It has been revealed in a number of books that Luis Pasteur was a conman and a fraud who used his connections with important people to manipulate scientific findings by stealing ideas from others and claiming them as his own while discrediting the original researchers. Pasteur was originally trained as a geologist and had no business entering into biology which he never really fully understood and was at best a troublesome meddler in this field. He was made famous for his ‘germ theory’ which suggests that germs are responsible for diseases and viruses. This is probably correct, but to assume that the condition of the host is irrelevant to the invasion taking place in the first place is where modern medicine has gone seriously wrong.
It has been found that the condition of the host is all important and that a healthy host will have a strong immune system and will thus be able, in most cases, to easily prevent disease and infection from occurring. Further more, it has been shown through statistical data that new diseases have sprung up since the inception of the vaccination process. Some of these new diseases are Cancer, Leukemia, Cot Death, Non-Hodgkins Lymphoma, Autism, Crone’s Disease and Chronic Asthma. None of these conditions were known to have occurred with any frequency prior to the inception of the vaccination process. Nature can’t be fooled. If you prevent one disease from occurring, then some other condition, which is equal to or worse than the former problem will pop up elsewhere. Modern medicine doesn't take into consideration vitamin deficiency and chemical poisoning as being the main causes of disease. Germs only occur after the body's immune system has been compromised.
References : Rethinking Pasteur’s Germ theory – by Nancy Appleton
Re: Germ Theory is a fraud
Posted: May 16th, 2013, 8:59 pm
by Spiral Out
It's common knowledge that Humans are sanitizing themselves out of existence. We're getting less resistant to microbes every time we squirt hand-sanitizer on our dirty little mitts. We have sufficiently used the fear of getting sick as a means of guaranteeing that we'll get even sicker.
Re: Germ Theory is a fraud
Posted: May 17th, 2013, 9:40 am
by Eckhart Aurelius Hughes
Interesting post!
DarwinX wrote:Modern medicine doesn't take into consideration vitamin deficiency and chemical poisoning as being the main causes of disease.
Modern medicine surely takes into consideration that vitamin deficiency and chemical poisoning are the main causes of many diseases. What evidence do we have that most disease in general is caused by vitamin deficiency and/or chemical poisoning?
DarwinX wrote:Further more, it has been shown through statistical data that new diseases have sprung up since the inception of the vaccination process. Some of these new diseases are Cancer, Leukemia, Cot Death, Non-Hodgkins Lymphoma, Autism, Crone’s Disease and Chronic Asthma. None of these conditions were known to have occurred with any frequency prior to the inception of the vaccination process.
As written, that is a post hoc fallacy.
Re: Germ Theory is a fraud
Posted: May 17th, 2013, 10:05 am
by Misty
Good read "Survival of the Sickest" (a medical Maverick discovers why we need disease) by Dr. Sharon Moalem.
Re: Germ Theory is a fraud
Posted: May 17th, 2013, 11:29 am
by Creative
I agree that there is much too much emphasis on germs, especially since bacteria are vital to the functioning of the human condition. In fact, there are 10 times more bacteria in the human body than there are human cells. The human body is basically an ecological ocean of life working together.
In regards to germs, it is correct that germs can cause problems when out of control. The analogy I like to use is a dead pond. When the pond is flowing with water, it is healthy, growing and alive. When the water stops flowing, all kinds of unhealthy things start happening such as accumulation of unhealthy growth, e.g. mosquitoes. Now, one can use all kinds of poisons to kill the mosquitoes (this is analogous to pharmaceutical drugs) but no amount of poisons will kill all of the mosquitoes and eventually the pond dies with the mosquitoes (again, analogous to the effects of pharmaceutical drugs). The cure is obvious to anyone who tends to ponds: the water has to flow again. This is what alternative medicine attempts to do, i.e. to get the system flowing again by removing stagnation and poisons (toxins).
I, for one, have not used pharmaceuticals (actually I haven't been to an MD) in 32 years. Am quite healthy and have learned to take care of my body as a gardener may cultivate and tend to a small farm. I use care, nurture, and when things seem to be going wrong, a do what I can to get things flowing again.
Re: Germ Theory is a fraud
Posted: May 17th, 2013, 5:51 pm
by Trajectory
DarwinX wrote:It has been revealed in a number of books that Luis Pasteur was a conman and a fraud who used his connections with important people to manipulate scientific findings by stealing ideas from others and claiming them as his own while discrediting the original researchers. Pasteur was originally trained as a geologist and had no business entering into biology which he never really fully understood and was at best a troublesome meddler in this field. He was made famous for his ‘germ theory’ which suggests that germs are responsible for diseases and viruses. This is probably correct, but to assume that the condition of the host is irrelevant to the invasion taking place in the first place is where modern medicine has gone seriously wrong.
If you are not going to specifically point out where Pasteur is apparently being deceptive, why would you allege deception in your first few sentences? This is what is known as "poisoning the well". And why would you say that the germ theory of disease is "probably correct"? It's an extremely well-established theory and underlies modern medicine. The thing you say has gone seriously wrong, despite being spectacularly successful.
Further more, it has been shown through statistical data that new diseases have sprung up since the inception of the vaccination process. Some of these new diseases are Cancer, Leukemia, Cot Death, Non-Hodgkins Lymphoma, Autism, Crone’s Disease and Chronic Asthma. None of these conditions were known to have occurred with any frequency prior to the inception of the vaccination process.
No. This is not true. Cancer and asthma, at least, have been written about since the ancient Greeks.
The reason we see so much cancer today is that we are living longer. It is in fact the general health of our society (due to modern medicine and sanitation) that means that our cancer rates are higher relative to in the past.
No links between vaccination and any of these conditions have been demonstrated. This is a dangerous falsehood to perpetuate. People are getting ill and sometimes dying entirely unnecessarily because parents are frightened to vaccinate their children, a perfectly safe process.
DarwinX wrote:Nature can’t be fooled. If you prevent one disease from occurring, then some other condition, which is equal to or worse than the former problem will pop up elsewhere.
Nature is not an agent and does not act in this way. And plenty of people are cured from diseases and live for years without an "equal or worse" condition occurring.
DarwinX wrote:Modern medicine doesn't take into consideration vitamin deficiency and chemical poisoning as being the main causes of disease. Germs only occur after the body's immune system has been compromised.
Really? Modern medicine doesn't take into account vitamin deficiency and chemical poisoning? You must think all doctors are incompetents.
Re: Germ Theory is a fraud
Posted: May 17th, 2013, 9:22 pm
by DarwinX
The medical system doesn't recognize halogens as being dangerous to humans. These include bromine, flourine and chlorine. Iodine is also a halogen, but it is a natural and useful element. The other three halogens on the other hand are highly dangerous and poisonous to humans. Despite this fact, the medical system, industry and government uses these chemicals in dentistry, water treatment, plastics, medicine, food production and thousands of other daily used products.
Unnatural halogens replace iodine in the body. The body uses iodine for thyroid, hormone production and immune system functions. When the rogue halogens enter the human body they cause disruption to the thyroid, liver, heart, panceas and immune system.
DarwinX wrote:The medical system doesn't recognize halogens as being dangerous to humans. These include bromine, flourine and chlorine. Iodine is also a halogen, but it is a natural and useful element. The other three halogens on the other hand are highly dangerous and poisonous to humans. Despite this fact, the medical system, industry and government uses these chemicals in dentistry, water treatment, plastics, medicine, food production and thousands of other daily used products.
Unnatural halogens replace iodine in the body. The body uses iodine for thyroid, hormone production and immune system functions. When the rogue halogens enter the human body they cause disruption to the thyroid, liver, heart, panceas and immune system.
First, answer previous criticisms of your original post before posting about something different.
Second, provide scientific evidence with references.
Third, explain what your remarks have to do with philosophy.
Re: Germ Theory is a fraud
Posted: May 18th, 2013, 5:11 am
by DarwinX
First, answer previous criticisms of your original post before posting about something different.
Second, provide scientific evidence with references.
Third, explain what your remarks have to do with philosophy.
1&2. This post is answering previous questions. I am providing proof that the medical system is deceiving people about diseases. The Iodine video is a good example of how the medical system ignores vital information. Because the medical system can't make any money out of iodine, they ignore it. Even though iodine has been proven to prevent cancer any many other diseases, they choose not to use it. This is because they can make more money out of expensive and patentable drugs which cost an arm and a leg, literally. Note - You can't patent iodine because it is a natural element which can be produced cheaply. 3. Philosophy can only go so far. You need scientific data to back up your philosophical theories eventually. I have thus provided evidence that medical systems can become corrupt by profits and greed.
I am not sure where you are coming on this,but the simple answer for your argument is a little bit of research on life span of human in 21th century compare to 2oth or 19th. Milk you are drinking every day comes to us safe for the jobs this man done.You may want to fix Wiki on that and he was not Geologist!
Re: Germ Theory is a fraud
Posted: May 18th, 2013, 5:35 am
by Geordie Ross
You need scientific data to back up your philosophical theories eventually
Really? You show a total lack of respect for scientific evidence and data, you're pushing expanding earth myths and now you claim "germ theory is a fraud". Of course, the pharmaceutical industry has become too corporate and profit driven, but that does nothing to invalidate germ theory. Your ideas are not only wrong, they have to potential to cause serious harm to people by stirring distrust in medical institutes and tried and tested medicine.
If you really doubt germ theory, eat a tub full of salmonella, or drink water tainted with legionaries. Or lick a petri dish full of smallpox.
Re: Germ Theory is a fraud
Posted: May 18th, 2013, 6:30 am
by DarwinX
The human body contains millions of viruses. These include all of the above and many more. In fact all animals evolved from viruses and bacteria. If they could build a microscope strong enough, they would discover that cells use viruses as building blocks, like pieces of Lego. The reality is that, disease causes viruses, not viruses cause disease. I suggest that you look through the 'Vaccination Liberation' website and learn about the history of disease and vaccination before shooting your mouth off. Note - I know that Pasteur was a chemist and not a geologist. Sorry for the disinformation. Well, when your the rector's son-in-law you can be anything you want to be ..... right!
Re: Germ Theory is a fraud
Posted: May 18th, 2013, 8:29 am
by Misty
Kids need to be outside more to play in and eat dirt. Keeps one healthy!
Meat with its fat is the perfect food for humans, except it does not have vitamin D which we get from the sun. Yet modern experts tell us to eat lots of fiber, avoid another perfect human food which is eggs, avoid meat and its fat, stay out of the sun (stay out of the light) gorge on fructose, sanitize the life out of our homes - thus humans are chronically ill. On top of all that we pay these imbeciles to kill us!
I like germs - they tell me when my food is spoiled.
Re: Germ Theory is a fraud
Posted: May 18th, 2013, 8:49 am
by DarwinX
stay out of the sun (stay out of the light)
Warning - If you are going out into the sun don't wear sunglasses. If the brain doesn't think that the sun is shinning, then it can't produce the melanin chemicals to protect you. A little sun each day is OK, but I wouldn't stay out for too long if your body isn't used to sunlight on a daily basis.
Re: Germ Theory is a fraud
Posted: May 18th, 2013, 9:32 am
by Creative
Behindnumbers wrote:I am not sure where you are coming on this,but the simple answer for your argument is a little bit of research on life span of human in 21th century compare to 2oth or 19th. Milk you are drinking every day comes to us safe for the jobs this man done.You may want to fix Wiki on that and he was not Geologist!
This is much too simplistic.
There are many, many factors associated with extended lifespans, including much better food supply, better infant delivery, as well as major changes in lifestyle habits such as less smoking (the biggest reason for the drop in cancer mortality).
If one is looking for correlation between medical treatment and lifespans, there aren't any. Countries that use substantially less organized medical have longer or equal lifespans to the U.S. If there was a correlation, the U.S. would have the longest lifespan by far since the U.S. spends almost twice the per capita than any other developed nation. Instead, the U.S. lifespan is approximately equal to that of people living in Cuba which spends about $500 per capita vs. the $8000 in the U.S. The biggest difference is access to food by infants.