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Use this forum to discuss the philosophy of science. Philosophy of science deals with the assumptions, foundations, and implications of science.
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By Jim
The Theory of Relativity tells us that, for a traveller approaching the speed of light, time slows down.

What happens AT the speed of light? Does time stop, for that particular traveller?

Now I know that no spacecraft can, presumably, reach the speed of light - but LIGHT reaches the speed of light. Photons reach this speed.

Therefore, from a photon's perspective, is time frozen? Does a photon experience the passage of any time whatsoever between leaving a star and being absorbed by someone's eye hundreds of light years away? If you could ride on a photon, would you be aware of anything at all, or would your journey - at least from your viewpoint - be instantaneous...?
Location: England
By Xris
Touchy subject for me, this. Ask a particle physicist to describe a photon and he will almost certainly fail.We are told it has no mass, so in reality we should not be capable of seeing it. It is generated at its maximum speed but can be slowed and stopped. Recent experiments have shown it can travel faster than light. It does not experience time. Other experiments have also indicated it may travel instantaneously.It does not experince acceleration.It is never seen travelling only arriving.It travels as wave function( we are informed) even though we can not see it actualy travelling.These are all well reported by science, they are not my invention.I could go on but that is enough in my opinion to seriously question if it exists.But beware I am just an ignorant lay person who does understand the subject. Well that is what I have been told.
Location: Cornwall UK
By MazerRackhem
Jim wrote:
Therefore, from a photon's perspective, is time frozen? Does a photon experience the passage of any time whatsoever between leaving a star and being absorbed by someone's eye hundreds of light years away? If you could ride on a photon, would you be aware of anything at all, or would your journey - at least from your viewpoint - be instantaneous...?
This a question many physicists have been pondering for decades. The answer is really, who knows? Some people have come up with some, in my humble opinion, rather silly notions that "God is a photon" or something along those lines. What I wonder though if the question really makes sense from a rigorous perspective. Since conscious thought and experience requires the passage of time, if there is no experience of time can we say that the photon "experiences" anything? I suppose in someway we could say that the photon "experiences" everything simultaneously but I think that this is imposing a time dependent view on a timeless system. We can asymptotically approach the speed of light, but not reach or exceed it, so we always "experience" things in time. Were time removed I think the question of experience becomes a non sequitur.
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By Spiral Out

If you're still willing to converse with me, what is the current scientific assessment of what light is, a particle or a wave, or is it up in the air at the moment?
By MazerRackhem
I'm willing to converse with anyone. I extricated myself from the previous thread, though not before making a few remarks I am not proud of, because it was no longer discussing the topic. I tried to keep it on track but we all saw what it became. I am not pointing fingers at any person nor assigning blame for why it became so, perhaps it was even my own fault. However I think we can agree by page 6 or so very little productive thought was enmeshed within the shouting and anger. I'm very glad Scott is cleaning it up.

I must admit I have become a bit prickly on this forum due to the many insults directed at me in my short time here. I noticed your thread on why people are insulted and, though I abstained knowing myself too well to delve into anything so tendentious at this time, the discussion seemed interesting and I noted a few strong and interesting points by a few posters. Though you may have never intended insult in your first post to me, as it seems increasing clear you did not, I have been faced with extremely open and blatant attacks on me by name from others. This has likely increased my sensitivity to such matters. If it was I who caused the devolution of the previous thread I am quite sorry. That aside, I'll try to do my best to explain what I can.

You ask
Spiral Out wrote:hat is the current scientific assessment of what light is, a particle or a wave, or is it up in the air at the moment?
The current assessment is not simple enough to be fully explained in a one word answer. The short version is that light is an electromagnetic wave which has discrete characteristics which cause it to interact with matter much like we think of traditional particle doing. What does this mean? I'll do my best to explain in detail, and apologize in advance for the length.

Maxwell discovered in the late 1800s that a changing electric field induced a magnetic field and that a time varying magnetic field induced an electric one. This is the principle used to "step up" and "step down" current and voltage in transformers. Current in one coil is used to induce current in another unconnected coil with a different number of loopings, this loop count difference determines the raising or lowing of voltage and current in the traveling line. What Maxwell realized was that in the right conditions a time varying electric field (E) could set up a magnetic field (H) which would be perpendicular to the E field and vis versa. As the E field decayed it would drive the H field, which would decay after the E field and thus drive it since the time variance of the H field gives rise to an E field. Thus the two fields could propagate as a transverse wave, each field's normal vector pointing perpendicular to the direction of the waveform. If you think of a Cartesian coordinate axis it would be like having the E field point along the X axis, the H field point along the Y axis and the wave would be traveling along the Z axis.

This research was done completely independently of any theory of light. Due to the nature of E and M fields it is possible to calculate the speed at which such a wave would move. By calculating the electric permittivity (epsilon) and the magnetic permeability (mu) it is possible to determine the speed of the wave. What Maxwell was shocked to find was that the speed of this wave is exactly the measured speed of light. This is when EM wave first came to be considered in optics. Before then many experiments had shown light to behave in a wavelike manner but no one could answer the question "what is light." Since then many more experiments and advances in physics have shown that light is an Electromagnetic wave of the type Maxwell discovered. However, that is not the end of the story.

The discovery of the Photoelectric effect caused serious reconsideration of the nature of light. I'll explain the effect in case you don't know about it (I've been accused of being pedantic or pedagogical, I hope I do not appear overly so, I'm just trying to be as thorough as possible since I do not know the backgrounds of anyone on these forms a priori). The photoelectric effect is the name given the displacement of electrons from the "electron sea" on the surface of a metal by incident electromagnetic radiation. What scientists found was that if a light is shined on the metal no electrons are displaced until the light reaches a certain wavelength (equivalently a certain frequency). Before this frequency no electrons are dislodged, after it a constant number are dislodged.

Say the required frequency is at the wavelength 500nm (the smaller the wavelength the greater the energy it contains) above 500nm (less energy) no electrons are dislodged from the metal, at 500nm say 1 billion a second are (the metal gets new ones from the increasingly ionized air around it so the effect over time is that a constant voltage is created on the surface, that is the metal reaches an equilibrium with the environment so that electrons displaced over time do not "fully deplete" its resources). What was found was that increasing the energy in the wave, say by dropping the wavelength down to 200nm did not increase the number of electrons dislodged. You could take your EM radiation all the way down into the X rays and still not get a single electron more off of the metal each second than you could with 500nm. However, increasing the overall amount of light incident on the metal would increase the electrons being kicked off.

What this means is that, if you had a 40w bulb pointing at the plate you get say 1 billion electrons a second, bump it up to 100w bulb and you still get 1 billion a second, but get a second 40w bulb and put it with the first and you now get 2 billion electrons a second. This lead scientists to realize that electromagnetic radiation comes in "quanta" or later they renamed the "quanta" as "photons." Basically the electromagnetic waves are not a continuous waveform incident on the plate like we think of ocean waves as being, rather each wave contains a "quantized" amount of energy. What happens is each time an EM wave reaches the surface of the metal is that it is "absorbed" by an electron there. The electron is able to use the energy in this wave to "leap" up to a higher quantum state if the energy in the photon is enough for it to do so, if not the photon is re-emitted and the electron goes back to business as usual. If the energy in the wave is not high enough to raise an electron to an excited state on its own the odds are astronomical that any electron will absorb two such waves fast enough to add their energy together and thus make it out.

There is an analogy ( albeit a rather cruel one) which illustrates the effect. Imagine a pit guarded by a spiteful demon and full of tens of billions of children. The children can leave at any time, but they must pay 1 dollar to the demon to do so, when they leave the demon takes all the money they have. The air in the pit is caustic to metal and so any money in the pit decays rather quickly. Adults outside the pit can throw money down to the children to get them out. If the adults throw down a rain of quarters no child will ever be able to leave the pit since probability dictates that the quarters are spread out too evenly among them for anyone to accumulate a dollar before the money decays. But if the adults switch and start throwing down silver dollars every coin that reaches the bottom frees 1 child who can use it immediately to escape. If they change to throwing 5 dollar coins no extra children get out because each child who gets a coin escapes but cannot pay the fare of any other. If instead of throwing 5 dollar coins they simply increase the number of 1 dollar coins they throw by 500% five times as many children escape because 5 times as many receive the 1 dollar coins. This lead to the realization that the incident energy from the light source was not arriving in a constant stream (like money continuously ticking up in a bank account over time) but in discrete intervals like the rain of quarters or dollars.

Numerous physical effects are a result of this quantized interaction including the spectral lines seen in the sun, neon signs, and other highly monophysical light sources when viewed through a prism. In this way we often say that light "interacts like a particle" since it does not come in one continuous wave (like an ocean wave) from source to target but rather in billions of "wave packets" each originating from a single atom at the source and incident on another single atom with a definite quantization of energy at the target. So again the short version is that light is a transverse Electromagnetic wave as described by Maxwell, but due to the fact that each wave packet of light carries a specific quantization of energy dependant on its wavelength, it interacts with matter in a way more like what we expect a particle to behave like because like a particle the energy is not a continuous feeding (like from a hose) but rather a "kick" like from a pool ball.

I love talking about physics and I hope this answers your question.
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By Spiral Out
I appreciate your response and your understanding, MazerRackhem. I genuinely did not intend to insult or offend you and I apologize to you for my part in the devolution of your thread.

That is certainly a LOT to try to digest at once, I'll have to read it through a few times and get back to you with some thoughts.

Due to my type of work, I do have experience and practical knowledge of the function of transformers and I understand the concepts of IR frequency radiation and the emissivity values of various materials and surfaces. I know that's not very impressive but contrary to the impression I may have given, I do in fact enjoy physics and all things technical.

Thanks again for your explanation.

Also, I understand your reluctance to join in the discussion of my thread. However, I would welcome, respect and appreciate your personal perspective as it relates to our prior discussion, and I feel that your perspective would be most beneficial and of great value to the thread.
By Xris
When we question why the expansion of the universe does not effect the very chair we sit? We are told that the expansion only effects mass on the macro scale but when photons are explained they strangely ignore this explanation.The red shift observations and the resulting theory relies on this explanation. The photon is explained as not having mass simply because it would contravene the theory of relativity.What are we observing if there is no particle of mass? Maxwell does not indicate a particle he only indicates the EM relationship of two atoms.Trying to translate his observations into a wave packets ignores the consequences. Why should a multiple of atoms all emitting a wave function not interfere with each other? Why do photons have the ability to be expressed as particles but never be seen as such.Why should light be seen as a wave function but not require a medium.Nothing else in nature can explained or seen as a wave without the need of a medium.We might be capable of observing and calculating light but we are no where near understanding it.
Location: Cornwall UK
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By Spiral Out
Very interesting questions Jim. I like your thinking.
Jim wrote:Therefore, from a photon's perspective, is time frozen?
If, in reference to light, time were frozen, or at least of no consequence, then light, in relation to a particular light source, would exist forever. It seems that the universe would be "overflowing" with light, and be unbearably bright, in such a case.

This might be a moronic thought by scientific standards, and maybe I'm missing some key concept of how light operates, but I've often wondered why, if one were to aim a flashlight into a completely and perfectly reflective and entirely enclosed container, say a box made of high-grade mirrors, and turn the flashlight on, then why doesn't the light that is produced remain in the container even when the flashlight is turned off if there is no route of escape for the light?
By Xris
Hum good point Spiral. If you where to shine it out into the cosmos it would go on for an indefinite time. So why should it not continue to move from one mirror to the next. I can understand a certain amount was absorbed but not instantly.
Location: Cornwall UK
By Creative
One way to begin to analyze the question is to first attempt to understand what one means by time.

There is time as represented by some linear, spatial movement of some object, e.g. a clock, a pendulum, a movement of atoms in an atomic clock. All of these measurement devices will yield slightly different results (or not so slightly). But is measurement of time the same as time itself?

When one talks about time passing, one is generally speaking of an internal feeling of some flow. Something is happening within oneself that suggests time is passing through some duration. This internal feeling is indivisible and possibly even heterogeneous. Sometimes we feel time passing slowly and sometimes quickly. This is time as we experience it. We attempt to synchronize time via clock measurements, i.e. some displacement in space, and while time may seem to be moving slowly for one person (e.g. while watching a boring movie) it may seem to be moving faster for some other person, they may both agree to use some apparatus such as a clock or some spatial movement in order to attempt synchronize events that occurring in each other's lives. For example, we both agree to meet at some place at some designated time.

If time or duration is a function of a conscious internal feeling of flow, then one must ask whether a photon can have this same feeling and if it does, how might it compare. I do not think we can answer this question other than to say that a photon, if it experiences duration (time) then it will probably experience it in its own unique manner, and if it can agree with us to use spatial clocks to measure its own duration then it must first have some sense of spatiality. Since it does not appear that photons have space, then whatever duration it may be experiencing must one one where there no spatiality as we conceive of in an awake state.

However, there are states of human consciousness where there is no spatiality as we normally conceive it, e.g. when we are dreaming, when we are in between dreams, when we are unconscious, and probably when we are dead. Taking these states one by one and immersing ourselves deeply within these states, we might begin to conceive of how a photon might experience time. For example, what is the duration (i.e. elapsed time) of a dream while we are immersed in that dream?

-- Updated April 18th, 2013, 1:19 pm to add the following --
Spiral Out wrote:This might be a moronic thought by scientific standards, and maybe I'm missing some key concept of how light operates, but I've often wondered why, if one were to aim a flashlight into a completely and perfectly reflective and entirely enclosed container, say a box made of high-grade mirrors, and turn the flashlight on, then why doesn't the light that is produced remain in the container even when the flashlight is turned off if there is no route of escape for the light?
I like this thought. It is a very interesting one to ponder.
By MazerRackhem
Spiral Out wrote:
This might be a moronic thought by scientific standards, and maybe I'm missing some key concept of how light operates, but I've often wondered why, if one were to aim a flashlight into a completely and perfectly reflective and entirely enclosed container, say a box made of high-grade mirrors, and turn the flashlight on, then why doesn't the light that is produced remain in the container even when the flashlight is turned off if there is no route of escape for the light?
The main problem here is in the appeal to a "perfectly reflecting" container. No such containers exist in reality. In any physical system the energy will eventually be absorbed and the system will reach equilibrium. The reflective surface is made of atoms, each of which can absorb a photon, in addition to this if the box contains any kind of medium all of the atoms in the air/water/whatever can also absorb the photons.
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By Spiral Out
MazerRackhem wrote:The main problem here is in the appeal to a "perfectly reflecting" container. No such containers exist in reality.
Theoretically, if there were such a container, would the light still be absorbed? Is there any circumstance where light is not absorbed? When we talk of this absorption, are we talking about adding to the mass of that which absorbs the light? Mustn't there be some mass for there to be an absorption?
By Xris
I can remember looking into my grandmothers triple mirror.Adjusting them so that my reflection almost disappeared into infinity.That mirror did not absorb the photons. But if I had shone a light and then switched it off, it would have disappeared immediately.

-- Updated Thu Apr 18, 2013 1:52 pm to add the following --
Creative wrote:One way to begin to analyze the question is to first attempt to understand what one means by time.

There is time as represented by some linear, spatial movement of some object, e.g. a clock, a pendulum, a movement of atoms in an atomic clock. All of these measurement devices will yield slightly different results (or not so slightly). But is measurement of time the same as time itself?

When one talks about time passing, one is generally speaking of an internal feeling of some flow. Something is happening within oneself that suggests time is passing through some duration. This internal feeling is indivisible and possibly even heterogeneous. Sometimes we feel time passing slowly and sometimes quickly. This is time as we experience it. We attempt to synchronize time via clock measurements, i.e. some displacement in space, and while time may seem to be moving slowly for one person (e.g. while watching a boring movie) it may seem to be moving faster for some other person, they may both agree to use some apparatus such as a clock or some spatial movement in order to attempt synchronize events that occurring in each other's lives. For example, we both agree to meet at some place at some designated time.

If time or duration is a function of a conscious internal feeling of flow, then one must ask whether a photon can have this same feeling and if it does, how might it compare. I do not think we can answer this question other than to say that a photon, if it experiences duration (time) then it will probably experience it in its own unique manner, and if it can agree with us to use spatial clocks to measure its own duration then it must first have some sense of spatiality. Since it does not appear that photons have space, then whatever duration it may be experiencing must one one where there no spatiality as we conceive of in an awake state.

However, there are states of human consciousness where there is no spatiality as we normally conceive it, e.g. when we are dreaming, when we are in between dreams, when we are unconscious, and probably when we are dead. Taking these states one by one and immersing ourselves deeply within these states, we might begin to conceive of how a photon might experience time. For example, what is the duration (i.e. elapsed time) of a dream while we are immersed in that dream?

-- Updated April 18th, 2013, 1:19 pm to add the following --

(Nested quote removed.)

I like this thought. It is a very interesting one to ponder.
I think it more important to understand what science intends us to believe what a photon actually are, if anything. We are told it has no mass, only energy. As it is never at rest, it has no rest mass. But we are told that mass is property of energy and energy is a property of all mass.Connected through a constant.We are also told by science energy always exhibits relativistic mass no matter what form the energy takes.So why are photons not performing to the Einsteins theory? There is no experience because there are no photons.
Location: Cornwall UK
By MazerRackhem
Spiral Out wrote:
Theoretically, if there were such a container, would the light still be absorbed? Is there any circumstance where light is not absorbed? When we talk of this absorption, are we talking about adding to the mass of that which absorbs the light? Mustn't there be some mass for there to be an absorption?
It is difficult to imagine how such a container could be set up. Think of a loose rope between two walls. If the rope was attached to the walls with frictionless hinges, there was no gravity, there was no internal friction between the strands of the rope itself, and there was no air resistance we could set up a standing wave on the rope which would continue for all eternity. Likewise if we had a perfectly reflecting surface and a completely evacuated chamber (hawking radiation prevents this) we could set up a situation in which a "standing" electromagnetic wave moved between the points in the box indefinitely.

Perfectly conducting surfaces however are the stuff of introductory physics along with the frictionless incline plane. They are a mathematical idealization but as unrealizable as other entry level simplifications of physical phenomena. When we begin looking at the atomic level the idea of perfect reflectivity disappears, not only in practice but as an idealization. How could we prevent the absorption of electromagnetic radiation by atoms? This is more or less the same as considering friction. How could we stop any of the atoms of substance A interacting with any of the atoms (including their fields) of substance B so that one glides uniformly over the other and never stops moving after an initial push? It would be certainly useful if we could (think of frictionless toilets with no need for water) but such idealizations don't occur in the real world. If they did the infinitely bouncing wave you talk of may be possible. In the physical world however the light dissipates after its source is turned off.

There does not need to be an added mass for their to be absorption. When an electron absorbs a photon it is moved into a higher quantum state. It is not like two clumps of silly putty sticking together but rather like a ball "absorbing" a kick which moves it up to a higher shelf. The ball can "give back" the energy it gained (in potential energy by now being higher up in the gravity field) by falling back to the floor and giving a "kick" to the floor which "absorbs" it. Likewise an electron is "excited" into a higher quantum state and will move orbitals in the atom, the electron can then fall back into a lower quantum state and lose the extra energy by emitting a photon. How is the photon emitted by the electron?

Since an electron is a charged particle, when it moves quantum states it is changing the electric field it sets up. As we have seen before a changing electric field creates a magnetic field with drives an electric field, etc. Thus by moving into a lower state the electron sets up a transverse electromagnetic wave and so emits a photon. The type of photon emitted depends on what kind of atom the electron is in and then in each atom, which of the available quantum states the electron is moving between. Since different atoms have electrons moving between different states, the light emitted by each element is unique. This light, when split by a prism, is called the atom's spectral lines (it's like that atom's fingerprint). We use this information to determine the make up of distant stars and galaxies by observing the light emitted by them which reaches us and a nearly identical process (but not using optical light) in NMR and MRI machines which allow for the viewing of the insides of the body. Atoms are excited by a magnetic field and the machine detects and records exactly how the atoms "decay" back into their ground states as they give off this extra energy. This allows for the creation of a noninvasive picture of the insides of the human body.

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