Reply to Ormond:
In October 1961, with American and Soviet tanks confronting each other across Checkpoint Charlie in Berlin, large numbers of people around the world were expecting nuclear war within the week. They believed this war would have the capacity to destroy civilisation as we know it. I am not exaggerating. Almost exactly a year later, Kennedy and Krushchev were facing off over the impending installation of Soviet missiles in Cuba. In many western countries, schoolchildren were trained as to what to do in the case of a siren warning of nuclear attack. Protective concrete bunkers were built. Governments planned and practised worst-case scenarios.
That was more than fifty years ago. Since then, civilization has been threatened by nuclear attack, nuclear accident, epidemics of influenza and several other viral diseases, the Millenium Bug and sundry other menaces.
However, basic research in to things like the Higgs Boson, dark matter, black holes etc would probably be pointless, as we wouldn't have time to make use of that information.
You could have said the same thing fifty years ago in relation to artificial satellites, antibiotics, prosthetics, the expanding universe, television, quantum theory, computers, the internet, DNA testing, agronomics and a million other scientific programs which, at the time, were in their infancy. Would you have stopped these on the basis that scientists did not know exactly where their research was going? Or would you have been selective? If you were selective, what criteria would you have employed to select? How would you know which programs were most likely to yield beneficial results? I doubt that computers would have been one of them. As late as 1977, Ken Olson, president, chairman and founder of Digital Equipment Corp, 1977, stated,
"There is no reason anyone would want a computer in their home."
So for instance, just one example, we could end research in to Higgs Boson, and liberate a couple billion dollars to study our relationship with knowledge and how it might be updated to better meet the situation we now find ourselves in.`
That is your view and you are entitled to it. I suspect, however that your comment would leave thousands of scientists slack-jawed in astonishment at the ignorance of the potential in the discovery.
If you really think that there has been no thought given to our relationship with knowledge then a few minutes’ search on the internet would certainly help you. Richard Feynman, a rather famous physicist, had a few things to say. He certainly did not have all the answers but he did respond to most of the points you have mentioned. The link to a 15-minute commentary by him, entitled,
'The value of science' is attached below: