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As to the fossil record specifically, what you're asking for is for a huge chunk of paleontology to be presented to you, which is slightly ridiculous. There are millions of fossils along the timeline between the first of multicellular organisms and humans. Here's the general timeline, if you really don't understand what you're asking for.I know exactly what I am asking for. I know it does not exist and never did. Asking you to produce proof Darwinism theory is scientific fact is no more ridiculous than you asking me to produce proof of God. So we can sit here and call each other stupid all day long and we will both have plenty of supporters.
When you ask people to agree with you, then you open yourself up to ridicule.I concur. And as long as we are using others to make our arguments for us, here are some who agree with me:
JPhillips wrote:I know it [evidence] does not exist and never did.Of course it does; did you look at the links I provided? I'm just telling you that I'm not going to post millions of fossil citations for you. Where do you think transitional fossils are missing, exactly? It'd be helpful if you put it in terms of that timeline I linked to. E.g. do you doubt that there is a link between the ancestors of bacteria and sponges? Or between sponges and jellyfish? Etc.
1. Some important factors prevent the formation of fossils from being common:
* Fossilization itself is not a particularly common event. It requires conditions that preserve the fossil before it becomes scavenged or decayed. Such conditions are common only in a very few habitats, such as river deltas, peat bogs, and tar pits. Organisms that do not live in or near these habitats will be preserved only rarely.
* Many types of animals are fragile and do not preserve well.
* Many species have small ranges. Their chance of fossilization will be proportionally small.
* The evolution of new species probably is fairly rapid in geological terms, so the transitions between species will be uncommon.
Passenger pigeons, once numbered in the billions, went extinct less than 200 years ago. How many passenger pigeon fossils can you find? If they are hard to find, why should we expect to find fossils that are likely from smaller populations and have been subject to millions of years of potential erosion?
2. Other processes destroy fossils. Erosion (and/or lack of deposition in the first place) often destroys hundreds of millions of years or more of the geological record, so the geological record at any place usually has long gaps. Fossils can also be destroyed by heat or pressure when buried deep underground.
3. As rare as fossils are, fossil discovery is still rarer. For the most part, we find only fossils that have been exposed by erosion, and only if the exposure is recent enough that the fossils themselves do not erode.
As climates change, species will move, so we cannot expect a transition to occur all at one spot. Fossils often must be collected from all over a continent to find the transitions.
Only Europe and North America have been well explored for fossils because that is where most of the paleontologists lived. Furthermore, regional politics interfere with collecting fossils. Some fabulous fossils have been found in China only recently because before then the politics prevented most paleontology there.
4. The shortage is not just in fossils but in paleontologists and taxonomists. Preparing and analyzing the material for just one lineage can take a decade of work. There are likely hundreds of transitional fossils sitting in museum drawers, unknown because nobody knowledgeable has examined them.
5. Description of fossils is often limited to professional literature and does not get popularized. This is especially true of marine microfossils, which have the best record.
6. If fossilization were so prevalent and young-earth creationism were true, we should find indications in the fossil record of animals migrating from the Ark to other continents.
“Aujourd'hui, pres d'un demisiecle apres la parution de l'encyclique, de nouvelles connaisances condesuisent a reconnaitre dans la theorie de l'evolution plus qu'*une* hypothese.”Translation;
“Today, almost half a century after the publication of the Encyclical [Humani generis, 1950], new knowledge has led to the recognition of more than *one* hypothesis in the theory of evolution.”Without trying to disparage the Roman Catholic Church, the church has long accepted evolution theory and has for years taught evolution in schools, but has always maintained that creation is impossible without God. Pope John Paul II had a storied life and was very much the philosopher. It would be unfair to attack so brave and hearty soul for things he said in his old age.
"The question is not to either make a decision for a creationism that fundamentally excludes science, or for an evolutionary theory that covers over its own gaps and does not want to see the questions that reach beyond the methodological possibilities of natural science,"I too was a staunch evolutionist since before I was ten. Even in my short stint in college before I entered military service I geared all my energies to Anthropology and Paleo-anthropology for my electives. It was one simple question that pervaded my thinking more than anything else for years and that is sexual reproduction.
Or consider caterpillars. A caterpillar has no obvious resemblance to a butterfly. The disparity in engineering is huge. The caterpillar has no legs, properly speaking, certainly no wings, no proboscis. How did a species that did not undergo metamorphosis evolve into one that did? Pupating looks like something you do well or not at all: If you don’t turn into something practical at the end, you don’t get another chance.Evolutionist will say that the bodies of worms, caterpillars and butterflies are to fragile to leave fossils.
Think about this. The ancestor of a modern caterpillar necessarily was something that could reproduce already. To get to be a butterfly-producing sort of organism, it would have to evolve silk-extruding organs, since they are what you make a cocoon with. OK, maybe it did this to tie leaves together, or maybe the beast resembled a tent-caterpillar. (Again, plausibility over evidence.) Then some mutation caused it to wrap itself experimentally in silk. (What mutation? Are we serious?) It then died, wrapped, because it had no machinery to cause it to undergo the fantastically complex transformation into a butterfly. Death is usually a discouragement to reproduction.
Tell me how the beast can gradually acquire, by accident, the capacity gradually to undergo all the formidably elaborate changes from worm to butterfly, so that each intermediate form is a practical organism that survives. If evolutionists cannot answer such questions, the theory fails.
JPhillips wrote:I am just becoming more and more frustrated because for every argument I find for evolution I come across an argument is that just as valid in refuting it.No, you're just asking questions in the wrong way (and of the wrong people). It took many hundreds of scientists years to compile and determine these theories, so it's fairly silly to think you've absorbed all the arguments from an Ann Coulter blog. Or from ID advocates. If you really want to understand the theory, then I again invite you to point out your problems in my argument in the thread I started on the topic--I don't have the patience to rehash the same evidence again.
Juice wrote:considering the recent uncovering of scientific manipulations in the global warming controversy.Yes, the politicization of theoretical meteorology has a ton to do with the underpinnings of biology.
Juice wrote:Mathematicians have been questioning the validity of evolution since almost as soon as Darwin presented his theory.The only mathematicians who I've seen question evolution are ones who pull probabilities of beneficial change out of the air and then do basic statistics with them.
Juice wrote:Alun and I have tried to hash this out to little avail. It seems that there is a believability factor hard to breech. Like climate change, I suppose it's a matter of passion, trust and whether or not we really want something more for ourselves than commonality with chimpanzees and bonaboo'sThat'd be a charitable stance of equality except for the fact that I have all of the evidence behind what I believe.
New Lack of Evidence Boosts Certainty of Darwinism
by Scott Ott for ScrappleFace · Comments (75) · ShareThis· Print This Story
(2007-09-18) — Recent discoveries indicating no direct line of descent from ape-like creatures to modern man have further bolstered anthropologists’ belief that Darwin’s theory of descent-with-modification by natural selection must certainly account for the rise of Homo sapiens.
New research on a pair of recently-unearthed African skulls shows that Homo habilis and Homo erectus most likely did not descend one from another, as scientists have believed for years, but that the two diminutive hominids lived as neighbors during the same epoch. Other recent research indicates that Homo sapiens lived at the same time as Neanderthals.
Far from casting doubt on Darwin’s theory, experts say that the lack of evidence and contradictory discoveries have helped to build “a consensus of certainty in the field.”
“Finding little physical evidence to substantiate the theory only means there must still be a great deal of supportive evidence out there to be found,” said an unnamed editor of the journal Nature, which plans to publish a paper on the African skulls this week. “The more we realize how little we know, the more certain we are that we’re right. As I once read in a scholarly paper somewhere, ‘faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen’.”
Evolutionary scientists say the theory is unscientific and worthless
JPhillips wrote:I am been trying to get a handle on how man evolved from a cell to a creature with complex organs that are interdependent on each other. Can someone help me? First there was an atom that turned into a single cell amoeba. After this what are all the life forms that existed up to man. In other words, don’t start with the monkey. Get me to the monkey from the single cell. Name all the life forms between the amoeba and man. Then maybe this whole thing will make more sense to me. Otherwise, if there is no evidence of these life forms then there is no evidence for evolution. You can’t see it, it doesn’t exist. To think otherwise is to believe in silly fairy tales.
Juice wrote:Alun-You have provided documents that "you" think is evidence, which only proves the hypermania of the Darwinist movement to exploit any farthing or tidbit of thought to make grandiose claims and conclusions.Yes, my presentation of facts to support my position just proves I'm deluded. Have fun guys.
I am no longer going to waste time on manipulated and fabricated science but appeal to the abilities of every human being to use their own powers of reason and common sense.
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