Belindi wrote: ↑June 19th, 2021, 3:40 am
I am not a psychiatrist and don't have any clinical experience of mental disorders. However there is a difference between empathy and sympathy. I cannot understand how anyone could possibly work to become rich unless they could understand other people and predict others' behaviour to a significant extent.
To know what someone else feels(empathy)is not the same as to like feeling the same as another(sympathy). I'll take it as given that narcissists are predctable, but do they predict at all well? Since knowledge of human behaviour matters for competent predictions in any marketplace any 'narcissist' or anybody else who becomes rich not by good fortune but by their own efforts must be good at empathy.
Ideally healthcare will be run as a business by politicians and civil servants who understand social psychology or have expert advice from social psychologists i.e. empathy specialists. Without also sympathy i.e.fellow feeling and ordinary human kindness which I called sympathy a politician or businessman who has only empathy will become corrupt to some degree. With sympathy but lacking empathy a politician will not be able to take an objective view of the most effective way to spend money. A good politician needs both empathy and sympathy.
For my own part I look to the politician's background and life as lived to discover if the politician has sympathy. That is why I trust Biden not Trump. Another useful pointer to a man with sympathy is when they don't get rich from the high office of politician.
Your description of sympathy and empathy is good. I also am not in the mental health business. Usually, Narcs (Narcissists) are experts at emotional manipulation. People run on emotions, if we can get the upper hand emotionally it's easy to get most people to do anything. They know what the other person is feeling but do not care. Empathy for me means that I also care about the other person's pain, not just understand it.
One of the key things to get people to agree to give is a play on empathy. You and I might have strong empathy so that if someone properly explains how another is suffering we will feel like helping and therefore will do so. At the same time, the person or group that is interacting with us to get this decision to give is aware of what they are doing with us and our empathy. Narcs always target high empathy persons.
With health care, we have a lot going on with it that is not health care that is expensive. Insurance companies earning as much or more than medical professionals. It is not efficient. Hospital business managers earn more than surgeons, it's silly. I am aware of several middle-sized companies that closed USA operations because of the cost of health care for employees.
IMO, Inner confidence is required to avoid corruption. A purpose that does not require validation from others.
All of the leaders have had some strengths and some faults.
Obama got rich while in high office but if I point that out to most ppl they conclude I must be a racist.