Firstly, Einstein treats time as one dimension, while space has three dimensions. But he said that time and space are similar. But if they are similar, why is it that one has three dimensions while the other has only one dimension. This is the first question where I question his idea.
Secondly, is his opposition of the quantumn mechanics. The experimental observation of the very large is very different to the experimental observation of the very small. Is this strange? Einstein opposed quantumn mechanics while he supports his idea, yet, experimental observation of the very small did carry out. Yet, Einstein did not come up with a theory to describe the things of the very small. This is another question.
Thirdly, light must have a mass if it exists, this is why light can bend when it moves near a planet. The reason why light bends is because the external force influences light. If the external force can influence light, then, light must have a mass. If light has a mass, then, force equal mass times acceleration will apply to light.
So if light has a mass, light must change its speed as it hits an object. If the speed of light changes, then, Einstein's idea is no longer relevant, where there must be another new entity to record how the speed of light changes. And this new entity that records how the speed of light changes is time, the universal absolute time been constant.
And it is also this universal absolute constant time that records how individual time can flow backward to the past, or to any other direction. This is why both the absolute time and relative time can exist together.
So to me, absolute time depends on relative time and relative time depends on absolute time. If absolute time exists, then, relative time must exist. If there is relative time, then, there is absolute time. It is impossible to have relative time without an absolute time. It is impossible to have an absolute time without relative time.
And there are many relative times, such as the time in Tokyo, the time of New York, the time of India, the time of UK, the time in Mars, so and so on: All of these are relative times. While absolute time is an entity that records all the relative times.
Regarding to the questions that Einstein did not answer, such as his failure to describe the experimental observation of the very small, I will say that because the experimental observation of the very large is very different to the observation of the very small, then, different universes must have different laws to describe why the observation of the very large is different to the very small.
If you feel there are different laws, then, the differences in observation of the very large and the very small will no longer contradict one another.
Finally, time must have more than one dimension, if time is the same as space, otherwise time is no longer similar to space if one has one dimension while the other has three dimension. To me, both time and space have infinite numbers of dimensions, which I had said before.
So after reading my words, if you have any word to add, please go ahead.