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Jklint wrote:Since science is now more complex, abstract and speculative than philosophy ever was or can hope to be why would scientists need to worry about anything "philosophers" have to say? Haven't they got enough problems already? I mean "real" problems not the ones philosophers create to prove how brilliant they are.
Next, how does "content" get into the mind in the first place? In short, what are your senses and your memory for? Put another way receiving data and storing it as experience, knowledge, etc.
Also, what would be the point of a "perceptual system" if it cannot perceive what is external to it?
If Mr. Rorty had been chased by a saber-toothed tiger a hundred thousand years ago what was "out there" would have become very personal very quickly.
It was fortunate for the human race that there weren't any philosophers around at the time otherwise Mr. Rorty would never have had the opportunity to come up with such brilliant ideas.
Misty wrote:Maybe all things external are actually only in the confines of brains. Maybe there is no external anything.True freedom comes in the acceptance of that one simple truth. Look beyond the cruelty, futility, and injustice of this world, and realize that the only things over which you truly have control, are the purity of your intentions, and the honorability of your actions. Whether the world is real or not, does not alter the fact that the only thing over which you ultimately have any control, is yourself. No matter how the world chooses to judge you, or treat you, your life will testify to the content of your character. And in the end, that more than anything else, defines the value of a man.
Hereandnow wrote:But I put on the table a simple but powerful statement made by Richard Rorty the Amercian pragatist: No one has ever been able to make clear how anything "out there" in the world independent of perceptual systems, could get in here, into the thinking, perceiving mind. Can anyone address this very counterintuitive claim that so resists attempts refute it?I don’t think Rorty would criticise physics in this way. What he did criticise is the notion of the mind being a representation of reality, “a mental mirroring of a mind-external world” as the Stanford entry puts. It isn’t, so there isn’t this problem how things get from out there to in here. Though there may be a problem whether science does as much as Hawking claims it does.
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