The reading of the book correlated for me with an introduction to the work of philosopher Jean-Luc Marion in topic Philosophy of Love who's primary view is that the nature of love is a gift that is given and received from God. Marion considers love to originate directly from God as the source of the universe. "The visible gift which the invisible God gives is Herself/Himself, namely, the gift of love (agapè)."
Marion argues that love is not just an emotion or feeling, but a fundamental aspect of human existence that shapes our relationships with others and the world around us. His work explores the nature of love in both human and divine contexts, and emphasizes the importance of self-giving and self-emptying in the experience of love.
In It Together seemed to be a practical guide aligned with the philosophy of Jean-Luc Marion although the book didn't appear to be intended to have a religious connotation.
Some citations to support my notion.
The book started with the following opening:
"Dear Friend,
I believe there is a force of unbelievable love and goodness deep within you, and that force is you more than anything is you. It's like a beautiful light trying to work its way out of you, and shine through your art or shine through your deepest feelings of love and through your kindness."
"The would-be unhappiness of the insatiable body and ego have no direct meaning or real existence of their own, none beyond that which you indirectly choose to ascribe to them with the transcendental love that is your consciousness, your presence, you."
"We are beautifully diverse in form, but yet one in spirit, in love."
The book ultimately suggests to love unconditionally.
Suggestion Eleven — Just Love Everything and Everyone
Thanks for the inspiring book!