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Light is observed to bend but no conclusive proof of gravity being the culprit.There's no "conclusive proof" of anything about the real world. Just varying degrees of evidence. There is a great deal of evidence that the path of light is affected by gravity. The model called General Relativity puts this in terms of the geometry of space-time. Whatever model you pick, the observational evidence is compelling.
Photons if they exist as particles have no mass.So if they have no mass and gravity is only experienced where mass is found how in hell are they effected by gravity?Photons have no mass but they have momentum. It is not correct to say that gravity is only experienced where mass is found. This is only true in the Newtonian model of gravity, which is a special case of a more generally applicable theory of gravity called General Relativity.
Light is an EM expression and all EM forces are affected by other EM forces.This statement makes no sense to me.
The problem with particle science most of them do not exist as a particles except to explain their characteristics.This is not a bad description of the function of all models, including particles, in physics. They exist to explain observations. I don't know why you think this is a problem.
Electrons we are told travel and can be in two places at the same time. Excuse me but if they are in two places at the same time when do they have the opportunity to move?We may be told this by somebody, but not by physicists! The quantum mechanical model of an entity like an electron does not have it existing in two places at the same time.
Most of quantum world science consists of false concepts derived from observation no one understands.This statement makes no sense to me. What is a "false concept"? What do you mean by "understands"? The purpose of scientific models and theories is to accurately describe the world and predict future observations. Any discussion of the pros and cons of current theories of physics only makes sense in terms of their success or otherwise in doing this and the greater or lesser success in doing this of another theory that you or someone else might have come up with.
Assumptions developed not conclusively proven but stated as if factual.Physical models and theories are never conclusively proven. They fit existing observations, and predict subsequent observations, to a greater or lesser degree. Things tend to be stated as factual simply because the weight of evidence has reached a particular arbitrarily defined level. How else would you decide what is an "established fact" and what is not?
Light has no mass so should not be bent by gravity but it is.What makes you think that only things with mass are affected by gravity? The only thing I can think of is Newton's Law of Universal Gravitation. But this was superceded by General Relativity. It turns out to be an approximation.
Why is it that EM radiation, light, can not be bent over a large area of space by another EM field but it can be assumed by gravity?There are all kinds of reasons in the laws of electrodynamics, derived from the classical laws of electromagnetics as expressed in Maxwell's equations, why this is expected to be true. And it is certainly observed to be true. It's basically an expression of the fact that photons do not interact with each other. It's what allows you to be looking at your computer screen right now without the photons from that screen being interfered with by all the other photons that are crossing their paths.
Another problem, photons are generated at the speed of light..So if they are travelling in one direction they must experience acceleration, so how can they start life at the speed of light?Why would they have to experience acceleration? Why shouldn't they start life at the speed of light? Special Relativity predicts that anything that has no mass would have to travel at this speed for its entire existence and any body that has mass cannot reach this speed. The current model says that the photon is the particle which mediates the electromagnetic force. The fact that the photon is massless leads to the fact that the electromagnetic force has infinite range, whereas the particle that mediates the strong nuclear force, for example, has mass, with the consequence that the strong nuclear force has very short range.
It has no logic but we simply have to accept it as a fact.In what sense does it have no logic? You don't have to accept it as a fact. You can examine the experimental evidence on which it is based and decide whether you agree that it's the best way to describe that evidence.
Expressing light as a particle when no particle exists muddies the reasoning. Is it EM wave or a particle with no mass?What do you mean by "no particle exists"? Do you mean that the particle model is not useful in this case?
Just because the observations are not understood we invent particles but find waves.Why would we do that? I don't know why you think someone would invent a model that isn't useful for describing the evidence when a perfectly good model already exists. If the wave model was perfectly adequate to describe all observations then obviously it would be used exclusively. There are all kinds of experimental observations that simply cannot be explained with just a wave model, starting, famously, with the photoelectric effect. I say again and again, if you have in mind a model that fits the evidence better then name it.
The quantum model can not predict, that is my problem. Using particles as a concept, it describes the quantum universe as unpredictable.Quantum electrodynamics is the most accurate physical model ever invented so far.
It results in electrons that appear to travel but are in two places at the same time.No it doesn't.
Steve did you read my reference to the slightly cranky Bill Gaede.I did have a look, yes. It was a bit of work trawling through all the funny pictures and sensational headlines to find the substance. There's a lot of stuff there and it's interesting. But it all begs the question: what does he want to replace it all with? He seems to have a problem with the use of mathematical abstractions in attempting to model the world. And makes some good criticisms of it. But I couldn't find the part where he presents a better way. And I couldn't find the part where he points to the physical evidence that has been incorrectly predicted as a result of the use of mathematics.
If any of them moves relatively to another, then they move towards each other with double speed of light.Guin I think you may misunderstand about the velocity of light. From either one of the ’photons point of view the other is traveling at c or less
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