I just ask. The context is Nature in which we live in. I kind of get the gist of what you are saying, but I sure you are getting the gist of what I am saying too...
Well, as far as I can tell, you are questioning the absolutism of ToE as a description of how evolution actually occurs, or possibly what evolution actually is if we cannot pin down an exact definition for species. If that is your gist, then I completely agree with you but my agreement probably has little bearing on your position because, philosophically, I am not a believer in absolutes in
any context.
To me, "species" is a label in a theory for a certain gestalt that can function as an analytical unit in that theory. In that context, species has meaning, is useful as a concept, and makes the theory productive scientifically (namely, allows self-consistent correlation of experience and subsequent prediction).
But in a less-scientific context, species is more arbitrary to me. Species is more analagous to threads interweaving in an ever-growing tapestry. The junctures where threads branch off or run together or come to an end are probably much more fluid then ToE's description of them. (Which is why it becomes appropriate for polar and grizzly bears to be discussed as different species outside the strict ToE context). It is also clear to me that there is more than just natural selection as the "driver" of evolution. However, this does not cause inconsistency for ToE, in my opinion. Newer knowledge (e.g., Dawkins' genetic expression, neo-Lamarkianism, co-evolution, etc.) sits as a "superset" upon ToE, extending it, not invalidating it.
That is why my argument (in post #2) was merely that your criticism (in post #1) does not invalidate ToE. I do not claim that ToE is a full description of evolution; but it is a description that has scientifically-circumscribed consistency with our experience.
Yes it is difficult (if not impossible) to say what is noise and what is information. It all comes down to perception. I would say that in thics "noise" is what is not usefull in creating molecules that are playing some kind of role into the well being of the organism. Like a DVD you mentioned: it may have noise or "data". It all comes down to the user of the DVD. But we are talking in specific context each time.
Yes, context is critical for interpretation to be meaningful as valid or invalid. And when the context for validation is "the well being of the organism" one has to consider the long-term well being of the species even though the information (and the arising of noise) which ultimately determines the species' well-being manifests in the individual--a unit whose immediate well being is short-term.
What if I gave you a DVD with a movie? And a DVD with noise. Wouldn't you be able to tell the difference? Surely you would.
Yes I would
IF I have access to a DVD player. The player is the interpreter that gives the DVD's data meaning via an interpretive schema. Without the player, a DVD has no information.
The same happens with organisms. Give them a random process that changes their DNA. And a designed process that changes their DNA. Which one would you think has the best chance of creating something useful?
Here I agree with Cronos998's post. "Design" is a human projection upon nature. I see no evidence for any
inherent design in nature because a design implies a
designer which lies outside of science's purview to recognize. The best practice of scientific epistemology has yielded a theory that (1) is highly functional at describing a process consistent with our experience of evolutionary change and (2) has remained viable with newer knowledge about evolutionary mechanisms. And it does it without any designer. You said yourself that ToE per se is a scientific theory, not a philosophical one, so let's evaluate it as such.
Next, I want to point out that humans have been manipulating evolution since prehistoric times, first unconsciously (we elimated various species such as mastodons with our migratory hunting) then later by conscious design (agriculture, hybridization of plants, domestication and breeding of animals). Judging whether our creation of a teacup-poodle -- from something that looked like a wolf 12,000 years ago -- represents "something useful" is again a matter of an interpretative schema. I'm sure a teacup-poodle is very useful to its owner who values fussing over its particular needs. But from a perspective of surviving a night in an owl-infested winter forest away from its ancestral pack, our efforts at "design" have created a being whose survival chances are very low.