Excessive posting of links to the same website in many different posts will generally cause a blacklist of that site, particularly if the member posting the link is affiliated to that some way, e.g. is an owner or employee of the site. Once you have made 20 posts and been registered for 3 days, you can create a signature and you can set the website field in your profile to let people know about your website. Attempting to create a custom signature by manually adding your link, URL or self-promotion to the end of all your posts will cause it to blacklisted.
If you wish to advertise a website, product or service, then please contact me for rates. But advertising is not allowed within posts.
We will now get into some more general standards. Please note we have much stricter standards regarding what can be posted in the on-topic part of the forum as opposed to what can be posted in the off-topic section.
Type of links and URLs that are never allowed
- Commercial or self-promotional links - This includes any sort of advertising, affiliate marketing or links to one's own online store.
- Links to one's own site if it sells anything or contains advertising of any kind or is otherwise run for-profit
- Links to pornography, gambling sites, sales-pitches, get-rich-quick-schemes, etc.
- Links directly or indirectly to anything illegal includes warez, torrents or copyright-infringing sites or material
- Links to Amazon that do not use the Amazon BBCode
Links, URLs and any mentions of other websites, videos, books or media is under much, much stricter scrutiny in the on-topic section. Namely, we want to be certain that the links are not off-topic. Because linking is a common method for spam and self-promotion, it is the most common kind of rule-violation particularly in terms of staying on topic. Instead of trying to name all the ways a promoter or advertiser might post an inappropriate link, we will name the only acceptable, on-topic links. Please note this only applies to the on-topic parts of the forum. The off-topic section has a broader range of allowable types of links. The following are the only acceptable reasons for posting a link in the on-topic part of the forum:
- 1. The link is an allegedly credible source or citation for a certain alleged fact. For instance if a premise of yours is that 'In 1492 Columbus sailed the ocean blue,' you could then post a link to an article by an accredited history Professor who says so. Links claimed to be of this type must follow general standards regarding academic sources or citations. Namely, this generally does NOT allow for links to self-published or openly non-credible material such as blogs, openly biased websites or Wikipedia (see "elaboration on research guides" below). Also, it must be clear which alleged facts are being sourced/cited by which links; a good way to do this is by including the link immediately following the alleged fact and then writing the word source followed be the link in parenthesis. It is not acceptable to throw out a list of links at the end of your post under the guise of sources because it doesn't make it clear which source goes to which fact.
2. The link points to a philosophical point, argument or question which has been summarized in the post, and the link is being given out of courtesy to give credit (unprofitably to someone else, not oneself) where credit is due and to allow users to see the elaborated, non-summarized version of what has been summarized. Please see #D.4 of the forum rules for more information about this kind of link and its limited allowable use. Namely, you must quote or summarize the relevant parts of the article, video, book etc. to which you are linking, users must not be required to click the link to join the discussion (i.e. the link goes to the unsummarized version of the material just in case anyone is interested in seeing the full, presumably mostly off-topic version of what has been summarized), and the link must contain something new and useful and relevant (e.g. if you copy and paste an entire article there is really no need to link to the identical version of the article elsewhere). In judging whether a link of this type is allowed, the moderator will first consider whether or not it is on-topic simply by judging whether or not the given summary is on-topic; if not, then both the link and its summary will be deleted and probably the entire post. If the summary is on-topic for the thread in which is posted, then the link will be checked to make sure it actually corresponds to the summary and contains the material that has been summarized.
Elaboration on research guides: There is no need to post links to research guides or tools that help guide someone in researching a topic in the on-topic section of the forum. At best posting such a link is off-topic and unnecessary since you can just quickly advise the person to research or 'look up' the topic. But more likely it is a condescending insult to tell someone to research a topic let alone actually link them to where to find out where and how to research the topic. Note, it is okay to post a link to a credible source of an alleged fact as evidence that the alleged fact is in fact true (see #1 above). However, sourcing a fact is different than suggesting someone go research a topic. Luckily, research guides often cannot be confused with credible sources because research guides do not present themselves as credible sources of research but rather simply as collections of advice on where to find research and information. For instance, linking to Wikipedia or Google results or telling someone to 'go Google' a term or "look it up" is thus prohibited in the on-topic section as off-topic and/or insulting. You can search Google and Wikipedia yourself and other research aids or potential sources yourself for things to add to your post to strengthen your argument, but don't tell other people to. Collect, organize and summarize the evidence yourself. Saying to your opposition that "the evidence for my side is out there" is an absurd argument at best, but worse yet is off-topic, and worse even yet--to reiterate--it is probably an insult and personal attack because it implies the other person is ignorant or too stupid to know how to research something, which you are not allowed to say ever about other members per the forum rules.
If you have any questions or concerns, please let me know. If you notice any links posted that you suspect may not meet these standards, please use the report button to notify me and I will investigate.
"The mind is a wonderful servant but a terrible master."
I believe spiritual freedom (a.k.a. self-discipline) manifests as bravery, confidence, grace, honesty, love, and inner peace.
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