Angel Trismegistus wrote: ↑August 5th, 2020, 3:51 pm I find this view of Reality intuitively vary compelling. Brahman, Atman, Maya -- there is an irresistible allure to non-duality.I think the difficulties experienced in understanding Advaita is due to language and the meaning attributed to the Sanskrit terms and definition used in the philosophy.
Brhman (Brhm means humongous, bigness) is all there is. It transcends time and space, is causeless, and there is no space where it does not exist. It does not create anything. It has no attributes.
Atman (Atma is self) is Brhman when we experience the world of names and forms as sentient beings.
As sentient beings we experience the world with our body, mind, and intellect. The Atma does not experience anything. It is pure awareness, and it is by its illumination that we know the world.
A cinema screen is the metaphor for for Atma. The movie that plays out is the world. The viewer is the bod,mind, intellect complex that gets identified as the ego, I, consciousness, awareness. This is not the Self, Atman. The atman shines the light on our awareness so we become aware that we are aware.
The purpose of life is to realize the truth that we are not our ego/I /consciousness but the ever luminous Atman.
As long as we are attached to the ego the world exists, which we create. This is the Maya. It is not illusion, it is real, we transact with this world that we create. It is the source of our pleasure and pain and suffering.
I will stop here.