But it is true, digital information (the analogical possibilities are not favored). The constant light purpose is to travel from an originator to a receiver: From Big Bang toward black hole: light Paradox, gravity Paradox, Time Paradox. Area calculation whole: 0 & 1.
Then, the fantasy came, I had in the table, 5 magic beans to use them when the syndrome Maya-Y2K happened, in 2012. (Because love, is continuous and enigma, is continuous). Digital era: Bad luck. Time distortion.
ET told me that Philosophy is the Physics of the Time and he told me, please to revise, because Andromeda is not spiral (Time Distortion, Lissajous curve).
(Reference: Theory of Automatic Control)
-- Updated Mon Jan 23, 2012 11:16 am to add the following --
FALCON wrote:Help me to think: Last night I had a nightmare. ET visits me and asks: How is the man's thought even, if the pure life belongs to the numbers primes? I don’t understand him.The time this participating in the dynamics of the universe, forging the existences.
But it is true, digital information (the analogical possibilities are not favored). The constant light purpose is to travel from an originator to a receiver: From Big Bang toward black hole: light Paradox, gravity Paradox, Time Paradox. Area calculation whole: 0 & 1.
Then, the fantasy came, I had in the table, 5 magic beans to use them when the syndrome Maya-Y2K happened, in 2012. (Because love, is continuous and enigma, is continuous). Digital era: Bad luck. Time distortion.
ET told me that Philosophy is the Physics of the Time and he told me, please to revise, because Andromeda is not spiral (Time Distortion, Isoclinas).
(Reference: Theory of Automatic Control)
An fluid exists with the dark energy-matter that impregnates TIMES. Time can that anything, can that everything.
When the universe makes a pause; the matter floats and it is not gravitational.
-- Updated Mon Feb 13, 2012 10:30 am to add the following --
The geometric optics of Euclides until Newton described the phenomenons of the light supposing that the rays were rectilinear. With Thomas Young experiments settled down like dominant idea that the light irradiates waves - until Einstein declares complementary the two ideas. Under the influence of the quantum theory, the name you becomes physical Optics.
When the men see the compensatory time and the regulation of the stability of the processes. With the same freedoms that offers the knowledge of the physical Optics. the spiral image of the andromeda Nebula will be understood.