Even though I am a dyed-in-the-wool atheist, I cant see anything wrong with hoping that there is some explanation for our physical and existential sufering. However, given the lack of evidence, that seems like a hope that is most unlikely to be true. And yet, it is not a ridiculous or unreasonable hope.
The hope of some sort of god, even if it is only a subjectively real god, is what we cling to in extremis. I wonder what Jews, Roma and gays thought about god in the gas chambers as the doors closed and the gas to started flowing. In their hunger, physical pain, and in their most profound depair of a god who would save them, and of a god who could allow such a thing as gas chambers, I'm pretty sure they clung to some hope of an explanation for it all as they breathed their last poisonous breaths.
And why shouldn't they. Such a hope does not have to be for an objectively real god for it to be a comfort.