Yes of course. He might think he can lower the status of art to moving one thing to another place, but that is not what I call art.
There is more artistry in my dog taking a poo. At least she has to expend some thought and effort.
If I take a rock off the beach and put it on a shelf in a gallery, that is not art. That is film-flam.
What is definable as art becomes subjective the moment a single person somewhere in the world mistakes a "piece of art" for another mundane object. It does not matter who that person is, only that he is an observer.
I observe a piss-pot and not a work of art. QED art is subjective.
-- Updated June 16th, 2014, 5:04 am to add the following --
Londoner wrote:"Nothing is Objective?" Objectivity is about a relationship not about the thing itself. Maybe nothing is truly objective, but it is the appreciation of art we are talking about not physics. But it's what I have been saying all along. The object/subject distinction is not really relevant to art in any useful sense.Hog Rider wrote:If you take that line then nothing is 'objective', since we have no external authority which will tell us that any of our ideas are valid.
I agree with everything until you use the word "values". I can agree that there are certain facts about the art, and we might even ask the intentions of the artist, and the reactions of the viewer. But I disagree entirely that there can be such a thing as a "universal value" in the sense of an objective one. There are values that are widely held or widely recognised, but it is really arrogant to insist that they are universal. On close examination such things are mirages that do not cross time and culture very easily, and "universal" does tend to cover everything.
I did not say we had universal values; I said aesthetics was an attempt to uncover universal values. The same would be true if we were having a discussion about ethics or anything else. A serious work of art is a contribution to that discussion; it won't be 'the answer' but it can open our minds to new ways of thinking.
Yes, you said that you think aesthetics was an attempt to uncover universal values. And I an saying there are no universal values, so taking that attempt as an objective is not possible. If a 'serious' work of art is really attempting to uncover universals then it is not taking us in new directions but time-worn old ones. But I really do not think that is what most artists are doing. Many are just making a plea for attention; trying to prove themselves clever; trying to get famous by any means possible; trying to shock; elicit an emotional response (this is probably the minimum requirement); whilst others are just trying to capture nature in a static object. The time when art was trying to demonstrate universal values when out with Classical art I think.
And as we see, thought we can still appreciate them, they no longer express values we share - hence not universal.
-- Updated June 16th, 2014, 5:07 am to add the following --
Londoner wrote:The only objective value that an art work can have is the amount of energy in joules liberated by burning it. That is not up for question. As for values; conceptual values, monetary values, they are variable, and capricious.There can be no possibility of an objective artwork, as in an artwork whose reality is external to the artist or viewer.Surely, once an artwork is created it is an external object, just like any other object.
Having been created, how much our interpretation or appreciation of the work is individual and how much it will be common to all viewers is hard to say, just as it is hard to know how much we are responding to the object itself as opposed to some general cultural message we read into it. Such questions are what aesthetics addresses.
But the necessity that art is perceived by a subject applies to everything; it isn't an argument that art is subjective. It would be an argument that everything is subjective.
My response to that is to agree that we can have no knowledge of 'reality' in a metaphysical sense, but 'objective' does not usually make that claim . 'Objective' distinguishes reactions which are purely personal (dreams etc.) to those that are shared and consistant ('reality').
I think that a successful work of art is one that does convey something objective; because many people have looked at it and gone away with the feeling that they have discovered something that is 'true'. Sometimes this may be immediate, sometimes we need to be helped to look beyond our own cultural preconceptions.
Consider the alternative; if art was really 'subjective' i.e. it expressed something that only concerned the internal life of an individual artist, why would anyone else be interested in it?