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David Hudson's - O.R.M.E.

Posted: January 13th, 2011, 12:49 pm
by Apollyon
I just wanted to get some insight into what other people think about this. Google it if you have to; there are videos on youtube.

There are certainly many mysteries in our universe and indeed many mysteries right here on our very own planet Earth. Could Orbitally Rearranged Monoatomic Elements be the utopian energy of tomorrow or the pandora's box of human destruction? Do they exist?

My job is to play with superconductors and hydrogen in hyspin states using a flip angle and relaxation time of hydrogen in supermassive magnetic fields to generate RF at specific frequencies along a gradient(s) of that magnetic field. It sounds so interesting saying it that way but the rest of the world knows my job by a more simple definition... MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging). :)

The concept of ORMEs seems likely to me. What do you think?

Just curious...

Posted: January 14th, 2011, 5:42 pm
by Algol
You put a strange thought into my head with your post, even though its on a far off tangent. Or, you may be doing exactly what I'm about to propose. You've gotta dumb down your job description. Some of us here are but philosophers.

Hydrogen is the most basic of elements. If it were possible to spin pure hydrogen to a fantastic speed within a centrifuge and divide it into even more basic substances, what would there be? Would the electrons break away from the denser proton? Would a completely novel substance come of it? Maybe nuclear fussion? I'm guessing here, but maybe you know.

Posted: January 14th, 2011, 8:12 pm
by Apollyon
Algol wrote:If it were possible to spin pure hydrogen to a fantastic speed within a centrifuge and divide it into even more basic substances, what would there be? Would the electrons break away from the denser proton? Would a completely novel substance come of it? Maybe nuclear fussion? I'm guessing here, but maybe you know.
I am sorry about the job description. I just wanted all the highschool kids to be aware that I am no dummy while allowing the educated folks to see that my thoughts in this direction come with years of experience.

I too style myself as a philosopher. I try, however, to found as much as posible in empirical evidense. It is my belief that all things are related, and thusly, I try to relate a concept to something backed with empirical evidense... science if you will. I am a lover of physics except for quantum physics and its derivatives since they cant define H-Bar.

To your posulation of Hydrogen minus its electron... it happens all the time without a centrafuge. The element Hydrogen is a farsical entity since it is already described by another name... Proton. A free floating proton is what we seem to have dubbed as Hydrogen. Electrons come and go quite frequently between elements that do not have a full valence shell. Hydrogens valence shell is 2 and since hydrogen only has one proton it will never fill its valence shell. That is why hydrogen is in almost everything organic.

Cold fussion is the point of this posting however... so you are accurate in a sense. What is philosophical about ORMEs? Well, there is the issue of government conspiracy and the willful supression of knowledge. There is the scope and magnitude associated with what something like this could do to civilization as a whole. There are religious angles here that could be debated.

I guess I am looking to see if anyone else out there takes an approach of empirical evidense backed philosophy as I do.
