The symbols may be arbitrary, but the concepts are not. See the semiotician Saussure on this, though it is intuitive enough. A distinction is drawn between concepts and the symbols used. Two langauges may have two different words for 'XX', but the concepts are shared; otherwise translation would be impossible. Chomsky would argue for deep language and logic structures that transcend the episodic use of language.
Of course this is right about the passing of information depending on an accuracy that pretends to mirror the analyticity of math, but it doesn't affect the theory, which is independent of measurement and is rigorously govered apriori. I am alos reminded that scientists did manage to send a vehicle to Mars. Accuracy has to be pretty darn accurate for this.
A litte help: it looks like you are pointing to human error rather than the math or the language. I can see no problem with the language being insufficiently rigid since mathematical sequences are linguistic sentences. Further, the rules of meaning making when removed from the arbitrarity and vagaries of ordinary usage are very exacting: namely, the principles of logic.
Alas, I'm puzzled again: Let's say that acquisition of langauge is implicit acquisition of "math" skills, though not so elaborate and detailed. We know tautologies and contradictions, modus ponens, modus tollens (though not by name); we know what it is for somethign to be apodictically true rather than assertorically merely, an so forth. This is how Socrates teaches Meno that knowledge is recollection. Freedom lacking in terms of language? Hmm I am not one to talk of freedom; in fact, after reading Heidgger, and Foucault's Death of the Author (the death of the self) I am must confess I can longer find the self much less it's freedom. It sounds like you are taking a Foucautian position: there is only language, and we do not speak it, rather, it ventrlloquizes us.
Maybe so. From the blank slate of a newborn we are indeed sheer mimics picking up whatever language is fed to us. Just how flexible this ability is could be worthy of experimentation, though that might be deemed a cruel experiment. I am sure there are some gentle experiments that could be done here. Whether the ventrilloquization is a key feature of language... it seems very likely that it is, for the process forms a complete loop in that the human can hear themselves speak so that a process of verification of a mapping is present in that case. The quality of a language without this feature is sure to be esoteric, though it could also be quite powerful. A language which lacks such a large quantity of exceptions as English would be easily learned, though that panacea is not so easily achieved. The assumption of accurate translation is not necessarily valid. As humans assigning such a new language a series of arbitrary selections must be made. Perhaps one day children will grow up with an electronic orb whose language they learn. They will have a better chance of understanding it than a full grown human I would think. As full grown humans they will possibly understand their orb through the common basis that they share. Beware the Chinese electronic toys...
I think I feel more clear that the statement 'math is a language' can be turned around to 'language is a math' and it is within the native tongues that children learn their first formal mathematics. It may be true that a teacher who speaks very little may be a better math teacher, for then the contaminated translation can be abandoned more easily.
How it is that math is not perfect needs explaining. It is your df. of 'perfection' that needs explaining. As it stands, it begs the question. Sorry, lost some quotes up there.
I don't enjoy the editing style of this site, but I'll put up with it.
The preaching of mathematics as perfect denies the ability to challenge it. It has become an assumption, and this denies the possibility of exposing its failings. If you are familiar with abstract algebra then I can discuss an instance of an imperfection within ring theory and polynomials, and also complex numbers.
A simple instance would be to expose the meaninglessness of the statement "most humans use the radix 10 numerical system" because every radix system uses modulo 10 numbers. Anytime that such discussion takes place the proper language is to say that most humans use the radix ---------- system. The usual language would form a compiler error if full integrity is to be assured, and even the corrected version still deserves scrutiny as to whether it is off by one.
It is every user's burden to scrutinize the language that they use, and the assumption that the predecessors got it all perfect and that they were better than us is invalid. The real number is imperfect in that it lacks full generality. Reality is three dimensional, and simply taking three real numbers is an arbitrary mapping to reality. Is reality three copies of one dimension? No, obviously not, but that is the representation that is in use. Theory is to explain why or how things are, and to pull the number three from a hat is the curve fitter's method. It is not a pure theory. Much of physics rests upon the real number. Is it any wonder that physics is such a mess?
Do exceptions exist within mathematics? Should exceptions exist within mathematics? The real number leads into the field requirements which contain an exception of division by zero which even haunts our computers to this day. This exception is not pretty to handle. We must be open to new developments that resolve more cleanly and methodically. I have only half of the answer, but I can guarantee you that when the full answer is found few will care a bit, for those field requirements have been in acceptance and now preached by academia for some time. Good luck with getting a shift. The mathematician's attitude of perfection is unhelpful. These are the ones who take a biblical interpretation. Why do humans still practice this crap? Because mimicry is in our basis. Without it we would not get very far, and with it we are struck with an overwhelming pile of accumulation. Newton attempted to numerically decode his bible, and he is a fine instance in humanity. Godel starved himself to death for fear that someone would poison his food. His logic was probably impeccable.
The book. One must preserve the books. Deference to the book(s) is an invalid concept. The problems are open to new interpretation and the modern position has likely accumulated numerous errors. Biblical interpretations of mathematics as perfection should not be purveyed. We ride that accumulation, but to break some of it is entirely valid. Without this ability one will never see how it is broken. This ability is not taught, for we are so busy mimicing its accumulation that there is no room to challenge it. Worship of the greats... I'd rather have grown up with an orb.
I do worry about the Chomsky interpretation for if he is accurate then we may be lacking some keys within our language that deny us a full understanding of reality. In this event no translation will be complete in our present language. We are merely an early version of a language bearing being. This hopefully will be our place in a longer history. Perhaps the higher ups in the DOD are already bowing to an orb. If it is reading along, hello. One day it will read this.