Gregorygregg1 wrote:Sounds like a liberal attitude. Wasn't Democracy designed to keep us aware of our behaviors as a society and permit changes in response to unacceptable behaviors like torture and preemptive warfare? How conscious does a society have to be to see and respond?
it's an interesting analogy you make. but i cannot really work with that idea as truth. society wasn't 'designed' specifically to fulfill the needs of emotional growth in individual citizens. it was designed (by Classical Greeks) as a method to fulfill their collective needs as white, wealthy, land-owning male citizens. if you want to assign a goal to it, that would most certainly be the perpetuation of their power. it enshrined their right as a narrow minority to control the lives of slaves, women, labourers.
if you can pull a relevant quote from
The Republic where they declare their intent to be the empowerment and growth of the individual, regardless of station, then i would your point. but thousands of years later, we don't seem to have any working democracy that actually offers that. we have democracies where actual decisions are still taken only by a narrow (elected) minority who line their pockets and create laws which profit their friends. Democracy can tackle the most objectionable things. but it seems unable to form consensus on how to improve things which don't horrify the hoi polloi. you can look at the history of Economics as an example. the boom-bust cycle has been happening for centuries (search wikipedia for "list of stock market crashes"). time and again, it causes damage primarily to the masses, starving and displacing the poor, not the people deciding how democracy runs day to day. but the decision that it is "unacceptable" has been that ruining lives is perfectly acceptable. i am a scientist, not an ethicist, but even i can see that the predictable failure seems to run contrary to simple moralities such as "most good, least harm"
Gregorygregg1 wrote:
It is almost as if you are implying a "social mind." But you give individuals power within that mind. you are contending that conservative individuals have greater impact on the "social mind" than free thinkers. I read this as path behavior by the herd. Wasn't public education supposed to solve that problem?
i am trying to illustrate that the neuro-cognitive patterns of the human mind are reflected in the social discourse. i am not bothering with the politic of it. but to take the social mind as the example, then what we witness is someone caught in a pattern of failure to learn. the results are patently obvious, yet the behaviour leading to it does not change. we have no collective consciousness which re-examines itself and tries to modify its behaviour to produce better results; we simply repeat the pattern which ends in failure. the fact that we have done so for four-hundred years now just makes us look collectively oblivious.
Gregorygregg1 wrote:Is the "smart part of the social brain" the enlightened individuals or the scientists? As for more likely outcomes, it seems obvious that the big rock will fall faster than the smaller one. perhaps we should focus our (collective consciousness) on identifying and remaining aware of the illusions upon which our societies are based.
Better yet, can a society be based on objective reality and cleanse itself of illusion?
i don't see that we have a 'smart' part yet. we have politicians who are beholden to special interests. they could be. but they don't act anything like a 'thinking person' would. they fight to sustain the myriad illusions we face. in fact, the nature of politic is to accept that all ideas are equally valid and that emotional conviction leads our direction. as an example, we have to accept that Creationism is just as good as teaching Evolution and we treat it as a political debate. even trying to bring up the 'rational' viewpoint is pointless. perpetuating the delusion profits someone and the collective intransigence reassures (profits) the masses who believe the illusion.
Gregorygregg1 wrote:Science has not always been a stalwart champion of truth or even consistently shown much wisdom. As for better ideas: atomic bombs, biological warfare, nuclear power plants. One might question the wisdom of creating a scientocracy.
yes, you are perfectly right on that point. but science, by nature, doesn't have a lot of room to obey morality. atoms
are crackable. there was no way science could have progressed without having discovered that fact. science didn't need to kill anyone to understand nuclear physics, nor did the laws of physics oblige us to slaughter innocents either. the applied use of that knowledge, though, was then driven by politics. the perceived morality that drove those end results has always come from that same social mind.
of course the social mind could reconsider its opinion. even if a politician had to start, there is no reason we couldn't have a public debate and actually move toward an idea which collectively seems better to us. but the way it currently happens is not that explicit or efficient.
we do learn to let go of 'bad' ideas. slavery is no longer considered acceptable to progressive societies. but if you say that's true, i will still raise my hand and suggest that i think i can still see it. it looks different than it used to, but people are born into positions of indentured labour with no ability to change their situation. we are forced to work, while a narrow minority makes decisions for us, controlling choices which relate to our freedoms and yet which we cannot influence.
could we improve the lot of every man, woman, and child on this planet? can we release them from the obligation to work? can we ensure them food, water, and shelter as free gifts just for being born human? yes, absolutely we could; it is technologically possible. it should, it seems, even sound appealing to people. i could dig up socio-anthropology to illustrate cultures where the obligations are minimal and people have freedom. and they do so without the miracles of modern agriculture, transportation and organization. simply because it suits their public mind.
we could re-engineer the entire planet to provide free sustenance to all peoples. the obligation to "work" would be so unneeded that there would be too many people motivated to work that we wouldn't even be able to employ them. we simply have evolved our society past the point where labour is a necessary commodity. but for some (irrational) reason, that technically viable possibility has not occurred to the social mind. in fact, the social mind is convinced of completely the opposite. but there is no self-awareness in that social mind to recognize a better, more workable idea.
simply, the social mind is too proud. it is convinced that it is already doing the best possible. it congratulates and reassures itself that this is perfection. as such, it will turn no interest to ideas which challenge its pride. it is insulted at suggestion that it is not ideal, and will rail against anything which disturbs its fantasy. why does society reject progress which is potentially there? why do we not try to be better people given that
immoral science can imagine more viable options?