How do you feel about the book? Did you enjoy reading it? Any favorites parts or excerpts?
I love this book. I am amazed at how well the author packed in the history of philosophy, including a lot of non-philosophical information for historical context, while keeping the book so interesting. Even while reading the multi-page-long philosophy lectures that could just as easily be found in a college classroom, I was kept interested somehow as if actual events were happening. Perhaps the author did it by the excellent way the progression of the story's plot paralleled the particular philosophical ideas being taught by the philosopher.
I greatly appreciate the points mainly in the earlier part of the book about they way people become jaded and unphilosophical as they get older because they get used to the world, in a sense demonstrating how children are more philosophical because they have a greater sense of wonder and curiosity. I think this point regarding the connection between age, conformity and being unphilosophical is also somewhat expressed in this quote which I very much like from the novel, "The most subversive people are those who ask questions."
While it goes a little over the top, I very much enjoyed the purposely blatant literary irony throughout the novel, which mostly occurred in the latter half.
I loved the build up to the ending, but I was a little disappointed by the actual ending. What happened after the end of the major's book was a little too blatantly supernatural for me. I had thought what was going to happen was that the Hilde would write a followup chapter starting from where the major left off detailing their escape and that would be Hilde's surprise for the Major. That would have still allowed for the explanation that Sophie and the philosopher were like split personalities existing in the mind of the author(s) including his unconscious.
Anyway, what did you think?
"The mind is a wonderful servant but a terrible master."
I believe spiritual freedom (a.k.a. self-discipline) manifests as bravery, confidence, grace, honesty, love, and inner peace.
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