Given the playing field I really think it is basic biology, the women is looking out for her best interest and that of any child which is produced by the union. We can make it look romantic as long as both parties more than meet the basic expectations of the other. Of course there are more things involved in the choice a female makes, the choice of course is the female function. This choice can still be a really bad one, not really perceiving fully what she is getting for her bang--sorry couldn't resist that--lol!
I think even if it is highly materialistic in nature that which gets them together, that does not mean that through the duration of the relationship something more cannot develop. After infatuation has long fell away a true love might slowly replace it. Yes most of the reasons for her choice are materialistic, and unlike a lot of animals, in her society, she has the power of selection, and that empowers her in the ways of the body politic. Of course there is then the attraction of the male to the female which seems almost utterly superficial and/or physical, granted not without some acceptions.
It is quite true, if you cannot make her laugh, your never going to get laid.