Ranvier wrote:I agree, there are as many concepts as there are minds. The question becomes: Is there anything that can be taken for granted?
*Taking notes: There used to be two concepts at the beginning of Biblical creation.
Now there are much more many concepts.
** Answer: Grants can be taken for granted. Loans shouldn't be taken for granted.
The question becomes: Our bodies are definitely borrowed. Are our minds our own at this hour?
Are our minds granted to us, or we just take them for granted?
-- Updated 2017 July 29th, 9:37 am to add the following --
Burning ghost wrote:Doubting is not the same as skepticism.
What's the difference? Not a trick question, I honestly don't know. I am genuinely seeking information.
-- Updated 2017 July 29th, 9:42 am to add the following --
If our minds are given to us, and our bodies are rented / loaned, then who is "us"? We own our own minds. But we are not our body, and absolutely not our own minds. We have a spirit, a soul, as well. So we HAVE it, the person who owns it is us.
Who is this misterious "us" or "me", who owns a mind, a spirit, and for a while, a body as well?
If we take away body, mind and spirit, there is nothing left, but you can't add body, mind and spirit to nothing, they are given / granted /rented / loaned to US.
So US are something which has no mind, body, spirit, and yet WE exist. But ONLY after mind, body and/or spirit is given to US.
This is bugging me. Killing me, in fact.
I'll make a thread out of this, I think it's worth the bother.
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