start off with a blank hard drive. DNA mimics computer programming with the information it contains.

Posted: December 3rd, 2009, 12:12 am
by Alun
No, again, it doesn't make sense to compare it to a blank hard drive, since there is no mechanism of selection or random generation.

The point is that the rocks are not complex, at least not in their arrangement; design does not always involve complexity. And there is no reason to think that all complex things are designed either. So what tells you that something is designed?

Posted: December 3rd, 2009, 12:59 am
by Juice
The truth of the matter is that Darwinian evolution is an outdated abstract concept or idea since without any significant proof that life, as we know it, could have possibly arose from random chance chemical processes since we know it is impossible.

As I have stated even the fossil record is inconsistent with common ancestor origins. There are just too many gaps and there is a definite lack of transitional organisms.

Natural selection only occurs within existing species and only in minor changes reflective of adaptation to environmental flux, but does little for speciation. Consider the amount of change necessary for a plant to turn into a fish or an insect. Do we even have any plants today with a central nervous system? Natural selection is not evolution and does little for explaining the origin of life. What are the chances of creating one amino acid that becomes a building block of life let alone four that become a protein capable of transcription and eventually becoming a fully functioning biochemical "machine" capable of mental processes that no machine will ever be capable of?

Darwinism is a dead end thanks to molecular biology, quantum physics, information theory and more and more serious students in the engineering fields of nanotechnology are realizing that the cell is just too complicated a machine to have not been engineered.

Today molecular biologist, at least those with the sense to turn evolution theory up a notch, talk in terms of "design logic" and "information storage density". Those in the computer fields know what that means.

Intelligent design poses problems for the materialist albeit intentional from a Christian perspective. But, I understand how people still think evolution is true given the fact that people can hear but still don't listen.