UniversalAlien wrote:
As usual Granth you are always interesting. Now for the sake of argument and not because I disagree with what you are saying as my thinking is often similar, let me propose that it is not illusion but it is based upon the definable physical existent state. We know most electronic processes are based upon positive and negative electricity, a real dualistic state like the hypothetical yin/yang philosophy. So I propose that it is the nature of the function of the brain to think dualistically because the brain is operated by a positive/negative electronic matrix. So I might surmise that the process of reality and how we comprehend it is being controlled by a definable electronic matrix and the dualism is therefor not illusory but a limiting and definable fact of our existence. Possibly in another universe where the natural forces are not based upon a physical dualism but are say controlled the a three-way electronic matrix say it is called positive-negative-unknown factor X the thinking of beings would be different and not dualistic and therefor the real processes of such a universe would also be different.
Again for the sake of argument I could argue that it is not the 'I' that is an illusion but the so called process of reality that is the illusion. What is the name for that philosophical concept stating only I can be known? Solipsism, but I do not necessarily agree with that either. And of course if one wants to argue that reality is illusory then why negate thinking and thoughts to illusion when thinking and thought may be what is real and not the material world.
So let us, therefore, play the discussion game. Play with illusion. This is what this particular process is. Play. This is where I agree with Shakespeare.
U. Alien. "let me propose that it is not illusion but it is based upon the definable physical existent state."
However, definable physical "existent" states are only apparent according to the senses. Sensory input is then defined ("definable") as events in a linear form by the left hemisphere of the human brain. Merely half of the brain. This same half defines sensory input as shapes with color, flavor, weight and volume etc, using the five scientifically recognized senses. This "input" is the "physical state". Given that this "physical state" is only itself a process of half the brain, what, therefore, could be the state that is interpreted by the Whole brain (both hemispheres)? The Mind? Half of the story is only half of the story. To accept that half of the story must be the Whole story is delusion. Half of the story can only be an illusory element. If we were always conscious of both the brain's hemispheres processes, it would be very obvious how much the physical state is an illusion. But I can't show you what this fully conscious state would "look" like (the limitation inherent in language even means I have to use the word "look" even though this type of "looking" has nothing to do with the senses. Even using words like "this type" still uses dualism. So we need to "see" dualism and language, and all sensory input, the "physical", as mere tools TOWARD understanding).
These illusions are not Understanding. On another thread, someone posted a quote, ""Philosophy is an appetite and not the food". These illusions require an appetite for Understanding these illusions.
U. Alien. " So I might surmise that the process of reality and how we comprehend it is being controlled by a definable electronic matrix and the dualism is therefor not illusory but a limiting and definable fact of our existence."
I argue that as long as the experience of Existence is, in your words, "limiting", then this limited version of Existence cannot itself BE Existence. Experience that is limited, by left-brain defining processes, has to be only a cinematic (or "electronic") version of Existence. When we watch a movie, for example, we are not experiencing the actual events which are being depicted in the movie. If we thought we were, we would be suffering from delusion (by regarding this "version" of events as Real and Present).
But interesting enough, we can still feel all the emotions while only watching the movie version.
And I think this emotional element is where and why we grasp illusions as Real.
We are so attached to our emotions that we most often fail to see that even our emotions are a product of half of the brain. So we do not like to accept emotion itself as illusion.
We tend to be overly influenced by emotion for decisions about the true nature of things.
U. Alien. "And of course if one wants to argue that reality is illusory then why negate thinking and thoughts to illusion when thinking and thought may be what is real and not the material world."
The "material world" is really a thought. Quantum Physics already shows us the illusory nature of the material.
If reality was determined by a popularity vote we would not have any pioneers.