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The manipulation of energy and matter using brain power

Posted: December 14th, 2011, 4:56 am
by PiercingSiren
I will start off by saying everything is connected. I don't have a word for it, so I guess I will just use Orson Scott Card's terminology in the Ender Saga. He called our connection the philotic web. I believe that really does exist, even if it's not in the exact form that he described in his books. I believe our connection with everything around us IS energy. Everything is made of energy, and because of that I believe that human beings can manipulate that energy to change objects around us.

It is well known that "mind over matter" really does work in many circumstances. My theory is that when it doesn't work, it's not because it's impossible, but instead that the person's brain power isn't strong enough. I believe we can condition our minds to be stronger than they already are, but like anything else in life I think there are also some people who are born with extremely high brain power. I guess you could say their brains are strong-willed. I think that everyone knows at least one person who can completely change the mood of an entire group of people just by being near them. I don't think that's a coincidence.

There have been studies about how our brains connect to each other, and experiments have shown that our brains actually mimic each other. And this goes for all animals, not just human beings. So with that in mind, it makes perfect sense that the strongest mind would be the one that everyone else's mind would mimic. They can put feelings and thoughts in your head without even realizing they've done it, because it just comes naturally to them. It might be pretty scary if someone learned to control that, but the other applications for this brain power control are very exciting. Imagine being able to move objects without touching them. Start fires without striking a match. Control your body functions to heal yourself faster or reconfigure your lungs to be able to breathe under water. Or two personal favorites of mine: Correct your vision.. and fly.

There are so many strange accounts in history of people doing extraordinary things that no one can explain. Fourteen ton statues being moved from one location to another with no trees available to make rollers (Easter Island). The way Edward Leedskalnin built Coral Castle all by himself. The pyramids, Stone Henge, and many other things like that suggest that either some sort of technology existed at the time, or human beings had a different way to build such amazing structures. I believe a few of these may have been manipulation of matter and/or energy through the use of brain power. In Edward Leedskalnin's case this seems highly likely. However, we will never know for sure because he took his secret to his grave.

Manipulating energy with your mind offers so many possibilities. I believe that the government is probably working on something similar to this, but of course they would be keeping it very secret if they were. It is an amazing idea but could also cause a lot of problems if the wrong people figured out how to do it. The biggest question with strengthening the mind is how to do it. I believe that if more than one person is working together, it makes it easier because both of them are trying to accomplish the same thing. There is power in numbers, physically and mentally. There have been studies that show that when there are gatherings of many people together for the same purpose, energy levels are much higher. Combined brain power and belief offers a much easier way to strengthen the mind than doing it alone, but I believe it can be done alone too if one has enough focus.

I would like to try this myself, as my brain power seems to be very strong. But I think I am a little afraid of doing it alone and I cannot find anyone else who is interested in this sort of thing. I would like to hear anyone's thoughts and opinions on this subject and if you have any other ideas about it please feel free to share them.

-- Updated December 14th, 2011, 4:01 am to add the following --

I forgot to add the bumble bee to my list of strange things that don't seem possible but are. According to scientists, bumble bees should not be able to fly, yet they do. But they do not know they "can't" fly. I think a lot of our problem with not having enough belief to make our brain power work for us is the result of "learned stupidity". By this I mean that from the day we are born we are taught that certain things are just not possible. I believe this teaching is wrong. I don't believe that anything is impossible, and the fact that we are taught that hinder our minds. But, since we have already been taught that some things are impossible, we now have to challenge ourselves to "unlearn" this idea and reinstate our natural instincts. The bumble must fly to stay alive, therefore it does.

Re: The manipulation of energy and matter using brain power

Posted: January 4th, 2012, 8:05 am
by Kas
I would like to give it atry & see what happens because sometimes I feel I can do things which other people can't but I don't know how to start or test my self.

Re: The manipulation of energy and matter using brain power

Posted: January 4th, 2012, 12:35 pm
by bluegreenearth
My tuppence:

I believe that we can manipulate energy and matter using our minds.

But, I believe that we do this via neurons, muscles / skeletons, and tools such as our powers of abstract reasoning, empirical research etc etc to create a bridge between our volition and the world. This means we make and use tools.

I have seen zero evidence of non-material means of energy and matter manipulation by the human mind, and copious evidence of achieving such via our 'normal' interactions with the physical world.


Re: The manipulation of energy and matter using brain power

Posted: January 4th, 2012, 6:26 pm
by PiercingSiren
People are beginning to find ways to focus our brain power with technology in order to manipulate energy. This is obviously not the same as acting with only our minds to change things, but it's getting closer. ... -true.html

Telekinesis (a subdivision of psychokinesis) is not a scientifically proven fact, and therefore it cannot technically be used as proof of my theory, but it is something I look at as possible proof. It just has to be researched further, and experimented with, and then have documented results. I guess that's why this is called philosophy OF science, and not just science.

Here is a site on telekenesis that is more down-to-earth than most:

It shows that trying out things like this doesn't have to be part of some strange occult activities. I find that anytime someone uses the word "Psychic" it scares people away. The term has been given a bad reputation by fakes and frawds and people just looking for money and attention. I don't believe that this is always the case, though.

I will be doing more research on this topic over time and looking for evidence and proof, but for now I hope this sparks some more thoughts.

Re: The manipulation of energy and matter using brain power

Posted: January 19th, 2012, 8:22 pm
by Thinking critical

"I forgot to add the bumble bee to my list of strange things that don't seem possible but are. According to scientists, bumble bees should not be able to fly, yet they do. But they do not know they "can't" fly. I think a lot of our problem with not having enough belief to make our brain power work for us is the result of "learned stupidity". By this I mean that from the day we are born we are taught that certain things are just not possible. I believe this teaching is wrong. I don't believe that anything is impossible, and the fact that we are taught that hinder our minds. But, since we have already been taught that some things are impossible, we now have to challenge ourselves to "unlearn" this idea and reinstate our natural instincts. The bumble must fly to stay alive, therefore it does."

Im not going to get involved in the metaphysical concept your proposing, as I feel it's a dead end. However your statement in regards to the Bumble Bee is not correct. The reason a Bumble Bee Flies and appears to brake the rule of weight to wing diameter ratio is simple. The Bees wing concaves inside out and rotates on its up stroke to carry on it's momentum, the down stroke lifts it while the up stroke maintains it current height. This why when we observe Bumble Bees fly they appear to be a little drunk. :bored:

Re: The manipulation of energy and matter using brain power

Posted: January 26th, 2012, 2:13 pm
by PiercingSiren
Thanks Thinking critical, I want all of my information to be correct.

Re: The manipulation of energy and matter using brain power

Posted: January 26th, 2012, 5:42 pm
by Thinking critical
No worries, the mystery of the flying Bumble Bee has long been questioned, it just so happened I watched a Documentary last year where this was explained :-).
Mind over matter to me has always meant my mind has the power to convince my matter (my body) to do just about anything it want's; as long as my matter abides by the laws of physics.

Re: The manipulation of energy and matter using brain power

Posted: January 27th, 2012, 6:25 pm
by Discards
The manipulation of energy and matter is a spiritual accomplishment. It is vital to recognize that once you begin experimenting with these things, you will face the likelihood of losing your mind.

There once was a time, before i-pods, touch-screen interactive play-toys, video games, and so on, where children looked up at the sky for satisfaction. Indeed the greatest satisfaction of playing outdoors and looking up at the clouds revolved around two outcomes.

The first is that special things are made out of clouds. Children are capable of seeing many spectacular things in the formation of clouds, and feel a special connection to these things because this phenomena is perhaps one of the most exciting simply because once identified it can be verified by another just by pointing. It's magic.

The other thing about looking at the sky, and this seems to become the norm as one's childhood abilities to notice dragons and gouls in the sky diminishes, is one's ability to make a cloud disappear. The child gazes at the cloud (and notice that this will become less and less of a phenomenon as 1. Children stop playing outdoors and 2. Clouds do not form in the way they have throughout history due to pollution)...the child gazes at the cloud and when it comes apart he pretends that he was the cause of this, only because his perception cannot be ruled out as having an effect on the cloud.

So, the reality of mentally moving objects is this. One becomes so single minded and self-possessed that their will alone establishes the reality of the supernatural, which are - if one is to list them;

Being one become many, Becoming many become one, Would go unhindered across walls, embankments and rocks, as going in space, on earth diving and coming out is done as in water, on water walks unbroken as on earth. In space sits cross legged as though birds small and large. The moon and sun powerful as they are are touched with the hand. Thus with the body power is established as far as the Brahma world. Abide endowed with virtues, honouring the higher code of rules, be full of reverence, seeing fear in the slightest fault observe the virtues. Complete virtues for internal appeasement, without neglecting jhana be endowed with wisdom and develop silent abidings.

All of this is accomplished by desiring it to happen. The body and mind are filled with an established one-pointedness and whatever the person desires to happen, like the moving of an object without touching, will occur as if the person used their own mind to bend or extend an arm or a leg.

But, the danger lies in lying to your self. If you watch a candle long enough; believing your self to be in control of movements in the flickering flame that are not a part of causes brought about by you - you will indeed go crazy.

Once you delve your perceptions into a place where your reason can no longer account for the real or at least common-sense real type of causes for the perception of things not caused by you, the more likely you are to become lost in the insanity which is the idea that you are the cause of all things.

The movement of objects by the mind is real, however for someone who would like to go about learning that skill in such a way that they have no support and no real direction; insanity awaits.

Re: The manipulation of energy and matter using brain power

Posted: January 27th, 2012, 9:24 pm
by PiercingSiren
Discards wrote:The movement of objects by the mind is real, however for someone who would like to go about learning that skill in such a way that they have no support and no real direction; insanity awaits.
I am in agreement with you that learning something that has no basis in our "reality" and doesn't go along with any of our physical laws is a very dangerous endeavour. It is imperitive that one is extremely cautious when participating in this sort of activity. If, however, a person is of sound mind they will go into this sort of experiment as a skeptic. This means that they will view any sort of manipulation first and foremost as the outcome of some outside source. But when it is obvious that there was no outside source, and the only conclusion left is that the manipulation came directly from the person's own brain power, that is when they will count the experience as being real.

Such experiments that would give true conclusive observations and evidence would be those held in a location that has complete control over all of the natural elements including air movement and temperature. The person who was taking part in the experiment would stand outside of this area so that there would be no way their body temperature or breathing or movement could possibly have any affect on the object they were manipulating. I suppose energy could also be manipulated in this fashion to get clear results, though it would be easier to use an object since energy levels are more difficult to control. If you really wanted to get technical, there could also be a seismometer around to detect any natural movement of the tectonic plates that could potentially disturb the object's position.

Re: The manipulation of energy and matter using brain power

Posted: January 28th, 2012, 6:41 pm
by Discards
Yes; but it is not an empirical science; it is a spiritual matter.

The assurance that one has when one has moved something with one's mind is never based on an exclusionary principle. What I said before is the basis upon which one knows one has done something of this nature (and that was to say that in the same way I am aware that my will power and decision have enabled me to bend and move my arms or legs; a similar assurance arises when I am aware that I have moved an object with my mind).

This sort of introduces a question of what conditions are necessary before hand for the movement of objects with the mind to occur.

Somehow the strength of your mind must allow you to use that same elementary filament which allows you to move your body towards the filament of moving external objects.

One thing I can do with my mind is project a mental image of my self. Now there was a time when the clarity and viability of the projection varied depending on the strength within. Nowadays it is a vague phantom which only I can see. However, if I were perhaps younger and had not had the youth of my heart stripped down to the last thread holding it together, I might be able to actualize such a mental image. In similar circumstances I can merely attest to imagining the ability to move objects with my mind; however I would never even assume it possible for me at this stage in my life.

Re: The manipulation of energy and matter using brain power

Posted: January 28th, 2012, 6:53 pm
by Eckhart Aurelius Hughes
Firstly, this doesn't seem to be a theory but rather an hypothesis or--being in my analysis unscientific--just speculation. In any case, the extremely confident but blatantly falsified convictions of delusional nuts at any insane asylum seem to disprove the speculation that one literally can do anything one believes one can.

Re: The manipulation of energy and matter using brain power

Posted: August 3rd, 2014, 2:36 pm
by Mugen Fico
Haven't found much proof of the manipulation of matter yet, but have you tried EFT for your eyesight?

Re: The manipulation of energy and matter using brain power

Posted: September 23rd, 2014, 12:23 am
by Apollo
And something that hasn't been mentioned yet, what about the complete control of matter as we understand it. If someone memorised the periodic table and knew exactly how many protons, neutrons and electrons in each atom and were able to manipulate energy wouldn't they be able to take an atom discharge or collect protons, neutrons or electrons from surrounding atom to make a different atom then combine it with other atoms of the same kind (ie turn carbon dioxide in the air into gold) with only your mind, that would look like anyone's thoughts when they think of magic.

Re: The manipulation of energy and matter using brain power

Posted: April 17th, 2016, 11:23 am
by Lord Draconis
It is possible.
Using that kind of power in a negative manner will attract just that. I have found that out the hard way. it seemed to be activated by high levels of emotion. I use it daily but for an unselfish manner. I wish to further explore this but in a nuetral way, such as moving objects that will creat little or no difference in the universe. I had used it with hateful emotions to stop mechanical operations that would effect other peoples welfare had made me physically ill, regardless if those certain people were miltious.
It is true that the more people who put their energy/thoughts into something have a higher level of effectivness.

Re: The manipulation of energy and matter using brain power

Posted: May 16th, 2016, 11:03 pm
by Atreyu
Well, I agree with the general idea that Man can learn to manipulate energy and matter in unimaginable ways. However, I wouldn't say that "brain power" is the key to it.

It's a bit more complicated than just improving our physiology/neurology....