Nick_A wrote:
Love of self is a big thing and something a person must consciously acquire.
You are quick on the Art of Love of self!:)
Now hold on to that!
Don't let loose of that!:)
Nick_A wrote:
You are referring to self love which is the love of an image.
That's ok--you are just a beginner in the ART OF LOVE or LOVE-ART, --so that elementary mistake is a natural!:idea:
So come on, let's practice: Repeat after me:
My self or the self of me,
my Love or the Love of me,
your self or the self of you,
himself or the self of him,
herself or the self of her,
itself or the self of it,
themselves or the self of them,
Love of self and self-Love,
Love of other and other-Love
Love of God or God-Love or God's Love
are different ways of meaning and writing the same thing.
Some more:
Self-image or the image of self,
self-concept or the concept of self,
self-realisation or the realisation of self,
self-actualization or the actualization of self,
---you getting the ART of it?
---are different ways of saying the same thing.
Now just concentrate Nick_A!
Did you do well at English and the Arts?
I am sure you did.
So this is just a blip--easily self-corrected or corrected of self.
For you, Nick_A, to stART a thread on The Phiolsophy of Art and be as inartistic and as unartful as you have exposed yourself to be or as your self-exposure has exposed you to be or as the exposure of the self of you BY YOURSELF has revealed does make me sad,
, but at the same glad,
since I can so artfully help you in the Arts and in Liberal Arts or in the Art of Liberality!:)
Plus, this will help so many others, Nick_A!
So be encouraged and be good for Goodness Sake or for the Sake of Goodness!:)
You not being able being able to take compliments from others and me means that you don't give enough compliments to yourself nor to the self of you, and so don't give them to others, or when you do, you give them ARTlessly:
If you hate a person,
you hate something in him that is part of yourself.
What isn't part of ourselves doesn't disturb us.”
Hermann Hesse
Harboring Resentment against others is like drinking poison and waiting for the other person to die.”
Irish proverb
But as you improve in YOUR SELF-LOVE or in THE LOVE OF YOURSELF or in THE LOVE OF THE SELF OF YOU, you will be able to effortlessly do so like this:
When Love and skill work together, expect a masterpiece [or a piece of a master!:)].”
John Ruskin
As an artistic bonus to you, please listen to 'I can't help falling in Love with you' by Elvis Presley and 'I can't stop loving you' by Ray Charles.
In the meantime and meanwhile or in the time of mean or in the time of while, there is nothing you can do to stop me from loving myself as you or from loving the self of me as you , --- or, everything you do always makes me love myself as you or makes me love the self of me as you,
so that I automatically love you as myself or love you as the self of me!
Now here is a precised [pronounced 'pray-seed'] Bachelor of Arts or Arts Bachelor course or refresher course or the course of refresher for you:
Please pay attention to the bolded or underlined parts, please. That's a double-please or a please of double. And apply to self or self-apply!
"The individual's greatest strength is based on the maximum integrity, i.e. of
the total integration
of his personalities with Love, and that means also on the maximum of transparence to himself.
"Love thyself [or self-Love or the Love of the self of you]" is
one of the fundamental commands that aim at human strength and happiness." Erich fromm
"The affirmation of one's own life, happiness, growth, freedom,
is rooted in one's capacity to love, i.e., in care,
respect, responsibility, and knowledge.
If an individual is able to love productively, he loves himself too [or loves the self of him too];
if he can love only others, he cannot love at all."
Erich Fromm
The Love for my own self [or the Love of myself or my Self-Love] is inseparably connected with
the Love for any other being [or Others-Love]."
Erich Fromm, "The Art of Loving,"
‘Simply stated, this ["The Love for my own self is inseparably connected with the Love for any other being."
Erich Fromm, "The Art of Loving,"] means that
we cannot love another until we first love ourselves [or first love the self of us].
Such self-Love [or the Love of self] "demands
practice and concentration ... genuine insight and understanding," and those who do
not make the effort to understand and
love themselves [of love the self of them] are not ready to be in a relationship.’
Thanx again, Nick_A, for starting this thread of Art for us all: the one you may art-help the most is yourself or the one you will help most is the self of you IF you first give yourself or give to the self of you Self-Love or the Love of yourself to yourself or the Love of the self of you to the self of you. Just spelling it out for you so that you won't ever forget it and you will always remember it.