- August 1st, 2024, 5:31 am
A lot of people try to read all sorts of spooky things into quantum mechanics. However, the strange behaviour observed at the quantum level is about subatomic particles. It has nothing to do with macroscopic objects like the brain. The archticture and the processes that occur in brains is unrelated to subatomic particles, except in the most general and uninteresting sense that everything is made of subatomic particles.
But New Age writes love QM. They think that no one understands it and that, therefore, they can make all sorts of wild claims about everything from creation to consciousness. However, consciousness emerges from the macrscopic and microscopic architecture, and from the electrochemical activity of brains. It depends on neurons and synapses and sodium channels, etc. which are all enormously larger than any subatomic particle.
I think determism is true and that scientific reductionism, whether we're talking about creation or about consciousness, is our best tool for understanding the universe. And whilst it may true that, in some instances, the whole is sometimes greater than the sum of the parts, the way New Age writers use the term holism is mostly bunk like the rest of the New Age nonsense such as healing crystals, channeling, etc.
La Gaya Scienza