Does randomness exist as a vital ingredient in the nature of the universe alongside mass, space, time , electromagnetic force etc.?
I do not know the answer to that question.
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A_Seagull wrote:I think the interesting philosophical question following the implications of quantum interpretation is : Does randomness exist as a vital ingredient in the nature of the universe alongside mass, space, time , electromagnetic force etc.? I do not know the answer to that question.A priori, one cannot exclude the existence of some hidden variables (not described by the usual form of QM) that provide a deterministic cause for all seemingly random quantum phenomena. For me the interesting question is what is the nature of quantum non-locality? What is responsible for the EPR correlations. I mean how does nature do that 'trick'?
Bohm2 wrote:I am not quite sure what you mean by ' a priori' , I suspect that you mean 'logically' or 'rationally'.A_Seagull wrote:I think the interesting philosophical question following the implications of quantum interpretation is : Does randomness exist as a vital ingredient in the nature of the universe alongside mass, space, time , electromagnetic force etc.? I do not know the answer to that question.A priori, one cannot exclude the existence of some hidden variables (not described by the usual form of QM) that provide a deterministic cause for all seemingly random quantum phenomena. For me the interesting question is what is the nature of quantum non-locality? What is responsible for the EPR correlations. I mean how does nature do that 'trick'?
A_Seagull wrote:I am not quite sure what you mean by ' a priori' , I suspect that you mean 'logically' or 'rationally'.I mean we can't assume that QM is the final true theory.
A_Seagull wrote:I agree that the question of the rationalising of quantum weirdness is most interesting. I suspect that the answer, if indeed there is an answer, will lie in a re-evaluation of what is meant by time, space, mass, causality etc. For it may be that it is not nature doing any sort of trick, but rather it is our perception of it which makes it seem like a trick.Yes, quantum correlation can be explained by non-locality but it's very hard for us to conceptualize how non-locality can occur. That's why many physicists prefer non-realism or instrumentalism as an alternative interpretation. Even physicists who hold that violation of Bell's inequality necessitates non-locality, describe such non-local correlations as somehow coming "outside" of space-time:
To put the tension in other words: no story in space-time can tell us how nonlocal correlations happen, hence nonlocal quantum correlations seem to emerge, somehow, from outside space-time.Quantum nonlocality: How does Nature perform the trick?
If so, whatever causes entanglement does not travel from one place to the other; the category of “place” simply isn't meaningful to it. It might be said to lie *beyond* spacetime. Two particles that are half a world apart are, in some deeper sense, right on top of each other. If some level of reality underlies quantum mechanics, that level must be non-spatial.How Quantum Entanglement Transcends Space and Time
So here’s my proposal: can we construct a finite geometry, preferably in (3+1) dimensions, that is also non-local and that, via coarse-graining (or some other method), is locally curved? In other words, this geometry would be, in some limit, equivalent to the geometry of general relativity, but in some other limit, would allow for the non-locality of certain quantum states and, perhaps in the process, make entanglement less mysterious.Entanglement and non-local, finite geometry
The Truth wrote:Thus no possible outcome would ever occur more often than any other possible outcome. So where does probability come from? No outcome can ever be said to occur more often, because every outcome will occur, every time. I may be more likely to see some outcomes than others, but that doesn't mean that they occur more often, just that I see them more often. But then how does MWI account for probability?I don't believe MWI has adequately addressed this question. Wallace tries to answer the question in this paper (and a few others) but I don't think he succeeds (see critical papers below):
The Quantitative Problem of probability in the Everett interpretation is often posed as a paradox: the number of branches has nothing to do with the weight (i. e. modulus-squared of the amplitude) of each branch, and the only reasonable choice of probability is that each branch is equiprobable, so the probabilities in the Everett interpretation can have nothing to do with the Born rule... As such, the ‘count-the-branches’ method for assigning probabilities is ill- defined. But if this dispels the paradox of objective probability, still a puzzle remains: why use the Born rule rather than any other probability rule?...But it has been recognised for almost as long that this account of probability courts circularity: the claim that a branch has very small weight cannot be equated with the claim that it is improbable, unless we assume that which we are trying to prove, namely that weight=probability...The second strategy might be called primitivism: simply postulate that weight=probability. This strategy is explicitly defended by Saunders; it is implicit in Vaidman’s “Behaviour Principle”; It is open to the criticism of being unmotivated and even incoherent... The third, and most recent, strategy has no real classical analogue ... This third strategy aims to derive the principle that weight=probability from considering the constraints upon rational actions of agents living in an Everettian universe. It remains a subject of controversy whether or not these ‘proofs’ indeed prove what they set out to prove.The Quantum Measurement Problem: State of Play
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