by Scott Hughes
To start with a quote by Voltaire, "In general, the art of government consists in taking as much money as possible from one party of the citizens to give to the other." For that reason, I find it interesting when anyone claims that the so-called private sector or 'business' is separate from the so-called public sector or 'government.' Mostly, I think it is a ploy that allows greedy people to use governmental force to profit.
Let me explain. We all know the businesspeople are greedy and mostly just want money. They are bottom-line thinkers and doers. However, freedom-loving people must respect the freedom of people to exercise their freedom simply for monetary profit. Thus, the endeavors of greedy businesspeople is protected through the ideological promotion of free markets and free society. Government, on the other hand, is claimed to be philanthropic, to be a representative of the general public, and to do what is in the interests of everyone as a whole. As a result, we give government powers that we do not give to non-governmental businesspeople. Unfortunately, government is a tool of business.
Let me try to re-explain it in other words. The businesspeople admit to acting out of greed, but they justify it by claiming that they are non-governmental, meaning they only exercise their freedom without infringing on other people's freedom. The government admits to infringing on other people's freedom, but they justify it by claiming that they are philanthropic and acting in the interest of the people as a whole and in the interest of the people whose freedom they violated.
So that clearly points out the dangerous power of corporatocracy. By pretending that business interests are separate from government, the ruling class is able to get away with both being greedy and infringing on people's freedom.
The solution is not to reject the free market (or, more generally speaking, free society). Instead, we have to realize and convince others that the tyranny is not coming from the masses in the form of populism. The tyranny is plutocracy which is in the form of corporatocracy marked by industrial-complexes; it's greedy businesspeople using government power to get profits.
I would tend to agree with those that say that any government will have and must have a relationship to business and must be involved in the market. But the problem is not non-governmental business, meaning some people choosing to exercise their freedom in a self-serving way. The problem is governmental business which we can call corporatocracy, meaning the use of government power for profit by greedy people, which will happen insofar as there is government in society. The solution is to limit the government's power, especially that power which is most used on behalf of the rich and corrupt. Namely, we need to reduce the amount of government spending.
I fully believe that the only way to eliminate government corruption is to eliminate government because I believe government is inherently corrupt. Moreover, the most effective and complete way to reduce the power of greedy, self-serving businesspeople is to reduce the power of government, a power which the businesspeople profitably use by promoting corruption. With a lack of government power, businesspeople will only be able to exercise their own freedom but not infringe upon the freedom of others.
Perhaps it's unfortunate that businesspeople are so self-serving and that all people are so self-serving. But the fact that they are self-serving is precisely the reason government power is so destructive and precisely why freedom, free markets and free society is more desirable than statism. Insofar as we allow one group of people to infringe on the freedom of others, they will do it in a self-serving way and self-serving business interests will quickly and easily corrupt any attempts at governmental populism. Attempts at governmental populism will become the very mask the plutocratic monster wears to trick us into tolerating his monstrous tyranny.
What do you think? How would you describe the relationship between government and business? Or what do you think is the business of government?
"The mind is a wonderful servant but a terrible master."
I believe spiritual freedom (a.k.a. self-discipline) manifests as bravery, confidence, grace, honesty, love, and inner peace.
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