Of all animals only men seek reasons. Other animals don't need to seek reasons as they either act from biological instincts or from stimuli and responses.
That may be, but, of course, we do. And so, questioning our demands for reasons is something we should consider.
Men reason in order that they may predict what lies ahead and thus augment our pleasures and keep ourselves safe.
That is only one way in which we reason. Philosophy did not begin with practical considerations but with wonder. It was a leisure activity, something that those who did not have practical demands could afford. Or so the story goes.
For those of us who believe that "the world" does not reason about stuff "Why did God create the world this way?" is senseless regarding both God, and "the world".
There is a persistent assumption that there must be a reason for everything. In the Hebrew Bible what is most fundamental is God’s will. One might ask why God wills as he does, but that assumes that God’s will is determined by reason. And that misses the point. From the Greeks we inherit the notion of cosmos - a well ordered whole, an intelligible order that can be known via intelligence. Thus Intelligence or Mind or God orders the whole and can be known by human intelligence or reason. The God of the Hebrew Bible is replaced by the God of Greek philosophy.
The problem is that although we can observe regularities we do not know that such regularities have always pertained or will continue to pertain invariantly forever. The dominance today of Determinism is not itself something unchanging. As has always been the case with the state of the art of knowledge, the present state is not complete, fixed, or unchanging. Under a belief in God we cannot conclude that God is not free, that God must conform to the laws of nature, that God must obey reason. Under a rejection of God we cannot conclude that things as they are is the way they must be according to laws of nature or reason.