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Theorys Of The Universe

Posted: April 18th, 2011, 6:27 pm
by TheLo-gister
The universe,runs off of Equivilent Exchange,the Universe has only so many Materials,and,when something dies,the materials used to make that being,is reused,to create new life,a constant Cycle,an never ending one,for the universe,will never stop reusing the allready used,which means,everything in the universe,everything in existence,is all as important as each other.

Reuseable stuff

Posted: May 7th, 2011, 2:52 pm
by Gregorygregg1
Try this,
I preface my comment with the understanding that my point of view is that Life is a unique phenomenon of the cosmos, and at the same time composed of the stuff of the cosmos. We are the consciousness of life. A product of it's increasing complexity.
Entropy, the outward, disorganizing flow of energy is counteracted by the life force which increases organization and complexity. They flow in opposite directions. I imagine entropy as yang, a fluid of increasing disorganization moving through all that is. The organizing principle, yin, uses the matter which is in the flow of entropy, organizes it into ever more complex forms and releases it back into the flow of entropy, where it decays. As it evolves against the flow of entropy, Life again picks up substance and continues the process toward infinite complexity and organization, a sculptor using the same clay again and again until he gets it right, which since the universe is infinite, cannot happen. From this point of view, time and death are merely our perception of an illusion created by the flow of life through the entropy of the substance of the universe. And yes, it is a recycling project. I reserve the right to discard or revise this theory.