My long term goal is to become a college professor, teaching philosophy of course. I won't pretend to have studied the subject extensively. I've read a couple books and taken only one class (I'm currently trying to finish my associates degree I started almost a decade ago), but I've been practicing philosophy since before I was a teenager(I just didn't know it yet.) Surely I'm preaching to the choir here, but I feel like too many people today don't place any value in philosophical thinking. That is why I want to eventually teach the subject, not to create more professional philosophers but to hopefully inspire more people to put more thought into why they believe what they do, question if their beliefs are justified and strive to better themselves on a regular basis.
I've always loved having real, meaningful discussions with people, but frankly I've been starved of those kinds of discussions for a long while now. Essentially everyone I know either has no interest in anything beyond what I would consider small talk, or they have no interest in debating the issues they are willing to discuss. I couldn't tell you how many times my step-father-in-law would stay up all night long going back and forth on issues, taking sides regardless of our actual beliefs for the sake of interesting discussion. Since he passed away several years ago I haven't had anyone to have those kinds of conversations with.
I don't know why it took me so long to look for a place like this. Maybe it is because I wanted that face-to-face, back-and-forth element and you can't really get that with an internet forum. Maybe it is because I considered resorting to this format was tantamount to giving up in some way. Whatever the reason, after reading several posts here I'm really excited to get involved with the discussions and I'm hoping to have a lot of fun with you guys debating (civilly, of course) all manner of topics.