Hi again Steve,
Steve3007 wrote:I accept the argument that we are racing towards a cliff but I don't understand what, if anything, is being proposed as a solution to that existential threat.
Completely fair question, thanks. My theory so far, perhaps flawed, is that readers will have to see there is a threat before they'll have much interest in talking about solutions. As you can see, this is more than a bit difficult because our "more is better" relationship with knowledge is very old, and has in recent years been very successful.
As a place to start on solutions, I'm hoping we might remove our "more is better" relationship with knowledge from the
blind dogma category where it currently resides. I'm hoping we might subject this blind dogma to the same ruthless relentless investigation that philosophers would apply to any other blind dogma.
We might also redirect some major research dollars away from basic science which won't pay off for a long time if ever to more closely examining the foundation of our modern culture, our relationship with knowledge. As just one example, we appear to be spending billions on things like uncovering atomic particles such as the Higgs Boson. Why not put that aside for a bit and invest in investigating our relationship with knowledge instead?
I've had this conversation many times, and there is a familiar pattern. Readers will typically consider possible solutions for about 2 minutes, fail to find one, and then declare that because they can't solve this problem nobody can. It doesn't seem to matter how educated they are, as I've seen big shot PHD scientists do the same thing.
I assure you I can't personally solve this problem, and I doubt you can either. If the problem was that small, it wouldn't be worth writing about. But we have to start somewhere, and so that's what I'm attempting to do.
Truthfully, after years of watching readers fiercely resist this theory (for understandable reasons) I'm coming to the conclusion that reason alone will be insufficient to address such a longstanding dogma. I suspect we're going to need some kind of big crisis to wake us up, as is often the case.
All I'm suggesting is that we develop more knowledge, knowledge about our relationship with knowledge. Those who resist such learning are the real Luddites here.
Although I suspect we probably won't destroy the entire human race or all life on Earth. I think it's more likely that we'll just reduce our numbers and abilities back to pre-industrial levels and then go through the whole cycle again.
Yes, this seems reasonable.
But, in the absence of a global dictatorship with global effectively enforced laws I don't see how our natural accumulation of knowledge can be limited.
Ok, fair enough, but again, the fact that I don't have the answer and you don't either is essentially meaningless.
What exactly are we going to teach ourselves about our relationship with knowledge that is going to convince every technologically and educationally advanced society on Earth to voluntarily stop learning how Nature works?
Please note that I have not suggested that everybody on Earth stop learning everything and anything. This is a common mischaracterization of my position, perhaps due to poor writing on my part. I'm simply suggesting the time has come for us to learn how to manage knowledge like we attempt to do with all other forces of nature. "More is better" is a simplistic, immature, childlike relationship to have with anything. It's time to grow up.
What might we teach ourselves? Well, for one thing, the fact that we already have enough knowledge and resources to turn the Earth in to a garden of eden where there is peace and some prosperity for all. It's not lack of knowledge that keeps us from doing this now, it's lack of will.
If the things we want to hear could take us where we want to go, we'd already be there.