I am not in the position of judge or preacher to defend or argue against the above point. Nor am I to compare which is more important. Suffice to say that I believe both are important.
As motion, faith involves a leap. Whether the leap is justified or not is another question which I shall not parley. Evidence is more substantive, to involve hearsay, observation, and experience. Faith and evidence may breed from the same soil, to the effect that they may mutually strengthen each other. What I have said applies to marriage as well. How do you survive a marriage if you have no faith in your spouse? And yet, would you take his every word without reasonable doubt?
Some says there is evidence of God's existence, though not empirical evidence. I am not sure about that. 'Empirical' means derived from experience rather than by logic from first principles. Evidence apparently can arise from experience. The problem is that evidence is seldom beyond reasonable doubt. A further problem is that reasonable doubt depends on the beholder.
Take a scenario. You throw ten thousand eggs at a brick wall, and expect them all to be smashed. To your surprise, one remains on the grass. Now there is evidence, beyond reasonable doubt. It is a miracle. Who could have brought it? Certainly not you, but rather, some super being called God. Not only that, the decision on, who that lucky egg is, is his. More than that, the surviving egg is the only one to tell the story. Are you still not convinced, with that only story being around? I would, until I hear another argument, enlightening me with the law of probability, chance, uncertainty, unpredictability, or whatever. Who would you believe?
I don't know about you, but guess I would feel like Adam in the Garden of Eden, after that fateful bite on the apple. I would accept being driven away, while remaining skeptic on what I HAVE BEEN TOLD BY GOD AND THAT SNAKE. Fine, if you spit it out and declare you have not swallowed.