Allow that matter is potential energy. E=MC2, or M=E/C2
Allow also that a black hole is a point in the universe without dimension.
Finallly allow that the universe may be represented as a mathematical set in which both dimension and no dimension exist, 0 and infinity.
Now, imagine an inflated latex balloon. The air inside the balloon maintains the stretch of the latex. The tendency of the latex to resume its unstretched dimension manifests as potential energy, in other words, the stretch traps the potential energy of the balloon.
Consider the hypothesis that matter is the potential energy trapped by the tension resulting from the stretch of space applied by a black hole, or the absence of dimension. Matter then is a "thinning of dimension."
Gravity then would be the tendency of space to resume its unstretched dimension. Dimension then flows toward matter as the result of its tendency to resume its unstretched nature, while the stretch is constantly maintained by the black hole. the appearance of galaxies indicates that matter concentrates toward the center, where the black hole is theoretically located. The greater the concentration of mass, the thinner dimension becomes, the more stretched space is, and the greater the forces of gravity, the tendency of space to resume its unstretched state. At the center of the black hole, there is infinite gravity because there is 0 dimension.
Falsify away