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Light Entrapment Theory of Soul

Posted: August 29th, 2012, 3:37 am
by Vanillasky
Soul has been defined in many ways by many psychologist, but in my view in light of physics and metaphysics soul is "the light entrapped in the body of living things with specific pattern of path through every cell of body typical for that individual that is responsible for their spiritual abilities and there connection to other parts of the universe. As quantum physics has proved teleporting is possible, for me soul is the teleporting launchpad for humans and we can survive in many shapes and bodies once the light entrapped is accurately copied in other parts of the universe. Aging is the process in living things is thus related to time via we travel near speed of light time slows down and so is aging of the cells with in the body of living things. Soul is also responsible for uniqueness of every living being and personality due to it's unique moment with in the body of every living thing I know it's hard to explain or elaborate the idea but i would appreciate suggestions and criticism on my theory