One way of seeing beyond theism and atheism is in Buddhism, which focuses upon consciousness. There is a fair amount of interest in the links between consciousness and neuroscience within Buddhist thought. However, there is also an underlying idea of 'non-duality', which may be a perennial aspect within many worldviews. I have experienced some difficulties in understanding the idea but I have found a book recently which I am finding useful, so I am sharing it for critical reflection.
It is, 'The Supreme Self: The Way to Enlightenment', by Swami Abhayanda (2006), which is a spiritual autobiography and expounds the philosophy of non-dualism. It is hard to summarise a book which draws upon many traditions, including Hinduism, Buddhism, the Judaeo-Christian tradition, Buddhism and Taoism. I will simply give a few ideas as a starting point for discussion.
Abhayanda speaks of how, in spite of an emphasis on 'Divine Consciousness', the Jewish Patriarch's story of creation involved , 'the Divine Self inherent in man' as 'a Separate being, a god standing apart from His creatures as a vengeful and tyrannical overlord'. The author draws upon various religious perspectives, including Hinduism, and his own experience of 'enlightenment', which,
'revealed that I am, by extension, everyone is, the One Soul of the universe. The slightest movement of the mind would initiate the recreation of duality; but held singly on its concentrated focus the mind remains immersed in the Eternal Raised Consciousness. I saw that all creation is one coordinated whole, that every grain of sand is in perfect harmony with the coordinated unfolding of the universe. My physical existence was then seen to have no separate identity, but was part of a unified continuum of creative energy. '
His general perspective is one of interconnectedness and the idea of 'God' as consciousness itself.
I wonder to what extent such a non-dualistic viewpoint offers a solution to the split between materialism and idealism, as well as between atheism and theism. I am aware that there have been so many threads on the topics on the forum. Also, there are various philosophical positions, including substance dualism and deism, so the debate is far from simple. So, here, in raising this thread discussion, I am focusing on the idea of non-dualism and the asking whether it is in helpful in thinking, especially as a way of bridging the dichotomy of theism vs atheism?